goldencoley Member


  • I am starting week's 7&8 this week!! SO SCARED! I will do workout 7 tonight and let you know how it goes!
  • I know she says "no more wings!!" but OUCH!!!!! she's definitely making us work and HURT for it! Keep it up!
  • You will love it!! i mean, you will hate it too... but it is awesome!! I am stretching weeks 5&6 out an extra week tho to be sure to build up to weeks 7&8. Let us know how it goes!
  • Yea, I am pretty sure we did also... but at least we are stickin it out!!!! And, something is ALWAYS better than nothing :) I am actually debating whether or not to drag weeks 5 & 6 out one more week before moving on since my efforts have not been on the top of their game. What are your thoughts about that? i will just be…
  • YEA, these workouts are kicking my tail this week!!!! I am hoping that we will just be that much more in shape by the time we have to start 7&8... I am SCARED!
  • Okay, so started workout 5 this morning... she's not playing nice anymore!! Man..I am going to be hurting this week!
  • How are you liking Week 3? I am feeling super sore myself! I did cardio 1 also rather than another video... I am having a rough motivation week tho...I feel like I am only putting in 1/2 the effort. Not really tracking much this week and it's making it too easy for me to slack off.... I guess when I do my weekly weigh in…
  • I am so excited for the new workouts!!!! Yes, cardio 1 is starting to get old... gotta keep mixing it up! I was thinking about mixing it up with some P90X Cardio or maybe her 6 week 6 pack video. What are your thoughts on that? Any other cardio video recommendations for alternatives is much appreciated!
  • Okay, sooooo.... I just finished a 9 week biggest loser challenge at work today... and I think I WON! I am waiting for one more person to weigh in, but I think I made it! Over all I have lost 10.4lbs, but I think starting the revolution last week has really helped push me ahead! Here are my progress stats from the first 2…
  • Okay.... Anyone else officially done with Workouts 1 & 2?!?!? I am so excited and terrified at the same time!!!! It was bitter sweet today as I did my final set of heavy hammer curls... HA! LOVE IT!!
  • NICE! yea, my arms feel tight too but shoulders and back have been feeling it a little also... my legs have been feeling it more than anything else! But I think I may have to retire the 3 pounders this week to bump it up a bit. I may try that for the next set of workouts too... 3s and 5s the first week and then 5s and 8s…
    in Weights Comment by goldencoley June 2013
  • I used my 5s and 8s today and yesterday also... definitely harder, so I wouldn't call you a wimp at all!! The 3's are fairly easy for most of the workout, but I am trying to gradually progress so I can make it through the entire 90 days! I do want to work up to some 10 pounders at some point... but for now, I am still…
    in Weights Comment by goldencoley June 2013
  • So... I am not sure about anyone else... but this week is feeling much harder!! I know they are the same workouts, but I swear I am feeling it a lot more! I did up my weights to 5's and 8's for this morning's workout, but still.... It must mean that I have more muscles doing more work... right?!?! hahaha!
  • Good work!!! I went down another pound, but I have been at that same weekly loss for a few weeks... I was hoping to see some more "dramatic" results, but the inches aren't budging quite yet... I guess I need to settle for slow and steady at the moment and don't get me wrong... I am loving my over all results... I just want…
  • I have 3lbs, 5lbs, and 8lbs. I alternated between the 3's and 5's last week and will probably do the same for this week, but I am hoping to progress up to my 8's soon! Anyone else? What have you been using?
    in Weights Comment by goldencoley June 2013
  • Hahaha.. .ME TOO!! I wasn't able to do the double up everyday so I am sticking it out for week 2 also!!! LOOK OUT WORLD, WE ARE KICKING *kitten* AND TAKIN NAMES!!! Keep up the GREAT WORK!
  • I just had to say... for some reason Cardio 1 for me last night was SOOOO much fun! I love their motivating personalities and it kind of felt like I was in a group class with them. Definitely kept me going and even started adding some dancing into a few of the exercises too! Probably won't be able to keep up that level of…
  • I need to get a new battery for my HRM and then I will track it, but you are probably right about it being due to the lack of cardio. You could always try to pump it up a bit by following her "advanced" folks or using heavier weights? Whatever gets you sweaty and makes you feel accomplished! I think as long as you are…
  • I thought they seemed pretty easy too, but today my hamstrings are super sore so they must be doing something right!!! I too am worried of what Jillian has in store for us... she is playing way too nice... at least we have 2 weeks to build up to it!
  • Good job, ladies!! I hope day two was a success as well!!
  • I'm loving the excitement and MOTIVATION is exactly what this group is about!! I will not be officially starting the 90 days until Monday, June 3 as I plan to follow her guidelines as religiously as I possibly can... I will post the details of what they are over the weekend and try and keep up with a weekly check in for…
  • I have had to take a couple days off this week since I was attacked by a silly chest cold! But as soon as my lungs are back up to par (hopefully tomorrow!) I am going to stick with level 2 for another 5 days then finish up with the full 10 days of level 3... Which I think will put my official end day at April 5... then I…
  • SERIOUSLY GENIUS!!!!!!!!! I am going to try that one tomorrow morning :) Leaving my bed in the mornings is absolute torture to me... and if the snooze button is only an arm reach away, you can bet I will be smacking it without even realizing it! We're almost half way there ladies, just gotta push it a little bit harder!!
  • I think the lack of "soreness" is a sign that you are getting stronger!! And that your body is changing and adapting to your new lifestyle :) I too have not been feeling that sore these days, but I sure feel strong so that is GREAT! However, after my day 3 on level 2 today I noticed a pain in my right side that hasn't gone…
  • Day 2 level 2 done for me!! I think it's finally starting to get a little more tollerable for me! HA! I mean, I love it... but I hate it! I just can't wait until I can make it through the whole video without stopping and trying to keep pace with the girls! This one is a good one!! Keep it up shredders!! I WILL be confident…
  • I took day 7 off yesterday... which I regret... BUT I did do an hour Zumba class so hopefully I didn't ruin my streak too bad!! I can't wait for my day 8 workout today!!! Just have to get off work so I can go home and shred!! Good work everyone!! 3 days to go until level 2!!!!
  • I use 3's and 5's... THOSE DAMN SIDE LUNGES w/ ANTERIOR RAISES!!! Glad to hear I am not alone with my disdain for them!! My shoulders are killing me :) Make it hurt so good!!
  • Day 4 for me last night was by far the hardest day!! Not sure why, but it was tough!! But... I powered through and feel great today! Can't wait to start complete day 5!!!! Keep it up shredders!!
  • Such good advice :) I struggled last night as I had an emotional weekend and was plugging through some reading and stuff for the majority of the day... come 9pm I was dragging myself to bed, and then I thought, "It's only 20 minutes! You will sleep better, feel accomplished, and wake up feeling great... JUST DO IT!" And, I…
  • Thank you! I can't wait to get shredded with you! Your encouragement is much much much appreciated :) I too want to stick to the every day workout routine... I have been doing it on and off, but I want to see results so I gotta push through!!