

  • Is Metamucil etc okay for fiber?
    in Isagenix Comment by maddiekidd June 2013
  • I have been on Isagenix for about 3 weeks. I have lost 10 pounds and am happy with it. I also feel better overall. I went through a major illness and several surgeries in the last 6 years and losing weight has become a nightmare. This system works for me. I plan on using it until the end of December then seeing what I can…
    in Isagenix Comment by maddiekidd June 2013
  • I have to agree. I have adjusted my calories twice. 1200 was not enough, 2000 was too much. Now I am at 1600 and feel pretty good. :)
  • I remember my mother saying "we did not have to like her, or respect her, but we would fear her". She would grab whatever was handy and knock the @#$% out of us, but we deserved it. 7 kids and none of us ever got into trouble or went to jail. Suprisingly she never did either. Parents got to be parents then and kids were…
  • I am actually going to work in a good mood after reading everyones posts. Thats scary. As for support, go to the gym and listen to the thin people whine about being to fat. I find rage helps me burn calories much faster. :)
  • I don't think that is an unrealistic goal. I am aiming for 100 lbs but will settle for 80. Good luck on your journeys!
  • Thank you so much to you and all who post their stories. You are my motivation. I am 49 so a bikini is not gonna happen but I can be fit again, you are proof of that.
  • John, Welcome to the site. Its full of wonderful people working towards the same goal, to be fit. I say be fit because if you work towards being fit you will lose weight. You can do this, I never thought I could but I am slowly but surely. Good luck and stick with it. Friend me if you like. Chris
  • Thank you several times over!!:flowerforyou:
  • I drink a Starbucks trenta iced coffee in the am with some cream and suger. Even with this its only about 60 - 80 calories. I actually got rid of my coffee maker at home. I was drinking 2 pots a day or so.
    in Coffee Comment by maddiekidd July 2012
  • If I dont drink enough water I don't lose weight no matter what I do it seems. Thats my major problem is that I hate to drink water. Try increasing your intake and let me know what happens. Good luck.
  • Hello all, I am new. I have been fighting weight for so long. I was put on some nasty meds because of an illness and they impair weight loss. My goal is to get in shape and if the weight comes off thats a bonus. Its really inspiring to read all of your posts and to know I am not the only one feeling helpless and…
  • You look really great, gratz on sticking to it. Stroies like yours make it easier for the rest of us. Chris
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