

  • Let me just add a sidbar that my total is pre and post surgery. I've lost about 80 since surgery last Dec. Keep up the great work!
  • Hi gal. I am a Dec 2012 VSG'r too. Congrats on the weight loss so far! I too am struggling with some setbacks. I had some things happen this summer/fall and now realize I started using food as my coping tool again. Recently been swinging between binge eating and starving myself. For me, the recognition of it is the first…
  • I finally got my Syntrax unflavored in and am happy with it. I fix a green tea and will mix two scoops of it (20 g protien) in with it and it is perfect. I didn't think about milk - will try that! I need to put some in a container and bring to work so I can "refill" later in the day. This last week or so I have not been…
  • I'm now fighting nausea and pain when I eat or drink. (Just 1 bite or drink is making me ill and in pain), so now eating REALLY isn't a fun thing. I just look at the bright side - I'm saving a lot of groceries! :)
  • are you measuring? I am almost 8 weeks out and have only lost about 20 lbs since surgery, but have lost a lot of inches. As your body changes and adjusts and you exercise and replace fat with muscle the number on the scale is going to do crazy things. Don't forget "girl week" weight gains still exist! And if you are like…
  • After a lot of coaxing of everyone I called the nurse, who talked to the doc. They really don't know what it is at this point. It don't matter if I eat or drink, 1 bite/drink and I am nauseated. Continual discomfort and pain. Doc says to give it through the weekend. If it isn't better to call back on Monday and they will…
  • I am 7 weeks out. Sometimes it happens after I eat, but a lot of times it is "at its worse" when my stomach is empty - like 2-3 hours after I have eaten. I figure it is just part of the "new me" and as long as it isn't making me sick, I'm probably alright. Thanks everyone for your replies!
  • I ordered the Syntrax and am waiting for it to arrive. I have not been as good as I should be this past week or so in regards to getting my protein in. Hopefully this will help me out!
  • Wonderful replies everyone, thank you! I eat about every two hours. My stomach seems to "remind" me. It isn't really a hunger feeling as I had before surgery. It's more of an uncomfortable "need something to churn on" feeling. I guess these are some of the things I didn't think about before surgery - the new sensory…
  • Congrats on your success!!! I usually can pull off 60+ protein from food if I plan it just right. I was doing it with chicken breast, cottage cheese, tilapia, and tuna. I started back on protein shakes in the morning because I have found that I have a hard time with food first thing in the morning. The shakes go down…
  • what a fun post mandy!!! my surgery was 12/17, so even though am feeling great now, I can't wait for another month of "recovery". Feel like I have done very well except I still fight with energy and endurance. They keep telling me that will continue to get better and come back, but I sure miss my 60-90 minute workouts.…
  • This is actually one I was looking at. Someone at our support group was talking about it as well. As I am learning to eat some new foods, maybe I can just get my body to think the "with protein powder" consistency is how it really is :)
  • I just finished the puree stage. I did a lot of chicken and cottage cheese. as posted above, broth or "cream of" soups are awesome for getting past the dryness of pureed items. I also would make some "runny" mashed potatoes with cheese or sour cream in them. Actually, if you puree cottage cheese, it is kind of like sour…
  • Yes, I have been on a CPAP since 2006. My surgeon told me to wait a month after surgery then contact my sleep doc as I lost quite a bit of weight pre-surgery and probably need to have my machine turned down to start with and then in a few months I could possibly be off it all together. I have read that if your CPAP is set…
  • Happy New Year's Eve all! Thanks for all the replies. Seems like about 10 days was the average and that is what it appeared here too. I have one incision spot on the left lower side that the doc said had to be made a bit larger to take out the stomach and he had to stitch it up (including the muscle) so I still have some…
  • II understand finding things with good protien. I too don't care for the greek yogurt. I do like several flavors of regular yogurt. Have you looked into any protein mixes for puddings or shakes? I use the Wonderslim brand for pudding (I love the chocolate and the caramel) They also have some that can be pudding or shakes…
  • It was my own changes. I refused to call it a diet. I quit soda all together. Only drank water or SF things like crystal light or SF kool aid. I ate red meat once a week and the rest was turkey, chicken and fish. Low carbs - if I had bread, it was multi grain, if I had rice, it was brown rice. All fried foods were off the…
  • I started keeping track of my weight back in June where I was 370. I know I was bigger than that in the spring, but was too heavy for my scales to register my weight. My surgery was this past Monday and I weighed in at 290 that morning for a loss of 80 lbs, pre-surg. Aside from getting under 300 by surgery, numbers have…
  • Yeah, it's getting closer for you!! I don't know if the meds are available in non-pill form. In our meetings, they said some meds can be crushed and mixed with your liquid (as long as it is a solid pill to start with). I have lucked out as I have gone from a shoe box full of meds (cholesterol, asthma, insulin resistance,…
  • Excited for you! My sleeve surgery is on the 17th. I hoped the two weeks of pre-surg diet would go by fast, but it is going by really fast!! Going to have to make a list of things I still need to get done before next week. It's a good feeling to have all the appts out of the way. Good luck to you!
  • hang in there gal. I'm one step behind you, our facility is in the hiring process for a new nutritionist. There is a 3+ month waiting list (I think I am in the November group) as soon as they get one hired...THEN it will be the insurance waiting period. I'm just trying to continue my weight loss as I wait. Figure if I can…
  • I am looking forward to buying pants at a store other than the local farm store. In 2010, I was buying size 56 men's because I couldn't find larger plus sizes locally or couldn't afford going to a specialty store. Stayed around a 52 for about a year, but just bought a pair of 46! I understand on that "buffalo hump". I call…
  • Thanks!!! I ordered a "variety pack" for a protein drink (like kool aid not a shake) to see if I liked any of them. I never thought about tastes changing after surgery, but it does make sense. I checked out the World According to Eggface website. What an amazing amount of information!
  • Hi everyone! I'm not new to reading discussion groups, but have not always been an active poster. Your replies to kolnitaVRWorl have been great as I had the same question! I'm just waiting to see the pre-op nutritionist then will be scheduling sleeve surgery. Looking to schedule during the holidays as that works best with…