Really Could Use Some Support Today!!!

Recently on Facebook I admitted to about 20 friends that I was going to start eating better and asked for their support. One of my friends, who happens to be about 100lbs heavier than me, keeps telling me that I am okay just the way that I am. This is not helpful to me at all at this time. I have only been eating better for about a week, and it has been really hard. I feel hungry most of the time, and all I think about is food. I am hoping that this will go away as I get further into this. Anyway. Being told how great I am right now at my current weight, is not helping me. Then I have my mom who keeps telling me how much I need to lose the weight. Duh. This is not helpful either, and I just feel unsupported all around. Any kudos would be appreciated!:love:


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,571 Member
    You have to do what's right for YOU. Your heavier friend is probably jealous and worried and knows that if you are successful, it means she could do it too but is too lazy/set in her ways/ lethargic/whatever to do it herself.

    As far as the hunger goes, I can't see your diary to see what you are eating. Make certain you are eating all the calories MFP allows you and if you are exercising (which I HIGHLY recommend) eat back at least half of those calories. Make certain you are eating lean protein and fiber and it is not necessary to cut out all carbs. A good mix of foods will help you to feel full longer. Drink your water-it really helps!!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Exactly! Do what you need to do. Try to block out your mom and your friend and just concentrate on you. It's so hard to eat right in the beginning. Just take it one day at a time! Hang in there!
  • mkwow
    mkwow Posts: 65 Member
    One thing about losing weight is that it is extremely personal. You should not do it for anyone except for yourself and you have to be ready! It is hard when there are people in your life you care about that are not a supportive as you would like, but you need to surround yourself with people who are positive and will support you! You can do this! Keep your chin up and dont let ANYONE stand in the way of what you want and deserve! Dont let them have that power!
  • lou1618
    lou1618 Posts: 96 Member
    add me if u like to ... I am not prefect by any means. But I will cheer u on the days u do good and give up a little pick me up on your bad days and hope u will do the same for me.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    In defense of your friend, I feel she is just being nice, and wants you to feel ok. She probably does not mean to upset you, or to make you think twice about eating better :) So..what are you waiting for? Get to it, you can do it!
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    You are doing this for yourself, and it's not just about weight, it's about being healthy. People who should be sharing your concerns and goals, but aren't motivated or don't have the discipline, will tell you that you don't need to do it as a way to make themselves feel better. They are trying to rationalize their lack of motivation. DO NOT let them get you down.
  • sorcier100
    sorcier100 Posts: 6 Member
    You are not alone in this. Always remember that. As you can see from the responses we are all in this together and are rooting for each other. I know how hard it is. I have 100 lbs. to lose and sometimes it seems like a huge wall in front of me that I'll never get over. Add me and if you ever need an ear I'm a good listener. Hang in there. It will get easier as your body adjusts. You can do it!! :happy:
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    Great job on making the decision to improve your health! Don't worry about what others say, as they have their own motives. I'm hungry ALL the time, so I understand where you're coming from. You're welcome to add me. My diary is open. I don't always eat perfect and I tend to not log on weekends, but I have found ways to fill my belly with fewer calories (the secret is vegetables). ;)
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Any change be it good or bad, forced or self inflicted is not an easy thing. Those around us don't like change any more than we do, so they do their best to keep things status quo.
    You have made a good choice to make changes for yourself, now you will need to find the will power, support, continued motivation to continue down the path you have chosen.
    There are LOTS of people here going through some of the same things as you at this same moment in time.
    Just do as you did and ask for help/motivation/support/etc whatever it is you need that day and people will step up.
    I have met some wonderful people here, some I am just getting to know but they have helped me all ready more than they realize..
    Its a challenge you are facing, you will make it, you will do it.
    Surround yourself with success in lots of forms and success will also find you..
    Good luck and kick a**.. Don't give up!! You have all ready done it this long, take it a day at a time..
    Sometimes those who love us sabotage us without realizing it.. Cut those close to you some slack, maybe explain its harder with what they are saying/doing. They will also need time to accept your change too.
    Good luck and add me if you wish.. : )
  • Wisemomoffour
    Wisemomoffour Posts: 125 Member
    Make lots of friends on here (add me if you'd like) and then check back several times a day. MFP friends are VERY supportive!! It is hard for people that aren't in a healthy eating/exercise frame of mind to hear about it all the time, but on here, EVERYONE is of the same mind--we can't get enough of it!! Stay strong, do what is right for you, and GO FOR IT!!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I agree... do what you need to do.... It's your body and your health... To keep me from getting hungry all the time, I try to drink water through out the day and try to make sure I have plenty of fiber and protein from lean meats, nuts and beans...
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    You have made a choice to get healthy. Good for you. Your mom is probably just worried about you (it is what we do after all) just going about expressing it all wrong.

