Master Cleanse, honest questions



  • ana137131
    ana137131 Posts: 25
    I just started it today... I did it a few years ago and I did gain back the weight but I also started eating crap again. I am doing it to cleanse my palette. I have been doing so crappy on sugar craving for a couple weeks I just want a reset. The key I think is to cleanse and then introduce only healthy foods back in. You can't just go back to your old habits or both the weight and the toxins will come back.

    Keep me updated on how it goes! Hitting day 7 and it's a lot easier but still having some cravings. I know, I don't have bad habits (sweets, chips, deserts) anyways, I just have a problem with portion control, but I'm going to work really hard after I finish to fix it. Good luck!
  • ana137131
    ana137131 Posts: 25
    i have done it 3-4 times and each time loved the results!

    How long did you do each for/how much weight did you lose? Did you manage to keep it off? Sorry for all the questions haha I'm just interested! But thanks for the feedback!
  • ana137131
    ana137131 Posts: 25
    I have done it for 5 days, and for 10 days. Lost 7lbs the first time, 14lbs the 2nd. I kept the weight off UNTIL I fell back into my old habits. It did, however, give me more energy, more focus, and a flatter stomach.

    Good luck! I plan on doing it again in the Fall.

    Thanks a lot! I'm planning on sticking to good habits afterwards. Living in a college dorm doesn't really help it though, but I'll figure it out. I'm thinking of going to 20 days now though, and not sure if it's bad decision...
  • ana137131
    ana137131 Posts: 25
    I did it for 10 days and lost 9 pounds and gained it all back in the next week. Also, I was obsessing about solid food ALL THE TIME. I was even dreaming about food at night! Also, it cost me 2 weeks grocery money to keep buying the grade B maple syrup. Soooo not worth the pain. All the relentless lemon squeezing made my hands hurt all day too. Of all the crappy, stupid crash diets I've tried, the master cleanse is the only one I would never ever be tempted to do again. I calculated the calories I was drinking in during the master cleanse. It was about 800 calories. If I'd eaten 800 calories per day, I'd have achieved the exact same results I think...

    Thanks for your feedback! I know not all reviews are true, but I have read many online that said they only gained some of it back, especially if they lost a substantial amount like 9 pounds. Why do you think you gained it back quickly?

    And about the calories, ya that's about right, I calculated it to be a little less actually, and I am well aware a calorie deficit that large is unsafe but I did think about just eating those calories instead of drinking, but the drink fills me up. 800 calories of food 9/10 of the days wouldn't. Thanks though for your info on the experience!
  • sweetnessandlighter
    sweetnessandlighter Posts: 24 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow. I did ten days about ten months ago. It was hell, but I lost 11 pounds... but more importantly, it's a head game. It made me realize I had more control over my food intake than I thought I did. What a great booster and re-set.
  • sweetnessandlighter
    sweetnessandlighter Posts: 24 Member
    And I DID NOT gain it back! Only a few pounds over time due to loss of control. But it didn't all just jump back on me. It was real loss. DRINK A LOT OF WATER.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I did it twice and gained most of them back. I did not lose much muscle mass when I was on it.
    It's very important to increase the calorie back slowly.

    The 1st 10lbs is just water loss and empty stomach. Expect to gain at least 1/2 of the weight loss if you only do it for 10 days.
    Since you already pass the 1st 3 days, it should get easier.
    If you can get wheatgrass juice/shot, it will give you some protein and enhance the detox process.
    Just do LIGHT weight lifting, if you have to do it. I read somewhere some1 had to go the hospital
    because she did heavy weight lifting. I forgot the reason why it messed her up.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    And I DID NOT gain it back! Only a few pounds over time due to loss of control. But it didn't all just jump back on me. It was real loss. DRINK A LOT OF WATER.

    how's it working for you ?