

  • 5'5, started at 147, and now down to 130. Unfortunately most was lost in the last month due to crash dieting so trying to maintain right now and get on track, then drop down to 120. Probably aiming at lowest 115. Just really need to tone up.
  • Honestly, I can understand where that lady is coming from. I know a good amount of girls who NEVER go to the gym, maybe have been a few times but in general they sit around and eat unhealthy food and don't gain a pound. The lady probably did think you have a high metabolism, aka are lucky and don't need to work out. But…
  • Sounds like a good idea, thank you! I'm basically just going to slowly integrate everything back in, raising my calories slowly as well, like you said....we'll see what happens!
  • ha, master cleanse, lemonade diet. so low calorie, NO protein, NO fat, but plenty of carbs (sugar though).
  • I'm on it now and getting worried thinking of all that....did you lose/gain weight after or what happened? I would have thought blood sugar would be the only thing to stay pretty normal, its the lack of protein worrying me. Thanks for your feedback in advance!
  • I started at the same weight and am the same height! My goal is 120, I'm at 131 right now, and I think I may have to make my goal lower, towards 115, but we'll see, maintaining is the problem. Also, maybe it's best to not set a goal but just feel comfortable =)
  • What's your name? Ana Where do you live? Florida What are your food vices/ cheats? Alcohol, bread and butter, cheese, and too much salt What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Portion control and late night snacking What's your favorite exercise? Running What exercise would you like to try this…
  • I was talking to a friend the other day about weight loss and she recently shed a good amount of weight and said she went to her nutritionist a few months ago who gave her some kind of pill or something that helped her shed water weight and not retain it to the grand scope she was....also thanks to eating a ton of salt,…
  • bump! anything?
  • how did i forget alcohol in my post??? without a doubt the number one culprit. I'm leaving for my senior year soon and trying to figure out how, after a summer of no drinking, I'm going to go back and not start up. I know people say drink tonic with your drinks, or only have one glass of wine, but that never works, at…
  • HA, i can sadly say I was a victim of this. I believe I went off to college weighing around 130 pounds, give or take. I don't know how much I weight between summer after freshmen year and this summer (after junior year) but I was up to 147 pounds before I decided to take actual action, finally. Will you be eating in a…
  • what BMI measurement did you look at? For 6'9 you should be from 175-230 to be in the 'healthy range'. Don't know where you read that...? Check this:
  • Thanks for your feedback! I know not all reviews are true, but I have read many online that said they only gained some of it back, especially if they lost a substantial amount like 9 pounds. Why do you think you gained it back quickly? And about the calories, ya that's about right, I calculated it to be a little less…
  • Thanks a lot! I'm planning on sticking to good habits afterwards. Living in a college dorm doesn't really help it though, but I'll figure it out. I'm thinking of going to 20 days now though, and not sure if it's bad decision...
  • How long did you do each for/how much weight did you lose? Did you manage to keep it off? Sorry for all the questions haha I'm just interested! But thanks for the feedback!
  • Keep me updated on how it goes! Hitting day 7 and it's a lot easier but still having some cravings. I know, I don't have bad habits (sweets, chips, deserts) anyways, I just have a problem with portion control, but I'm going to work really hard after I finish to fix it. Good luck!
  • stomach, face, and now im still waiting for the thighs and hips to start moving!
  • 5'5 and around 140 pounds right now, goal is around 120 pounds or whenever I start feeling comfortable in the clothes I want to wear =)
  • I'm only 5'5 so my BMI is currently pretty high, still in the normal range but not at a comfortable level. That's the problem, I can't figure out how to lose weight when your weight isn't very high to begin with...I know it's a slow process but this is crazy.
  • No I'm tracking all my calories, as best as I can! The problem is I'm working away from home 5 days a week, and during those days I still exercise, but have no choice but eat out, because I stay at hotels. Breakfast is always just a yoghurt and maybe a piece of fruit, lunch is a salad that I add all the ingredients to so…
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