    As for your friend it is likely a couple of things. One, she is not ready to make the choice to get healthy yet & seeing you go for it is making her look @ herself & she doesn't want to. Two, she is trying to say she likes you just fine the way you are (and our friends should accept us for who we are) Three, sabotage (see #1) and Four a combination of 1-3.
    You have made the first step. Don't beat yourself up over a 'bad' day. Get up the next day & start new. Every day you start new. You can do it.
  • CONGRATS on your weight loss!!! Way to go!!! I can totally relate to your feelings of thinking of food all the time! One thing that has helped me so much is to drink a nice, warm cup of coffee (which has little to no calories) with a little skim milk and Truvia sweetner (which is safe, natural) in it when I'm having unhealthy cravings. You could do decaff if you're wanting to stay away from caffeine. It really fills me up and takes away the hunger to drink a cup of coffee each day. I like to sprinkle cinnamon in it to give it the lure of having a "dessert!" Plus, cinnamon is so good for you~they are even giving claims to it as being good for warding off cancer and helping with digestion (and many other things). I also couldn't make it without eating apples and bananas every day. They are great "tummy-fillers" at times when you're hungry, and their sweetness helps again with the sweet-tooth I personally suffer from daily! I am actually fighting off a really bad sore throat/cold right now, which has me feeling a bit down due to being unable to get to the gym. So I'm feeling down that I'm going to undo in one week what I've worked so hard at for a month! I can also relate to people not being helpful when you're trying to do something good for yourself--I've had those in my life that don't want me to lose because they aren't losing, and I've had those who don't want me to lose because they've always been thinner and don't want me to now be thinner than they are. Really sad! Keep the "invalidators" in your life at bay~don't even talk to them about your program. They are toxic. Be good to yourself~you deserve to have support and kindness in your life!!
  • lbrennan00
    lbrennan00 Posts: 2 Member
    You are beautiful and fabulous just the way you are, BUT, you should be healthy too!!! I've just started working on weight loss again after losing 25 lbs and re-gaining most of it back and I have a long way to go to get to a healthy weight. It's very hard but we can both do it. Every few pounds you lose will make you feel better. And do it for YOU and no one else. People will have their opinions about how you should look and what you should do, but only you know what's best for you.

    The best way I've found to deal with hunger pains is protein snacks between meals, like nuts. Also, drink plenty of water. They do fade once your body adjusts.

    Good Luck! You can do it!!!

    PS: I think about food all the time too. I blame my Italian heritage.
  • I friended you! You need to post your "WHY" where you can see it and will read it. Use a permanent marker and write it on your bathroom mirror. (will rub right off with rubbing alcohol!) Change it weekly! This week mine is "Confidence in front of camera!" Next week could be, "I can pamper myself with something other than food!" Sounds like away from MFP you'll have to be your own champion! Love yourself enough to not listen to the people who don't! Secondly, keep logging in on MFP. Even if you trash your "diet" awareness will eventually bring on change. Takes 21 days to start a new habit. Log your foods, record your weights, make sure you do a body measurement!!!! I'm not losing pounds, but I am wearing smaller clothes!!!!! I look forward to cheering you on and being a part of your success team!

    Fun fact: One in every 9000 people have Albinism (Albino). (My daughter is one of them!)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Attitude is a big difference between failure and success....and this doesn't just mean your own attitude but the people that surround you on a daily basis. While your friend is just being kind...letting you know that you are a beautiful person...I agree that it isn't necessarily what you need to hear.

    As for the words your mom is saying...I would use that as the fuel for your workouts. Show her that you CAN lose weight and you WILL lose weight.

    You have made one of the best steps you can make though by writing this blog...seeking support! Everyone needs support when they are starting something new and making changes! Kudos to you!

    Now just set some reasonable and realistic goals, plan, plan, and plan more...AND plan your daily workouts, plan what you are going to eat, planning is crucial!

    You can do it! :)
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Make lots of friends on here (add me if you'd like) and then check back several times a day. MFP friends are VERY supportive!! It is hard for people that aren't in a healthy eating/exercise frame of mind to hear about it all the time, but on here, EVERYONE is of the same mind--we can't get enough of it!! Stay strong, do what is right for you, and GO FOR IT!!

