thank you so much!
Oy vey!!
Running shoes & Zumba shoes should be different-- a good running shoe is built for heel to toe comfort & support; zumba shoes are built for side-to-side movement.
This help? ETA: This is NOT my hand! LOL---iiiiish!
I saw a mom breastfeeding her baby in the backseat of a car--on the freeway. It enraged me!!!! I understand that the baby is hungry--but then you should pull over--just because the person driving your vehicle may be taking extra precautions to drive safe does NOT mean the rest of the freeway travelers are!
unfortunately whether you say something or not, even if she were to put out the cig in front of you, she will continue to do whatever she wants in private. I fully agree with your wanting to bob her one, but it wouldn't change a thing. **BOP her one... lol not sure what "bobbing" someone would en-tale
Mine goes to zumba with me! She LOVES it!
I wish people would do that! Semi's on the freeway (runs alongside my trail) honk sometimes. Definitely pushes me!
(what is with cooks and waitresses?!) Did this-does not work!
Not sure if this is what you mean, but for females, while you are urinating, lean forward. It places more pressure on your bladder, which helps empty it better. [/quote] oh my lord. why has no one ever told me this before?
In EGGS?! Oh yum! And a laughing cow mac and cheese? sign me up!