panamasammii Member


  • I went to the Hospital today and had an Ultrasound on my Liver/Pancreas/Gallbladder. It turns out I have Gallstones. Some of them are quite big! 5.4mm! This would explain my severe pain and also apparently the high liver enzyme readings. I now have been referred to a Laparoscopic surgeon. Thanks for all of your comments…
  • Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate MFP so much!! You guys are awesome. I have a list of things I need to talk to my Dr about tomorrow! Bless you all xx
  • I never ate less than 1000 calories.
  • I am taking 175mg of Levothyroxine daily. I havent seen a dietitian
  • I am 1200 plus moderate exercise. Under the orders of my Endo. I have Hypothyroidism
  • Yes, I should really speak with my Doctor, and I have an appointment tomorrow to see him and also to have the Ultrasound. I am just freaking out and I thought I would ask on MFP. Waiting has never been my strong suit! What I meant by "Im not eating anything" is compared to before when i ate all the crap I liked, now I am…
  • When the lady in the Bank said.. Congratulations!!!!!!!! I said for what? She said "On your pregnancy! How many months are you?" Errm no. I'm not Pregnant. I'm just FAT!. Then a few weeks later I saw this picture of myself ... and that was the final straw! I cried my heart out and vowed I would do something about it... and…
  • Thanks SarahAFerguso! Yesterday was a particularly bad day, but its hard to shake those feelings! I know that no one is perfect and we all have imperfections, its just that when you spend your life being FAT.. the only thing we think that will fix everything is getting THIN!! However, once "Thin" you are left to deal with…
  • How about this.. A lady in the bank said to me... Oh Congratulations.... I said, For what? Reply: on your Pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!! Errm no Im not pregnant, Im just fat!!!!!!!! I was in denial too, I didnt even own a scale! It took a trip to the beach for me to "get" it. How awful I felt in my swim suit. I felt and looked like…
  • Still feeling sorry for myself. Can anyone offer some advice?
  • I speak Spanish. Message me with your poem and I can help you out.
  • Why do you need to Eliminate Coffee at all? My Endo suggested I drink a large cup of coffee at breakfast and then take my Levothyroxine at about 11am with another coffee. I probably drink about 4 cups a day. I guess if you are worried about caffeine you could switch to Decaf? :sick: !
  • Feel Free to Add me too!! I am looking for more friends.. Im 53 lbs down.. about 50 lbs more to go! I fill out my food diary religiously every day with my phone and log onto the site too to read the forums!
  • Definitely agree to eat dinner later. I normally eat around 8.00pm when the girls have gone to bed! (much more peaceful!!) and so much less time to want to eat anything else before I go to bed! I have also found that these following ideas have really helped me stay on my diet and not cheat with crap food! 1. I no longer…
  • When I lose the weight and maintain it for a while and most importantly if i can AFFORD it!!! - YES YES YES!!!!!
  • I hear you!! Im so frustrated that no one can tell that I have lost 46lbs!! I guess its cause I was so overweight and that I am still in the same clothes (though now alot baggier!). Very Frustrating