

  • I don't like to drink water a lot either but my dietician lets me drink some water that is called Oxy water and it is flavored but no calories and no aspartame and I can count it as regular water so I can drink 2 or 3 of those a day which is 5 to 7glasses and then she also told me to use Crystal Light PURE (only the pure)…
  • I agree completely. Personally I need all the support I can get so I am very thankful for this site. Keep it up everyone and ignore those fools.
  • Hi my name is Diana and I would love to be your friend. I certainly understand how hard it is to not just give up. I have tried so many diets and they never work and it can be really frustrating..even did one that would have cost me over $500 and lost 7lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing...talk about frustrating and…
  • Hi Erin thanks for asking to be my friend. I can use all the friends and support I can get. You sound a lot like me! I too have to be answerable to someone but I also need a lot of encouragement. I get really depressed and discouraged whenever I don't see the weight coming off and shopping for clothes makes me cry. Mr…
    in New Person Comment by dianab57 July 2012
  • I am also 4'9" and I agree with everyone in that you need to set a goal that seems like it is within your reach and then when you it that take another look at yourself and decide how much more you want to loose. You may find that loosing some of the weight and toning you muscles you are happy at a weight higher than what…
  • Hi Ann. I am new to the site too and would love to have you as a friend and we can support each other through this stretch of our lives.
  • If there is one thing that I have learned from my 57years it took my 23year old twins to teach me that you have to love yourself when you look in the mirror or step out the front door. It doesn't matter what anyone else says...even your boyfriend. My husband could tell me I am beautiful and still I would do this because I…
  • Feel free to add me to your list. I just started a week and a half ago and have a long way to go (60lbs) and would love all the support I can get too because I get discouraged easily. Maybe together we can help each other make it through to our goals. :smile:
  • I don't know where you can get a good free plan but if you are in Pennsylvania or Ohio and live near a Giant Eagle Store many of them now have a dietician and will work with you for a very reasonable price. The also have classes for people with diabetes and they are 4 weeks season for like $20.00. I happen to work at a…
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