tiki1078 Member


  • I use vanilla protein, 1 cup fruit, 10-12 oz water and milk. You have so many different variations with the fruit. chocolate protein, 10-12 oz water/milk, peanut butter and/or bananas There is a recipe on here some place that I just tried for a Birthday Cake Smoothie. I just made it and it is AWESOME! 1/2 cup low fat…
  • I tried it a couple of years ago. Had decent results but just like anything; if you don't keep it up then the weight comes right back. I was on it maybe 3 or 4 months. And like anything else, it just depends on the person. You have to get a prescription and my insurance didn't cover it. It is a appetite suppressant. I…
  • I don't like to do a bunch of measuring since I never can tell the exact spot I measured the last time so I picked four areas that I know I can pinpoint; that's how I got 5 inches. Don't know if that's the proper way to do it but that's what I came up with...... across chest under arms 38" 36" Across bosom 42" 40" Across…
  • One of my worse moments was me being a bridesmaid in a friends wedding. I ordered my dress like everyone else did according to the size I was. Well when it was time for the wedding, I had gained so much weight I couldn't fit it and didnt have enough time to lose the weight or get another dress. A seamstress had to find…
  • Welcome! You can add me as a friend for support if you want. Try to start logging in your food and workouts into the tools on this site. It really helped me this week. You may have to do more workouts if you can but if you just started this week, you may not see the scale move that fast. Also, the scale may not be the best…
    in New to MFP Comment by tiki1078 July 2012
  • I am an emotional eater and I am addicted to cake. Actually, last night I had to talk myself out of eating a piece of cake and I made it! When I was thinking about it, I posted a comment on here. Then I looked down at the roll on my stomach.... I put that cake away. The cake is part of the reason I have this intertube/tire…
  • I agree! Donate to charity or have a garage sell. Whatever you do get them out of your house. I lost weight and kept my old clothes and when I looked up I was wearing them again because I gained the weight back..... This time I'm getting rid of it all the minute its too big for me.
  • I LOVE my protein shakes! I try different things just to mix it. Some have proven to be not a good combo but you never know until you try it out. I agree with a earlier post that its all about what you put in it that makes it unhealthy. I have at least one a day for breakfast. You can alter the ingredients so make it a…
  • I don't think it was such a horrible thing that you did. I just did it last week for a kick start and was just fine. I have done it a couple times with no negative side effects. I lost 8 pounds and it didn't come right back when I started eating regular food again. I still have a shake every morning for breakfast.…
  • What are you doing for your workouts? Is it the same routine everyday? I know for me, I have to switch things up @ least every two weeks. Otherwise my body just gets stuck. Also, when I am doing more strenous strength work, I tend to add more protein. Everyone is different and what works for some doesn't work for others so…
  • I take Alive multi-vitamin, prescribed vitamin D, and Beverly international products (which I usually have to order online). I love the Lean Out pills and UMP protein powder and sometimes will take 7-keto. I usually have a smoothie every morning with the protein powder.
  • Just completed day#5 RI30! How long did it take for the soreness to go away! I have been trying to stretch as much as possible by my right quad is still sore.
  • Welcome to the board and good luck to you and your husband. Feel free to friend request for support.
  • I heard about the insanity workout; I hear its no joke! Your body swells when so you may not see a change on scale right away. Are your clothings fitting different? I know you said you are eating clean but are you eating enough, how much protein are you getting? Are you drinking enough water? Oh are you giving your body a…
  • This may have been covered some where on the board but I am new to MFP. Does anyone know about how many calories are being burned when we do the ripped in 30 dvd each week?
  • I am off work today so going to do workout #4 early. Decided I am not going to eat crazy because its the holiday. I cut back on food but not following the meal plan since I hate cooking! Off to have my protein smoothie breakfast!
  • I started on Sunday as well. I completed day three and my legs feel like they have been run over by a mack truck! I did the 30 Day shred last year and I think I saw good results so I decided to try RI30. I'm trying to change my food intake too. Does anyone know long it takes for the soreness to go away? I start workouts…
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