calmthundr2 Member


  • I have heard that it takes 2 years after you loose the weight for skin to retract as much as it will ever so if it hasn't been that long you may get some relief from time passing. Since I have just met my goal about a month ago, I can't tell you much for certain.
  • If you like that, you might like this one... America isn't even 2nd in average BMI here...
  • I can't swear by it myself but many people have said that trimming fat from your midsection (or anywhere) is dependent upon getting your body percentage down. However you can do that, should help.
  • Water is the first thing... don't over do it but at least 8 cups a day is usually recommended and you might need more depending on your sodium intake. Someone mentioned a while back (I forget who) that cravings can come from not having enough of the nutrients you need (specifically micro-nutrients such as your vitamins and…
  • Thanks. I see that now but unfortunately it looks like it only measures minutes so 20 minutes with 100 lb. lifts is equal to 20 minutes with 10 lb. lifts which wouldn't work out. I know that it is relative depending on the person but I was hoping there was something more somewhere.
  • Since this topic came up, is there any automatic way (using MFP or any of the additional apps) to account for strength training in the amount of calories burned. To put it another way, is there any way to know how many calories to properly add given a specific amount of lifting? There doesn't appear to be any caloric…
  • Just curious, since the topic came up... Is there a way to automatically account for the calories burned through MFP or any related app as there is for cardio? In other words, if this week you lifted heavy weights for 3-4 days a week but next week you didn't do it for whatever reason, would you be able to use MFP or…
  • Unfortunately, eating out and eating food other folks prepare can make it very tricky. It is just difficult to estimate the actual calories in food if you don't know exactly how it was made. One burger made one way may come out to be 200 calories or 1200 calories. Even a pizza made with light vs. full mozzarella can make a…
  • I know folks have mentioned it before but check how much water you have had. If you think you might be short, resolve to simply drink a glass and then wait 10 minutes and see how you are feeling then.
  • As you can see, there isn't an exact answer... the 1 cup estimate isn't bad. If you need it more detailed you can do this: Make a recipie through MFP including all of the ingredients (pasta, veg, cheese... anything that goes into the cooked dish...whatever). Get a scale and a bowl. Place the bowl on the scale and zero out…
  • I don't know for certain but I would imagine that the amount of calories burned is different based on a number of factors. I am thinking that a 300 pound man doing it and a 200 pound man doing it are going to burn differently so you might really need a HR monitor that takes that into account to be close.
  • I remember a rule that I heard several years ago (don't recall the source) which said if you were concerned about the salt or sweetener content from soda you could make a rule that for every soda you drank, you drank a glass of water (essentially match soda with water ounce for ounce). I do this but I treat it as in…
  • Are you, perhaps, looking for something more like the following: NCT00360516 Paleolithic Diet and Exercise Study - NCT00692536 Diet Composition - Metabolic Regulation and Long-term Compliance (KNOTA) -…
  • Cook more items yourself, as well. Much of the foods you would pick up already prepared has added sodium in order to preserve the food. It is basically extra salt that you you'll never taste. Go down gradually as well to give your body time to adjust.
  • If you want to see if there is a correlation, you could start tracking how many hours of sleep you get each night in MFP. Although this isn't perfect (i.e. - you can't old everything else perfectly still and unchanging as you live your life. Several things change, not just your sleep so it may be difficult to tell whether…
  • First let me say that I agree with what several folks have mentioned that you should do whatever works for you (long term). That said, even though breaking meals up into 5-6 meals per day may not by itself have statistically significant weight loss results, I have to point out some of the other benefits. First, having…