help on resisting the binge

please can any of you help me.
i am trying to lose weight because i am too heavy for the job i want to do.
so am on the 1,200 calorie diet. but i am constantly feeling hungry. from the minute i wake up to when i fall asleep. even after dinner (my biggest meal of the day). i have dinner at 5.30 and by 8 i am feeling so hungry that i feel sick and some times dizzy with hunger. but i have no more calories left to eat.
can any one giv me some tips on how to fight the urge to binge out. went on a binge out today after a whole week of dieting. and have eaten 3 days worth in 1 day.
please can you giv me any tips on how to lose weigt. please note i live some where really rural with no access to a gym and in a place where it never stops raining. i really need to get to 10 stone to be able to apply for the job.


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Try increasing your calories. You need a diet plan that will last, and if you're always hungry you won't be able to sustain your lifestyle even if you do lose weight. I'm 5'4" and 138 lbs, and I eat 1440 per day and lose weight. You need to fuel your body.
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Yup increase your calories. Change your goals to 1lb per week.
    I know it's slower, but you're going nowhere this way so... Would you rather lose the weight in 2x the time, or not at all?
    Or, be like me, and be 12kg heavier after 2 years than where you started?
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    exercise. 1) it takes your mind of eating at least for a little while and 2) gives you more calories to eat
  • ginareejoy
    ginareejoy Posts: 54 Member
    Exercise so you'll have more calories to eat...what are your average daily meals like? Maybe you could make better choices to make sure you're eating enough calories and getting full?
  • skydiamonds67
    skydiamonds67 Posts: 49 Member
    It sounds like you are not eating enough. You only need a 500 calorie deficit a day to lose a pound a week. You should definitely calculate your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate), the calories needed for your body to function every day, and then figure out what your calorie intake for weight loss should be. As long as you take in less calories than your BMR (500 or more) each day, you will lose weight. And if you are overweight, your BMR is going to be a lot higher than 1200 a day, so your calorie needs for weight loss are definitely going to be more than 1200. Here is a website to calculate your BMR -
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    You should find foods that are filling, but low in calories. I know it's not as fun, but veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes... full of fiber so they fill your belly. I have a rule that before I eat "the good stuff" (e.g., usually a protein or what would be considered the main course), I eat two cups of veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, salad, asparagus, spinach, whatever). I'm always hungry, so in order to keep the calories down, I need to fill up on healthy stuff. Good luck!
  • garbanzalo
    garbanzalo Posts: 61 Member
    1) Increase your calories.
    2) Exercise, both cardio and strength training. Walk, run, do pushups, whatever helps you.
    3) Drink lots of water.
    4) Dump all the junk food in the garbage cycle.
    5) Resist all urges to eat junk food as long as is humanly possible and then, when you give in, eat a fruit instead.
    6) Instead of a few big meals, eat small, protein-rich meals regularly every few hours.
    7) Eat when the hunger pangs start or at the minimum, drink some water. Otherwise, you will overeat when you are famished.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Sounds like you're definitely not eating enough!
  • lee14876
    lee14876 Posts: 1 Member
    I too am always hungry, and i have found i need to plan ahead, have an apple in my purse, eat airpopped popcorn with a calorie free butter spray(they actually taste pretty good together) i keep these things on hand and eat one piece of popcorn at a time, or one bit of apple, and then look at the apple or get up and move around, helps to look at what i am eating after each bite and ask myself do i want another bite. a glass of hot water instead of tea helps at night for me. sounds crazy but it actually tastes pretty good. hope some of this helps. i have just started seeing the scale heading in the right direction again. I also am planning a walk every evening after dinner. just once around the block. helps to get away from food. Good Luck!!!
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    I'm not an expert on this but I do know that you do need more calories. If you don't get enough calories your body will go into a starvation mode. You need 3 small meals and two snacks. To keep your metabolism burning throughout the day. I suggest yogurt and cereal preferably while grain for breakfast with some nuts...walnuts are my favorite. I fruit a few hours later.Lunch can be a salad with lots of vegetables and low fast dressing...i love light balsamic vingerette. Add beans for protein...that will help you stay fuller for longer... A nice snack again...maybe a granola bar to calm that sweet th with alow fat coffee. Then dinner proteinand veggi only
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Increase your calorie intake to closer than what you ate before and lower it by200 a week... drink lots of water, and lots of fruits and veggies, lettuce has only about 15 calories for 2 cups, add tomato and light dressing, you can have a filling salad for under 100 calories... if you get packaged nuts and cheese you can add 1 serving for usually not much more... just hold yourself accountable for using 1 serving not more..
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    Protein and veggie only...don't eat carbs after 4 so your body has time to burn off the carbs you did eat earlier in the day. Mix it up have fun with your meals and take your time and enjoys your food... It is a struggle that I'm dealing with alsqeur the o but I'm trying everyday to conqeur this...and we will!!! Just don't give are not alone.
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    I agree with everything already said. The plan my dietitian gave me to help was:

    1. Eat breakfast (eating a good breakfast helps minimize hunger the rest of the day - I didn't believe her but after 2 weeks of sticking to it, my hunger did level out)
    2. Never go more than 4-5 hours without eating - eat every 3 hours if possible
    3. Eat protein every time you eat (meals and snacks) - it takes longer to digest than carbs and it doesn't have the same impact on insulin - which can trigger more hunger
    4. Get about 30% of calories from fat - for similar reasons as protein
    5. Minimize artificial sweeteners (eliminate if possible) - though they don't have calories, they will cause an increase in insulin production, making you hungry
    6. Half of your plate should be fruits and/or veggies - the fiber and bulk of them decrease hunger
    7. Drink a full glass of water before/during each meal and snack, and more in between if needed - hunger and thirst can feel the same so insuring you are fully hydrated can help decrease what feels like hunger
    8. Never eat less than 1200 calories; 1400 calories is better for most women because it's very difficult to get adequate nutrition on less. Inadequate nutrition causes us to be hungry more as well, since our body is asking for what it needs.
    9. Remember that weight loss is not just about calories - it's about getting as many vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients as possible so your body will respond the way you want it to

    So that's the physical part. The psych part is definitely harder. As someone with a long history of eating disorders, I get that. I don't have any great answers except therapy and opening up to friends with similar problems. When I follow all the rec's above, my compulsion to binge reduces dramatically, so it's a good place to start :-)
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    Increase your calories.

    MFP set mine at 1200 to loose 1 lb a week. I was always hungry! After messing with some numbers I found that1420 calories is good for me. Just because MFP gives you 1200 doesn't mean it is right for you. Increase your numbers. You should NEVER go hungry. Don't deprive yourself either. Eat what you want in moderation and within reason. That is what I do and I am still loosing.

    I am 5'4 at 177
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    You should find foods that are filling, but low in calories. I know it's not as fun, but veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes... full of fiber so they fill your belly. I have a rule that before I eat "the good stuff" (e.g., usually a protein or what would be considered the main course), I eat two cups of veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, salad, asparagus, spinach, whatever). I'm always hungry, so in order to keep the calories down, I need to fill up on healthy stuff. Good luck!

    Yep! Totally the right way to go! 1200 cals of the "fun stuff" doesn't go far.
    Also, you may want tostart out slow. Try to relearn how to eat first, focusing on the healthy fiber and protein packed foods and less on the calories. Once you've made a habit of that, then start working out on a regular basis, giving you more munching room. Finally, once you've retrained your body and brain, then you can decrease your caloric intake to 1200.

    So, take it from a munch-aholic:
    Quality, fiber dense foods are your best friend. Mini peppers, cut veggies, fresh fruit, whole grain. Cheese sticks and greek yogurt and a glass of non fat milk can help stave off hunger pains beween meals. And avoid your trigger foods! If a diet coke makes you crave chocolates and potatoe chips, drink water or diet tonic water instead. I know when I'm craving a munch session, I need water and distraction.

    It will take time, and no it is not easy. The Biggest Loser has made us all fall in love with the big numbers, but for most of us not being monitored by a professional? Not gonna happen. Take your time, don't throw it all away over a bad choice, and talk to us! That's what we're here for :)
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Don't eat big but eat often. I eat every 3 to 4 hours. Eat lots of protein. Keep carbs and fat low. Choose wisely. A hard boiled egg will keep you full longer than a piece of bread. Drink lots of water. Drink lots of zero calorie things but NOT soda. Friend me if you want someone to police your diary. I will look. And I won't always say "good job". I expect the same from my friends! Good luck!
  • Darcy769
    Darcy769 Posts: 3 Member
    Starving during the day is setting yourself up for the evening binge.

    Eat small regular meals during the day. My doctor recommended 5 smaller meals, spread out. AND, in the evening, when you feel like eating, go to bed, read a book, go for a walk. (brrrrrrrrr - up here in Michigan). Drink some water, lots of water.

    This is what has been working for me.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i try to stick to 1200 calories a day but i workout a lot so there are days i need more ..i listen to my body .if i need more then i eat more .. sticking to 1200 calories a day does not mean you will lose weight or it will be right for you. i generally eat very healthy but there are those days i just need more of something ..usually i eat carbs when i crave them .. i always have extra to use because of the workouts so i dont worry about it ..ive lost 80lbs so far so i figure that eating more isnt hurting me at all
  • YthansGirl
    YthansGirl Posts: 11 Member
    thanks for all your advice.
    i will start eating more protein and veggies. will do some research into high fibre, low cal fruit and veg.
    and will try and get some exercise done. even if its just walking its better than nothing.
    and yeah if i'm hungry now i will eat. i'll just give in to the craving earlier but while i'm still in control of what i munch and i'll munch on a carrot stick, instead of resisting the urge untill i binge on delicious but evil chocolate.
    and plenty of water.
    i'm jumping back onto the diet tomorrow morning and hopefully soon u'll all start to see some good results.
    once again thanks for your advice, is nice to know there are people out there to help. =D its so hard, when i am surrounded by my stick thin friends who eat cakes and sweets all day long, to push myself to not fall for the tasty stuff.