losing motivation :(

I bought myslef this new swim suit and made a goal that I couldnt wear it again until I lost more weight and got fit. but all my motivation is gone I was doing great I lost 5 pounds in a month but in the last two weeks I have gained 3 pounds back. I dont know what to do.


  • Dazellyn
    Dazellyn Posts: 45 Member
    /encouragement - you can absolutely do this.
  • PilatesConvert
    PilatesConvert Posts: 55 Member
    I've found that setting goals (rules) like that set me up for failure. I'm in this for life. Not necessarily tracking forever, but healthy living forever. If you take that view it may change everything. Your choices stop being focused on short term, but it requires eating and exercising that are sustainable.

    I believe everyone can succeed, but it took me a decade to get this far and I still have so much to learn! Good luck.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Focus on not putting on any more weight for thr moment. Then when your ready start to lose it again.
    Go slow and let yourself eat nice things occasionally.
    Exercise regularly but not necessarily strenuously if you don't feel up to it.
    Log everything even if you go over your calories.
    Be accountable to someone.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I've found that setting goals (rules) like that set me up for failure.

    Yeah, this. Don't tell yourself what you CAN'T do, give yourself some short term goals with rewards, even if that reward is, grabbing a book, drawing a bath, locking the door and telling the kids that, for the next hour, they can only disturb you if they are ALL on fire.
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    This morning I am feeling good and sharing my motivator where ever I can.

    Look up Michael Jordan: Look into my eyes on youtube

    It is awsome a must watch.
    Good Luck
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    Here is a post found elsewhere on MFP message boards that I read EVERY WEEK to keep me motivated. It reminds me that what I'm going through is NORMAL... not failure. and it keeps me going.

    look on message board called "General Diet and Weight Loss Help"
    click on the one called "Links in MFP you'll want to read again and again"
    then look for the link to \9433-expectations

    if the link works here it is:

    copy it, paste it into your word processor, and save it to your desktop or if you have email on your phone, email it to yourself so you can read it wherever/whenever is convenient and/or you need a little reminder that what you are doing is worth it and the bumps along the way are not failures... they are bumps that you have to PLAN to get over and keep moving forward.

    I wish you healthy living!
  • jujunnaichi
    I bought myslef this new swim suit and made a goal that I couldnt wear it again until I lost more weight and got fit. but all my motivation is gone I was doing great I lost 5 pounds in a month but in the last two weeks I have gained 3 pounds back. I dont know what to do.

    "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff ... and it's all small stuff." - Richard Carlson

    I don't know about everybody else but my weight loss progress looks like a roller coaster ride. Learn to enjoy the ride.

  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Here is a post found elsewhere on MFP message boards that I read EVERY WEEK to keep me motivated. It reminds me that what I'm going through is NORMAL... not failure. and it keeps me going.

    look on message board called "General Diet and Weight Loss Help"
    click on the one called "Links in MFP you'll want to read again and again"
    then look for the link to \9433-expectations

    if the link works here it is:

    copy it, paste it into your word processor, and save it to your desktop or if you have email on your phone, email it to yourself so you can read it wherever/whenever is convenient and/or you need a little reminder that what you are doing is worth it and the bumps along the way are not failures... they are bumps that you have to PLAN to get over and keep moving forward.

    I wish you healthy living!

    I just read it and yes it is very inspiring.,...I just finished my first month so I am at State 2 where the weight loss is getting slower....I lost almost 5lbs the first week, 1.6 the second, 1.4 the third and it is looking like this week I may have lost a little under a pound....and this is the point where I always quit...and feel discouraged, and the little voice in my head tells me that I am meant to be fat....or it's just downright frustrating....because I did reduce my calories and started eating more healthy stuff....but I also need to look at the small things....every day of my workout is better than the last....I DID accomplish what I set out to do this month as far as my workout plan....so for all of that I have to tell myself that I am PROUD....and it will get better if I just hang in there....I DO notice a lift in my butt....a little more definition in my shoulders....my face is thinner....I have more energy...I am less depressed....I have to think of things besides the scale!!!! In hopes that this too shall pass....I am not going to give up because what is the alternative? Going back to my old ways and continue to be miserable? No, that is not an option!!!!
  • ThePrimalSpartan
    ThePrimalSpartan Posts: 59 Member
    Losing weight is probably one of the most emotional, long-term things a person can do. You're going to have discouraging days, and you're going to have days you feel fantastic. You just have to push through the bad, and focus on what you really want: happiness. My weight has fluctuated much like jujunnaichi's chart. It happens. It's normal. But if you look at the big picture of the chart, you see a general downward slope. And that's what you're after. Overall progress. Try not to get caught up in the day-to-day, which I know is easier said than done. Just try to hang in there, and keep working on dropping the weight. We're all in this together. Feel free to add me, and message me anytime for support. You got this!!
  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    I think you are losing motivation because getting into that swim suit isn't your end goal. You don't want it bad enough. I say this because I bought a dress as motivation to lose weight so I could wear it. That was in November - the dress still doesn't fit. I realized it's not about the dress, it's about how I look every day. How I look in my clothes isn't my motivation to lose weight - it's being healthier overall that matters most to me.

    When you find your true motivation and something that really inspires you, then the desire will come back.