sharoniballoni Member


  • Hi Kim! YES! Sorry to say, but I did notice a change when I turned 30. I noticed another change at 35. It's going to continue to get harder to maintain our weight if we keep eating the way we do. However, I've noticed that older people (like my parents) tend to not eat as much. So maybe eventually our hunger will slow down…
  • I don't think it's healthy, per se, as it's got some chemicals in it. BUT, I do eat them as dessert when I feel I'm low on fiber that day. If I'm good on fiber, yes, I'd rather eat a good piece of dark chocolate.
  • Add me. We're close in age, I have a desk job (staring at a computer screen, sitting on my butt), and I work out regularly. I was struggling all year to lose 6 pounds until late September when I finally took charge, lowered my calorie limit and tracked on the weekends (which I wasn't doing during maintenance).
  • LOVE! Agreed about Jax becoming a thug. He's hot, but he looks smelly. I guess that's the point. haha!
  • MFP makes recommendations, but you can set your settings based on your specific goal. Check this out:
  • Are you sure it's hunger? Sometimes I have what feels like hunger, but it's really issues with digestion. If I drink coffee regularly, it burns my stomach and before it gets to the point where i feel pain, it feels like I'm hungry all the time. It's weird.
  • I had this issue, too. It wasn't until I started going to therapy that I stopped the night binges. Like you said, it's not that you're hungry. You just feel this need... this void to fill. It might be emotional and it's something you should investigate within yourself. Good luck. :)
  • I think age might matter here. When I was 20, I could eat anything I wanted without exercising and maintain. My metabolism has slowed down continually as I've gotten older. It sucks. :(
  • I think you're going to see varying results on body fat, depending on the source. Most are quite inaccurate (scale, pinch test, etc.). My trainer said the best way to measure it is submerged in water, which is quite inconvenient. I am similar to you in…
  • Agreed!
  • I often add in a slice of sprouted grain bread (Ezekiel) in order to get my fiber up. Regarding wheat being addictive, I think that's more processed wheat that spikes your insulin. Whole and sprouted grains have lower glycemic indices.
  • Yes, strengthen your core, but losing weight won't fix it, per se. It takes practice to turn standing and sitting up straight into a habit. Tuck your butt in, pull your belly button in and lift your chest up. Imagine there's a string attached to the top of your head, pulling you up to the sky.
  • I'm 5'2. I weigh about 110 right now and trying to get back to 106. I was doing the 1200 net thing for a while with no results. Granted I splurged on the weekends, but that used to not affect me in the past. I just changed my goals. 1700 with exercise 5-6 days a week and upped my protein and fiber goals. It's only been a…
  • Agree with this, but also it looks like you might be eating a lot of high-sodium foods. If you add sodium in your settings, so you can track it, you might see that it's too high. Too much sodium will make you retain water. Also, if you're hungry a lot, I highly recommend you find some veggies with a high fullness factor.…
  • What are you eating now that you didn't before? You may have a food trigger.
  • I get hungry, too, unless I have a very high protein lunch that can sustain me until dinner. I'd say it depends how many calories you can budget to your snack. I find fruit makes me feel hungrier for some reason. Adding protein and fat will help, but the calories can really add up, so be careful. I've done: -apple and…
  • No, it's not healthy. But no, don't give it up if it gives you a bit of joy. One tablespoon? Big deal! Eat it on a healthy sprouted grain piece of toast (like Ezekiel) and just budget for it within your calorie intake. You don't have to give up all the little pleasures in life during weight loss. You'll drive yourself…
  • I'm hungry all the time, which is why I eat a lot of vegetables. They have a good fullness to calorie ratio, so I can eat more without going over.
  • Same age... I'll be 36 in December. I log Monday through Thursday and sometimes Friday, but it's tough for me on weekends. So I'm not perfect, but happy to be support if you'd like to add me.
  • Your feeling of fullness really will depend on what you're eating. Since your diary is not open, it's difficult to advise. However, imagine this: a mini York peppermint patty has about the same number of calories as two cups of steamed broccoli. So you need to find foods that have a high fullness factor (low cal, high…
  • Pretty much this!
  • Sometimes I'm lazy and buy a veggie or fruit platter from the grocery store. Other times, I make an Asian slaw: 1 bunch (6 large) scallions, trimmed and thinly sliced 2 (16-ounce) bags coleslaw mix or 1 (16-ounce) bag each of shredded…
  • thank you... i've been struggling with this
  • It really does depend on how hard you work out in the morning. If you're doing something very challenging, eating something within an hour before might make you nauseous. I often eat something small on my way to the gym (carrot sticks or a mini Clif bar) just for a bit of energy, but if I'm doing P90X Plyo at home in the…
  • Great job on making the decision to improve your health! Don't worry about what others say, as they have their own motives. I'm hungry ALL the time, so I understand where you're coming from. You're welcome to add me. My diary is open. I don't always eat perfect and I tend to not log on weekends, but I have found ways to…
  • I just buy extra lean 1/4 lb beef patties and use those 100 calorie sandwich thins instead of a regular bun. It's relatively low cal that way and I find it delicious! It's just sort of small, so I eat 2 cups of broccoli and cauliflower or a big salad first to fill my belly and then enjoy my delicious burger. Yum!
  • You should find foods that are filling, but low in calories. I know it's not as fun, but veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes... full of fiber so they fill your belly. I have a rule that before I eat "the good stuff" (e.g., usually a protein or what would be considered the main course), I eat two cups of…
  • I don't believe there's any hard evidence of it and there's certainly no set number of minimum calories that would cause it across the board. Everyone has different bodies and metabolisms. My minimum can't possibly be the same as a man's, for example. That said, I like to eat. The less you eat, the less you can eat because…
  • This is tough. It's really easy for us outsiders to tell you to move on, but I know it's not that simple. I think everything needs to be laid out on the table... full honesty. The thing is that she may have feelings for her ex, but she isn't ready to break it off with you (or she would). It's possible she's waiting to find…