Anyone Learn to Lift Heavy without a Trainer?

Hi! :smile:

So I have been doing HIIT and I am down to about 21 percent body fat so I think its time for me to incorporate heavy lifting into my workout routines. (Although "heavy" for me is going to embarrassingly light! )

Anyway, right now I can't afford a personal trainer, but my gym here at the office has a whole set of weights (1 lb- 50lbs), a cable crossover (I think that's what its called) a pull up bar, an inclined sit up thingy, lateral pull down, leg extension machine, a some sort of bench press machine... Unfortunately, due to liability issues I guess, they won't provide a barbell set up.

So I want to start lifting heavy...but I am kind of scared :embarassed: because I have no clue where to start. I googled a bunch of beginner dumbbell routines and I am thinking about buying NROLFW (But modify the moves for Dumbbells and the equipment available.) I know I can watch u-tube videos for help with form and posture, but lots of people here at work are telling me it's too dangerous and I need to hire a professional to guide me so I don't get injured.

So my questions are:

Did you learn to lift heavy without a trainer?

If yes, do you have any pointers/tips that you have learned?

What does your schedule look like? How do you incorporate other sports/cardio (I would like to still do my yoga, HIIT and I mountain bike with my husband...but I am afraid of "over training.")

Also, When you started lifting how was your diet effected? How much protein and calories did you have to eat? I am not worried about the scale number, but I don't want to regain body fat!

Finally, my last question is this... I can't find anyone to work out with me :sad: so I wont have a "spotter" or anything. Did any of you have to go it alone? Do I need a spotter if I am not using a barbell?

Also, let me clarify that once I have "outgrown" my gyms selection of weights I intend to join a small local gym that is surprisingly affordable ( I just cant afford the trainer at the gym!)

Sorry If some of these questions seem silly! I have been lurking in the exercise forums and on body building websites, but I still have these questions. I am half tempted to just keep doing HIIT and yoga and biking, but I am not getting the muscle definition I want from these. I look pretty good ( I think) but I really like the lean strong look :tongue:
