acemdd Member


  • hi cajean12. i feel like i have to force myself to eat too. in the mornings i drink a ensure nutrition shake and a bowl of cearal. then i just try and snack though out the day. i think pasta is a good thing to eat.
  • ryder i was on a 2000 calorie diet but my doc just told me to eat 3000 calories a day. and i too find it easier to eat later in the day . how do you eat 3000 cal a day. it seem so hard for me . i try to eat high cal foods but i also want to be healthy. good luck to u as well
  • thank u for posting this it was encouraging. i struggle with emotional and mental troubles, i supose who doesnt from time to time. i fight with fear and worry i know it just the devil trying to keep me down. i could use some delierance. im so glad that God will restore and heal us . may prayers are with u in your battles.
  • i have been skinny my whole life . i always have people tell me they will give me a few pounds of theirs. if only it were that easy. the other thing people tell me alot is all the thing they cant eat but i should eat. i just went to the doc and she now wants me to eat 3000 calories a day. i was struggling to eat 2000 a day…
  • thank u so much loistryin for your support
    in friends Comment by acemdd July 2012
  • thanks that is vary helpful. ill have to try some of those ideas
  • so what do u do when u have a panic attack? sometime i think i cause myself to have a attack because i worry i might have one. i know i worry to much but i dont know how to stop that. thnk u for your reply
  • hi im a mom of 2 children. i weigh 110 lbs i would like to weigh 125. i suffer with seasonal allergies witch makes me stuffy and my throat swells, its hard for me to want to eat in the summer when its hot as well. i would love some reicipe ideas that could help me gain. thanks and good luck to everyone.