    Great advice. I check in to MFP many times a day just to talk to friends and keep myself reminded of what is important. There are great people on here that do really give you support and advice. If I feel hungry or am craving something it really helps to just log on and read some posts or talk to people. Time passes and so do the cravings.

    Don't give up. You need to do what is right for you and not worry about what the others are saying.
  • Maryee71
    Maryee71 Posts: 434 Member
    Check out this topic on MFP--Need to lose 100lbs or more? Lets start a group! part 47.
    This is a great bunch of people that are so supportive. Since everyone has a LOT of wt to lose they understand, better, what you are going through. There is a lot of good ideas and advice related to this wt loss journey.
  • Jamiegirl2009
    Jamiegirl2009 Posts: 98 Member
    Recently on Facebook I admitted to about 20 friends that I was going to start eating better and asked for their support. One of my friends, who happens to be about 100lbs heavier than me, keeps telling me that I am okay just the way that I am. This is not helpful to me at all at this time. I have only been eating better for about a week, and it has been really hard. I feel hungry most of the time, and all I think about is food. I am hoping that this will go away as I get further into this. Anyway. Being told how great I am right now at my current weight, is not helping me. Then I have my mom who keeps telling me how much I need to lose the weight. Duh. This is not helpful either, and I just feel unsupported all around. Any kudos would be appreciated!:love:

    I have found that confiding in family and friends is a crock!!! no one is ever on your side and - I have felt - dont really want you to loose because that is the way you are and that will never change........


    Girl you show YOURSELF that you can do this!!! you can. YOU CAN.

    People on this site are your true friends, motivational givers and takers so listen and give and you will be just fine.

    I believe in you.
  • i support you!! add me :) you can and will do this
  • It's great that your friend loves you the way you are, but you need to do what makes you feel good about yourself. Being overweight is unhealthy. Everyone knows that, she knows that. Just tell her that you appreciate her unconditional love, and maybe ask her to join you on this journey! Tell her about mfp and let her know that together, you guys might be more successful.
  • I am familiar with your frustration. I just gained 4# over the Super Bowl weekend. I have joined a heath(e)tech group. We meet in Philadelphia @ Aria Torresdal Hospital. Our instructor is very thin - so is our daughter. no help there! I exercise regularly: walk 3 days & play volleyball 2 days. To my excercise regimine, I added bike & swim. I weighed in this morning @ 279#. Dinner is the most difficult time for me; I'm famished. I ate fruit last night; it didn't tide me over, so I ate an oatmeal cookie 150 Cal. But I stayed within my Cal goal 1800-2000 Cal. My Metabolic rate @ rest is 2600. I hate it; but I keep a Cal & exercise chart. I have to check-in with our instructor @ Aria on Monday nights. If I reduce my Cal intake by 500 Cal/day I can lose 1 pound in 6 days. 250# is my goal for Summer so I fit into my Speedo!
  • Just like everyone else above me who has commented! Change is scary! But the fact that you have taken the first step towards a healthier you, makes you that much stronger! You didn't put the weight on overnight, you're not going to lose it overnight. Patience and perseverance my dear will take you a long way! I know exactly how you feel. My hubby tells me he thinks I'm perfect the way I am. My mom constantly nags me about how much I have to lose. I know both are trying to be supportive and understanding. Like another poster said, weight loss is personal. Making the decision to eat healthier and change your lifestyle is a personal choice. Do it for you, your health and your self-esteem. Try not to bother with what others may think. It will impede on your efforts!
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    You are doing this for yourself, and it's not just about weight, it's about being healthy. People who should be sharing your concerns and goals, but aren't motivated or don't have the discipline, will tell you that you don't need to do it as a way to make themselves feel better. They are trying to rationalize their lack of motivation. DO NOT let them get you down.

    Do it for you and if you need some cheering on and help I am there you can add me.
  • haj0808
    haj0808 Posts: 51 Member
    Being hungry all the time is like detoxing. Your hungry mainly because your use to turning to food. Get over that feeling. Is feeling hungry killing you like being over weight usually will. So when your feeling hungry this is the time to create new habits. First ask yourself am I really hungry..if so what was the last time you ate and what did you eat. If it wasnt a meal..meaning a sit down and eat not a grazing and walking around the house type meal sit and plan out your next meal and grab a healthy snack. No chips no a couple of cookies to tied me over. That's not a meal nor a snack that will hold you for more then an hour WHY because all of the suger keeping you hungry. So work on on breaking your old eating habits..even before excerise. You can do it. Water no soda..plan plan plan.