csec6pak Member


  • Awhile back I did a 100-burpees-a-day challenge for 30 days. At the end of 30 days, both my rolls were smaller. My belly button and c-section scar were both visible, although I weighed quite a bit more than I do now. So strength training will help; it didn't totally flatten my belly but it helped a lot.
  • If you're craving bread after dinner, you probably had a high-carb dinner. The carbs will cause your blood sugar to spike, which in turn causes insulin levels to spike. That causes a craving for more carbs (bread). Try eating a high-protein, low-carb dinner and see if that helps.
  • After losing about 30 pounds, I ran into a coworker I hadn't seen in awhile and she was speechless when she saw me. She stammered around for awhile and finally said, "You look.....different.....not bad but.......did you have work done? On your face? Your face is unrecognizable." OK, my face is thinner now, but come on, I'm…
  • It will depend on the age of your baby and how big they are. Breastmilk is 20 calories per ounce. A 6 month old is usually eating somewhere between 20 and 30 ounces a day. So you would be adding 400-600 calories at that point.
  • If the eating is emotional, you need to find something that will give you the same emotional comfort without eating too much. Try some different activities until you find something that fills the void for you. Here are a few things that work for me when I'm having an emotional craving: Go for a walk or other exercise Talk…
  • When I was breastfeeding, I could eat anything I wanted and still lose weight. So I ate like a pregnant woman until my son was about 20 months old. I was below my pre-pregnancy weight at that point. Then he weaned and I didn't adjust my eating, and gained it all back. It wasn't pretty. So my experience is that you don't…
  • A coworker asked me if I had had "work done" on my face. My mom, who can't give a compliment to save her life, told me, "You need to stop losing weight. It's disgusting. You're making the rest of us look bad." I guess she was trying to be funny but that really pissed me off. I'm not going to stop being healthy just because…
  • Mine doesn't. It's just the couple of inches right above my scar.
  • Well, I have minimal stretch marks but I do have the loose, paper-thin skin on the bottom of my belly. It has gotten a lot better since I lost ~25 pounds, but it's still there to some extent. I have 2 kids, both c-sections, and the youngest is 2.5 years old. Exfoliation and moisturization is supposed to help, but I have…
  • Hon, you had another human being living in your body up until 7 weeks ago. Of course your belly is a hot mess! It won't always be that way. Will it be perfectly flat and tight ever again? Probably not, but it will definitely improve from where it is now. Just focus on getting healthy and enjoying your sweet baby. Your…
  • I think you look good. However, I think the bottom is too small for you. It doesn't look like it fits properly. I would go up a size, and possibly to a different bottom with a higher waist. Although it looks fine while standing, when you sit down, your belly is going to hang over the suit bottom. Personally, I would not be…
  • Your kids are the perfect age to take with you walking/running/biking. Triple jogging strollers and bike trailers are expensive but they exist! I love running with my kids and they love it, too. They are my motivation. They challenge me to run farther so that we can discover new parks to play at.
  • I am also in Chicago. I will walk or run outside until it's about 20F. Get some of those traction cleats that fit over your shoes for when it's icy. They cost under $20. When it's truly too cold to go outside (which really isn't that many days), I will do exercise videos at home, and sometimes run on the treadmill or use…
  • It sounds like an excuse because it is an excuse. I have 2 kids and work full time. My husband travels 75% of the time. I work out 6 days a week and still manage to see my kids. We get home around 5:30 and if the weather is good, I load the kids right into the double jogging stroller or bike trailer. Dinner is sandwiches…
  • Mapmyrun seems to estimate about 30 cal per mile per kid. So running alone I burn about 120 cal per mile. With the single jogger it's 150 cal per mile. And 180 cal per mile for the double jogger. That seems high to me for some reason so I usually knock about 20% off when I log it. But with the double jogger I'm pushing 100…
  • You are awesome. What in inspiration. My daughter has a chiari malformation. She turns 6 years old today! So far, it hasn't caused her any problems. It's good to hear about a successful surgery; I fear that she will have to have it in the future.
  • I'm 5'10". I started at 195 with a goal to lose 20 pounds. I'm now at 174 and thinking that I might go down to 165. As an adult, I have been as low as 150 and that was too hard to maintain for me. I think somewhere in the 160's is where I'll stop. I have two fitness goals: be able to do a "real" pull-up, and to run a 10K…
  • I don't do good with moderation, so I had to go cold turkey for awhile. For me, the biggest vice was a salty snack with a beer in the evening. I felt like I deserved that treat after a long day, once the kids were finally in bed. I had to give up eating after dinner completely for about 3-4 weeks to break that habit. Once…
  • My work pants used to be too tight. Then one day I stood up from my desk and they fell down. Literally fell down to my ankles, even though they were buttoned and zipped. Luckily I was in my office alone with the door shut.
  • Hmmm. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. I belong to a Planet Fitness. Most of what this article says is true, in that they do not have heavy weights or nutritional guidance, and that they have big TV's and give away free junk food. None of that matters to me. I do strength training at home but I do not…
  • I lost all my baby weight while nursing. For whatever reason, I could eat whatever I wanted and still lost weight, and it didn't hurt my supply. Lucky me. Once my son was about a year old and nursing had tapered off, I did not adjust my eating and gained quite a bit of weight. He finally weaned this past April, leaving me…
  • I lose at 1600 calories per day. My goal weight is 165 (I'm at 175 right now). I don't really have a goal size in mind. It might be nice to wear an 8 and be out of double digits. :)
  • I am 5'10" and 175. I lose at 1600 calories per day, but I eat 1600 calories per day, full stop. I do not eat more on days that I exercise (which is nearly every day). If you're eating back your exercise calories, I really think that's your problem. Although, it's only been 6 weeks. Two pounds in 6 weeks is not bad,…
  • I am 5'10" and many years ago I weighed 202, then got down to 151. It was impossible to maintain that low weight and looking back at pictures of myself, I was too skinny. I eventually settled around 160. I've had 2 kids since then and ended up at 195. I am now down to 175 with an ultimate goal of 165. But since I'm close…
  • I've no idea what your condition is, but your suggestion was dangerous and I hope you are not in the position to use it on a child.
  • Please don't run with your kid on a tricycle. I can only hope that the person suggesting that doesn't have kids. That is so dangerous. Walking, yes. Running, abso-freaking-lootly not. Jogging strollers have a lot of safety features built in that make them stable and safe for running. You should never run with anything…
  • Great job! I am also having trouble beating the 180's. I've been stuck right at 180 for awhile now. My original goal was to hit 175 by Halloween and I was doubting that I would make it. But this morning I was at 178. I really hope it sticks!
    in FINALLY Comment by csec6pak October 2014
  • There have been times in my life where I was like you. I'm sure there will be more times like that in the future. Not just about weight loss but really about any aspect of my life. I wanted things to change, but I didn't want to do the work. So what happened? Nothing changed. Then I finally hit rock bottom, got tired…
  • I bought "Convict Conditioning" because of this post. I never really enjoyed weight training but forced myself to do it because it's "good" for me. I'm hoping I will like this much better. This is week 2 for me and so far, so good. I am curious, OP, can you give us some details around your own progression? I am a woman and…
  • So first, I have to ask, how is it possible that you've never had a stomach bug? You never had the throwing-up-all-night stomach flu as a kid? How did you manage that?! Anyway, this doesn't really sound like a typical stomach bug. Norovirus can linger and cause diarrhea for awhile but typically not blood. I'm thinking some…