

  • Yeah, I am going to have to go with The Big Bang Theory, too. Every time I watch it, i just cringe. Not funny. I love cats and even I can't stand when people start reciting the soft kitty song. As for Breaking Bad, i can understand how it may not be someone's cup of tea, but there is no way that show is overrated. Breaking…
  • I'm sorry you're going through an extremely rough time right now. I have been in similar situations before, but I always reacted the opposite way, which was quite unhealthy. What actually helped me was focussing in on eating healthier (while eating enough) while finding an activity I really loved, which was running. I love…
  • Girls night out for me usually consists of wine and watching Walking Dead. That,, theater performances, poker, and eating lots of good food... Just do what you have in common with them?
  • One of my cats is obsessed with chewing on plastic. He'll go under my bed and I'll hear *chew chew chew*....where is he finding all this plastic?!
  • I love to run, but I know a lot of people who hate it, and I always tell them - don't do it if you don't like it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you don't like running because there are a ton of other exercises out there to help you get fit. Not being a runner doesn't make you an unfit person. I consider…
  • I drink tooooons of water. Everyone at work always comments on my big water bottle that I fill up periodically throughout the day, but they don't comment on the fact that I am visiting the restroom about 5 times as often as everyone else.
  • Nope, you won't gain weight by taking a rest day. In fact, I'd recommend it or else you'll wake up one morning and:
  • I have hurt my IT band and knee from running. It ended up starting at my feet/ankle and one day after I did a long run (and I pushed myself harder than I should have), I really felt it. Whenever I would squat or descend down stairs, it hurt, so I feel like what I experienced is similar to what you're feeling. I obviously…
  • What is wrong with this place? I honestly didn't know anything about this chain (other than the lunk alarm, or whatever it is) until the recent news stories about it. This place seriously seems like an ongoing SNL skit. I would never want to work out at a place like this. Do they really not allow you to wear headbands, or…
  • I like guys who love cats...seriously makes me "aww" hard.
  • Looking sharp! Congrats on all the hard work and dedication!
  • I think you need to ask yourself whether you're with him because you're just used to the familiarity of being with him, or if he actually has enough good qualities that counter his moochy and rude personality that brings you down and berate you for eating. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but based on what you wrote, I can't…
  • No, married men don't usually chat me up in an inappropriate way. I mean, I work in customer service right now, so I talk to a lot because of my job, but I don't think they have ever been inappropriate/flirtatious. At least not that I have noticed. Not sure why you keep experiencing this, but it could just be random. I…
  • Um. should definitely take it easy if you're getting a sharp, debilitating pain in your knee. I wouldn't run on it at all until the pain is gone. There are a number of things that could be wrong, but I have experienced similar issues because I wore the wrong shoes ( as well as overtrained/tried to speed up my…
  • Your booty looks great for 3.5 months! You're definitely doing something right. Sorry this is not much help, but I just wanted to say that I was impressed. :flowerforyou:
  • You are probably just wearing a different brand of jeans. Trust me, sometimes I go shopping and need to buy a size up despite not having gained weight OR inches. (The one time I went into an Old Navy, I noticed I was 2 or 3 sizes smaller than normal. I forgot which, but I remembered it was a drastic difference.) Muscle…
  • I have small boobies, too (I actually call them booblets), but they are proportional my overall size. Boobs are nice in all sizes. I wouldn't stress about it too much - you might not even lose a lot of weight in your breasts, it's hard to say for certain, but I am certain they won't be inverted. :laugh:
  • No one has ever...ever hit on me while I was working out. The only things that took me by surprise was when one guy decided to randomly show me how to lift better. Haha... The other time a guy just said I was doing a killer arm routine, then proceeded to ask me if I was going to add in other specific moves to it.…
  • I have not had that type of injury before, but I have had injuries to my lower body from weights and even running. It hurt a lot and drove me crazy, not being able to do my normal activities for a month or two, but when I tried to get back to it, despite letting it heal completely, it just aggravated it all over again. So,…
  • I rarely go to McDonald's, but when I do, I get their chicken Mcnuggeeeeeeeets. :smokin:
  • my job, but I wouldn't say I love it.
  • Hmm, I don't know. I never feel the need to sweeten grapefruit. The ruby red I buy are pretty sweet. Maybe try Stevia in the Raw? Or a little sprinkle of sugar? A little bit should go a long way...
  • You know, I used to prefer thick - until I started eating traditional Italian pizza. Now I am all about thin!
  • Yeah, I think that is taking your BMR into account, as well. I have a job where I am standing and walking around a lot, but I doubt I am burning 600+ calories on top of what my body naturally burns. :) You shouldn't feel awful about going over. If you were more active today, than usual, you probably did burn more, so it's…
  • One problem I always had, was I would work out really hard, regularly, but wouldn't be getting the proper nutrition. It's easy for me to exercise, but sometimes I suck when it comes to making sure I am eating enough (even though I may not even be hungry) or if I am, I may not be getting enough vitamins/nutrients. We need…
  • I don't think there is a polite way to ask him to tone it down. I am surprised you can't drown him out with your music. My gym sometimes gets loud grunters, and while it doesn't bother me personally, my earbuds block out any and all loud noise. Maybe invest in some different buds? Makes me wonder if people think I'm making…
  • I love the "don't know how to support themselves anymore" argument. My breasts are strong and independent, with or without a bra, thank you very much.
  • It has about "tomorrow is a new day" calories.
  • Edited - replied to the wrong post. Other tab! Other tab! Sorry.
  • Eh, I gain a few pounds once every month and it goes back down. I just consider it normal weight fluctuations. Nothing to worry about. I don't maintain at an exact number, but just try to stay within a range - otherwise I would just go crazy. Sometimes the things I eat, even if I am eating the same amount of calories will…