

  • Got it....thanks everyone
  • Yeah, I didn't think you could eat fish if you're a vegetarian. No fish, but I do eat dairy. Thanks for the advice, everyone.
  • So sorry, guys!! I went back and read it again and it says not to exceed 3 servings of soy A DAY not a week. My mistake...I don't know how I got an A in that class. Someone asked why it says that. At first it says that soy consumption may reduce the risk for breast and prostate cancer and then it says that there is a study…
  • Forgot to add that I also had an HIDA scan and it showed that my gallbladder was only functioning at 18% but the dr said that could mean many things and even the medicine that the ER gave me could have affected the results. Of course they tell me this AFTER I take the test. Then I got pregnant again so I stopped trying to…
    in Dizzy Comment by Leanna423 July 2012
  • Thanks for sharing your story! The ENT said everything was fine but who knows! I will keep seeing doctors until I find one that is actually helpful. Do you have any other symptoms with the dizziness? Any stomach issues or anything? I get bad cramps in my stomach that tylenol doesn't even come close to helping with!
    in Dizzy Comment by Leanna423 July 2012
  • I haven't really started logging everything I am eating yet. I am a vegetarian but I am pretty sure I am getting enough protein. I have eggs with cheese for breakfast and I have soy products for lunch and sometimes for dinner. I am at 174 lbs..I was at 183 two months ago right after the birth of my second child. Can diet…
    in Dizzy Comment by Leanna423 July 2012
  • I have been to the eye doctor twice since the dizziness started. My vision hasn't changed. I was thinking it might have something to do with my eyes too as I have been seeing "spots" and will just be looking forward and then I will see a bright light out of the corner of my eye. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing my contacts…
    in Dizzy Comment by Leanna423 July 2012
  • This is exactly the kind of forum I was looking for! I would like to know this as well. I have a 2 year old and an 8 week old so I think it's going to be difficult to lose weight. I only have a couple minutes to make myself a meal without someone screaming and needing attention so it's hard to eat healthy. And it's 100…