CChandler81 Member


  • 5'2" here. SW (2012): 165lbs, size 12-14 GW (2013):130lbs, size 6-8 Latest SW (2016):152lbs, size 10-12 CW: 142lbs, size 8 depending on the brand I'm very interested to see what size I end up being at my GW of 118. I can already fit in a few 6's at 142, which seems crazy to me when I wore that size in high school at a much…
  • While technically, eating clean isn't required for weight loss, eating clean gets you far more "bang for your buck" in terms of the amount you can eat (i.e. a cup of veggies/chicken/fruit vs a few handfuls of chips/crackers/processed health foods). I also feel so much better, gut wise, eating clean. Eliminating mostly…
  • I don't sweat it if I'm a little under or above my goal of 1300-ish. A lot of days I net around 1100, some 1400, on the rare occasion 900, and a handful of times a month, don't even track. If you're still hungry eat. Whether it's a protein shake, a handful of veggies or fruit; i.e. whatever you might be lacking macro wise.…
  • Of course! I try to keep an eye on both my nutrients and macros, moreso than calories! Even though veggies are healthy, they contribute to the amount of calories, carbs, and sugar you take in.
  • I'm on my "2nd round" of mpf meaning I gave it up for several years and gained back half of what I had lost. With my initial round, I lost 35lbs. It really wasn't until I had lost 25lbs or so that people started to comment. Even my husband didn't really notice until then as well.
  • I'm 5'2" and right there with you. I started consistently tracking again 55 days ago. I've lost a grand total of maybe 4lbs on a good day. I'm currently 148 and trying to get back down to 130 as an initial goal. I also don't eat back my exercise calories and underestimate my burns. On average I'm eating somewhere between…
  • Wow, huge difference! Congrats:-D I'm 5'3" and around 140 currently. I had gotten down to 130 earlier this year and it's SO SO true that 10lbs when you're short makes a huge difference. Thanks for motivating me even further!
  • I'm 31...I've always been curvy but still had a nice waistline. After having my 2nd son, that all went away and my body went from an hourglass to a pear shape, along with a ton of fat in my waist that was never there beforehand. I joined roller derby thinking it'd be a sure fire way to lose weight- I did at first but…
  • It was between the 15-20lbs down mark that people *really* started to notice.
  • I agree with the above post. Scale back your cardio- even competitive figure athletes don't do 90 mins of cardio. 20-30 minutes on a cardio machine (or walking/runnning) is enough for most individuals. 60 at the most. I'd recommend adding strength training as well. I don't workout at a gym but use Jillian Michaels or…
  • You look fantastic! I play derby as well:-D
  • Best of luck with your journey this round:-D I'm on my 2nd try, which WILL be the last!
  • Hi, fellow shortie here! I'm 5'2" ish and started out around 165lbs. Over 5 months I'm down to 145lbs. It's been SLOW going but I've consistently logged and tried my best (most of the time!). My short term goal is 135lbs (healthy bmi). I'm hoping to accomplish that sometime next spring...weight has been even slower coming…
  • I agree that Antiks are the way to go, regardless of your foot shape. I'm still in super ****ty R3's but plan to upgrade to an Antik or Vanilla after the new year. Wheel wise, you can probably go a lot harder than 93. I skated 94s on our slick concrete floor but have recently moved back down to a 91 b/c of sliding (I guess…
  • LOVE this! I have the same problem:-D
  • Hey lady! I haven't met you personally yet but know who you are (gah that sounds creeperish!). Awesome that you ladies have such a great support system going through mfp. And you are so correct that this has helped with skating. I've lost 20lbs since the tail end of our season and felt like I've improved a bunch since by…
  • Just a heads up that Level 1 is available on youtube now! I did it today actually, for the first time. Way more cardio than I expected, which was great! It was tough- I'd say harder than 30DS for sure. I have a hard time sticking…
  • Yea, I'm not great at them either. One, two steps maybe and I'm back to duck running/running crossovers. I have gumballs and like them, but bought short stem and have them all the way up. Maybe I should try slowly lowering them.
  • Our Monday night is led by a new recruit coach (it's basics only and some beginner scrimmaging). She skates for our All star team. Tuesday nights are main league practice and almost always led by a coach. Yes, skaters will lead on nights they can't make it and moreso in the off season. But in general, we all warm up…
  • New jeans I bought a month ago are getting loose in the waist. Bought a size medium workout top today and didn't think twice about whether or not it would fit.
  • Jam timing! (A Non-Skating Official position in roller derby). You look awesome!!
  • Height 5'2" Heaviest: 165lbs Lightest adult weight: 113lbs Current weight: 149lbs Goal: 135lbs for will probably end up being somewhere in the 120's once I reach this first goal.
  • I think it does moreso when you're short:-) I'm only 5'2".
  • Awesome loss! I play derby as well!
  • 5'2" here and I'm aiming for 135. If I look great and have some nice muscle tone at that weight; great! If I don't and still feel like there's some fat to lose, I'll be aiming for something in the 120's. I've been as low as 113lbs before as an adult but I wasn't healthy aka skinny fat.
  • Nice to meet you Heather! I also started derby last year, March of 2011. Finally made a team this year after taking wftda min skills 4 times:-0 Haha I did not know how to skate when I started and I am proud of how far I've come, skating skill wise. I've gained weight since last year instead of losing it. Derby was kind of…
  • Off skates wise, biking or swimming is great if running bothers your knees (it does mine but I'm slowly trying). For drills at practice, this blog is a great resource!
  • I'm from Oklahoma City, Ok. I've been playing on Oklahoma City Roller Derby's B-Team, the Lightning Broads since March. Haven't gotten much bouts in though b/c of knee/foot problems which affected my attendance. Hence why I'm here- to lose weight and build up some strength so I'm not plagued with injury next season.
  • Exactly what I was thinking! Unless you made the mini ones.