didyb Member


  • "just 10-15 pounds" For me, nothing "just" about it. I've been years losing/gaining/losing/gaining the same 20 pounds.... and I don't have an answer yet.
  • On days that I work, I have the same lunch... everyday. Chobani Yogurt, small can low sodium V-8, piece of fruit. I also have the same breakfast. (cereal, milk, coffee)... everyday. That way, the food can be entered in MFP under meals... and also, you just know what you're going to have. For me, it has helped relegate food…
  • I noticed that you're 29 years old.... maybe you could do it without exercise. I'm 46ish, and if I don't exercise, it's useless. However, I've found that it really doesn't have to be THAT much. Almost every morning, I take my dog around the block (0.2 miles, 34 calories). Doesn't seem like much at all. But, when I stopped…
  • :happy: I really like your idea of setting the alarm on your phone. Since nothing sounds good, why not try the same food every day? You can make a list of what you will eat, balance it out nutritionally, and then just always have the stuff around. Always have water in your backpack (or whatever bag you carry for school). I…
  • That's exactly my goal-- but I'm finding there are way too many "special" days that are leading me to 2 cheat days a week. Oh, well... nothing happening now at least til Easter. My cheat day is Saturday-- eating dinner out is my weekly treat, and I don't want to be restrained with calories. I realize that it slows my…
  • Good luck with that.... I've done the alcohol thing before and found it helpful to get a fun, playful glass to use for all of the WATER you will now be drinking. I also got some different flavored teas to help. It's hard... but you can do it. I LOVE your idea of setting aside the wine money for a charity- very positive.…
    in Lent Comment by didyb February 2012
  • I notice you said- "10 years ago" it didn't affect you as much. That's one of the issues. I never thought that I would drink less-- I do love my wine-- but the older I get, the less I can drink and still feel half-way decent in the morning. Of course, not helping is the fact that many mornings I wake up with a "hangover"…
  • 3 meals and 1-2 snacks-- depending on hunger and calories allowed.
  • Well, since it's long-term eating that affects us the most, I aim for by the day, but am surprised to find that when that fails, my weekly numbers usually balance out. Lots of carbs one day- not so much the next can equal for a variety of eating that balances out in the end. :flowerforyou:
  • His food section focused on Ezekial 4:9, clean/unclean animals, and Exodus 15:26-- Listen to God's instructions and disease shall pass you by. Menopause is not a disease-- it is part of life. There are things we can do and try to feel better during this time, but I really do believe that getting through it as "naturally"…
  • No females in my family have gone through menopause. They all had hysterectomies and then took HRT. Of course, my mom then got breast cancer from the Premarin- so got to go through "the change" cold turkey at age 75. She had hot flashes for a week and was done! Not the same for me. I won't take HRT and may consider…
  • I've used Ibuprofen (just at 400mg) to "stop" my period for the day-- it works. In October, I was having a weird 3 week period-- had enough of it, and took the Ibu 2 days in a row and the preriod finally stopped. Just be sure to have food in your stomach when taking Ibuprofen and do not take more than is listed on the…
  • What an appropriate post for today!! I'll admit, I'm a daily weigher.... and was always so mad when I would eat right/exercise but still gain or at least not lose during TOM. However, I hang in there because I know the payoff will be a loss of anywhere from 2-4 pounds from pre TOM weight by the end of the week. It also…
  • This is also a sore subject for me. I eat a Carbmaster Yogurt and banana daily-- even that puts me over. I had read somewhere that to get true sugar, subtract the fiber grams from the sugar grams-- maybe that would be more accurate? I just know that I try to be conscience of added sugar (watch out for some yogurts). I'm…
  • Yes, they are helpful--- but take note that while many of the options had much improved calorie/fat content, the sodium was still close to and often above 1gm (1000mg). Since the recommended daily sodium is 2500mg-- it supports that eating out is not a diet/health friendly option. :ohwell:
  • There's also "dancing, aerobic" -- but it may underestimate the calories--- Zumba is GREAT and you'll LOVE it , I hope. I like it because it doesn't matter if I do it "right"-- I just get to have fun!:happy:
    in Zumba Comment by didyb October 2011
  • If you use the broth, you need to count the calories. Of course, the calories aren't bad.... but the sodium is horrible. Best to use 1/2 broth (low sodium) and 1/2 water. Remember, leftover rice freezes really well, and that way you can cook once for several meals.