toni_mmh Member


  • I'll get back to you on this... currently sidelined until results of stress test.
  • AglaeaC: When i saw your bump I felt a little twinge of excitement on your behalf....bumping so you can reference again shortly?? isn't your 1st 5K date coming up soon? When is it?
  • ...when your doctor says "no more running till you get a stress test" and you begin having WITHDRAWALS immediately... can't read enough about running.... on the C25K message board, running websites, magazines and feel like you are going to FREAK OUT because the first available test is SIX (6), Freaking SIX, long days away!…
  • Read this: Your blerch is always at your back... don't let it win. Find a way to stay focused and deal with your blerch when you return home.
  • W4D3 DONE! Ha! despite kids, obligations, and rain ( I waited out the rain).....Take that you ugly blerch! I even ran an extra 2.5 min into the cooldown just to set myself up for "I AM ready for week 5"!
  • EXCUSES...EXCUSES I was due to run on Sat (W4D3). I was looking forward to it. Then i LET life get in the way. This is me taking responsibility for not running. As for Sunday, there were NO excuses. NONE. I just didn't do it. It's Monday, lots of obligations to others today. But I AM GOING TO RUN today. I am making myself…
  • Completed W4D2 yesterday- ran inside at the gym... i have decided I much prefer outside... maybe because there is more to distract me? I feel like I'm going somewhere? I don't even think about people looking outside and commenting to their family SHE RUNS SO SLOW! I used to but now I don't care. This is for me and I don't…
  • I beat my 'blerch' over the head! W4D1 completed last night. Didn't look at the time remaining for any of the intervals! I focused on how I was breathing, how the pavement felt, how slow I was going, the beat of the music.... and before I knew it I had completed W4D1 and could have ran longer. I'll keep that for my next…
  • My "Blerch" is still hanging around. Went to gym after work yesterday even though I had plenty of other things I should have been doing (laundry, quality time with kids, etc). I was proud of myself for that. But MY IPOD wasn't charged! I couldn't use the C25K app! Damn that Blerch! I did misc cardio at the gym. Plan was…
  • completed W3D3 last Tuesday. I barely made it. I always take 2 days in between for rest but generally I walk one of those 2 days for 30 minutes. I started having soreness in my hip on the day I was supposed to do W4D1. I postponed and kept postponing for whatever reasons I could find. Still walking though. I hope to get in…
  • There is also TDEE to consider. google that.
    in BMR?! Comment by toni_mmh July 2013
  • Im 45 yrs old and always hated running. I started the c25k because I finally accepted the fact that you never see fat runners. They are healthy! I just finished w2d3. I already look forward to my next day with c25k. I want to do it everyday....shouldnt of course sobi am patient and wait through the day of rest. Its really…
  • Thanks! I've been doing strength training and am pretty happy with my progress there: What strength training did you do for your arms. I just can't get started with ST because I don't really know WHAT to do and how many reps etc.
  • How do you GO AT YOUR OWN PACE using c25k? my heart rate is nearly at max when I'm jogging.
  • Here is a post found elsewhere on MFP message boards that I read EVERY WEEK to keep me motivated. It reminds me that what I'm going through is NORMAL... not failure. and it keeps me going. look on message board called "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" click on the one called "Links in MFP you'll want to read again and…