Not happy today!!

Hi All,

I am just puttiing this on the let my frustration out a bit, I have stuck to the plan all week and been very careful what I ate and only went over by about 250 calories all week.

Then when I weighed myself this morning I had not lost anything! :(

I have been going to bed hungry and feeling hungry during the day but have put up with it hoping it would be worth it...

Anyone who could help or has any ideas please do feel free to post if you wish,

Thanks :)


  • misslou7
    misslou7 Posts: 42 Member
    It's difficult as we can't see your diary but could be that you're not getting enough water and so have water retention?
  • mandimuscles
    mandimuscles Posts: 107 Member
    It's hard to say not knowing lots of stuff, like what did you eat? How long have you been trying? How many calories a day to you take in? Do you work out? All these things take big factors in numbers on the scale. I'm actually finding with me working out, the scale is useless, it's the body change and inches that I need to focus on when the scale doesn't move. If you're hungry all the time, it sounds to me like something isn't going right, you need to eat more by the sounds of it, just depends on what else you've got going on and what you're eating?
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Don't worry. As long as you are staying within your goals for the most part and exercising the pounds will come off. It took me a long time to lose my weight but it did happen. It takes a lot of patience. Keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou:
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    you av not really told us anything your diary is closed .
    how many cals are you eating what av you set mfp to
    and are you eatingyour exercise cals back
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Try upping your calories some, you shouldn't be hungry all the time if you're eating the right amount. Google 'TDEE' (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and 'BMR' (Basal Metabolic Rate) and find out what yours are. You shoud try to eat between these amounts depending on how much you have to lose.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Well at least you didn't GAIN any weight, so that's not so bad. Maybe you might have to adjust your goals (like i did), so you can increase your daily calories. See if that works.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    you are not eating correctly i would imagine. I am on a detox right now and am really limited on what i can eat for 21 days. I am not hungry at all in fact i can;t eat all of what i am supposed to. I lost 2 lbs in the last week.
  • andywg17
    andywg17 Posts: 3
    Hi again to you all,

    I really appreciate you taking the time to post back to me, I have changed my settings so you should hopefully be able to see my food diary now.

    At the mo I am trying for 1900 cals a day, I want to loose some of my stomach excess really plus tone up..

    Thank you all once again :)

    Please feel free to add anything you feel might help
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    Hi again to you all,

    I really appreciate you taking the time to post back to me, I have changed my settingt so you should hopefully be able to see my food diary now.

    At the mo I am trying for 1900 cals a day, I juast want to loose some of my stomach excess really.

    Thank you all once again :)
    well i can see on monday at a glance you wasted a good 500 cals on rubbish that could have been a whole healthy filling meal.
    try choosing your food a bit better and up your exercise
  • andywg17
    andywg17 Posts: 3
    What should I be eating and what should I be cutting out then?

    Please I value the info :smile:
  • TinaHumphries
    TinaHumphries Posts: 130 Member
    I never lose weight the week that I am extra careful, it takes my body a week to acknowledge it! Be patient, your body will catch up with you :D
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    well i can see on monday at a glance you wasted a good 500 cals on rubbish that could have been a whole healthy filling meal.
    try choosing your food a bit better and up your exercise

    sorry but this has nothing to do with weight loss. 500 calories of "rubbish" does not prevent weight loss

    the only issue for the OP is time. One week is NOTHING to make a judgment by.

    all this advice of changing calorie goals and what not is not warranted given the information.

    just keep going takes time
  • IkkleGina
    IkkleGina Posts: 17
    i know how you feel i have only been doing the diet a few days but been under every day with my calories, i feel like im living on salad and fruit, I have been to the gym every other day and actually GAINED weight!! one of the friends i have made on here told me it may take a while for my body to adjust so im going to weight myself every 2 weeks instead of the amout i have been as every time i step on the scales it makes me really miserable. I tried this 2 years ago and lost 2 stone so i know it works.

    Guess sometimes it just takes a while. What kind of foor are you eating? and how long have you been doing it for?
  • Lmathers
    Lmathers Posts: 2 Member
    Use Google to search for foods that are high in fiber since they will keep you feeling full longer. I would also try to get in a little more exercise as well as drink more water. What's been working for me is to drink at least a glass of water when I start feeling hungry, especially if it's a short while after I've eaten. If you don't really like water, trying adding some fruit to it to make it taste better. Also, really trying to stay within your calorie goal will help.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    What should I be eating and what should I be cutting out then?

    Please I value the info :smile:
    i would cut out sugary cereals ,crisps and cake have them when you have spare cals from exercising fill up on lean proteins friuit and veggies wholegrain and wheat cereals , oats you may find you have a big loss next week when your body as got used to the change in food anyway protein is supposed to keep you fuller longer try getting a protein shake and exercise :bigsmile:
  • Lmathers
    Lmathers Posts: 2 Member
    i know how you feel i have only been doing the diet a few days but been under every day with my calories, i feel like im living on salad and fruit, I have been to the gym every other day and actually GAINED weight!! one of the friends i have made on here told me it may take a while for my body to adjust so im going to weight myself every 2 weeks instead of the amout i have been as every time i step on the scales it makes me really miserable. I tried this 2 years ago and lost 2 stone so i know it works.

    Guess sometimes it just takes a while. What kind of foor are you eating? and how long have you been doing it for?

    I go through your issue whenever I start working out and depending on what type of things you're doing at the gym (like weight machines more than cardio), you might be gaining some muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so that could be part of the problem. One way to avoid it if you're particularly fond of the weight machines is to choose a very light weight and do 15-25 reps. You tone muscle rather than build it that way.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    well i can see on monday at a glance you wasted a good 500 cals on rubbish that could have been a whole healthy filling meal.
    try choosing your food a bit better and up your exercise

    sorry but this has nothing to do with weight loss. 500 calories of "rubbish" does not prevent weight loss

    the only issue for the OP is time. One week is NOTHING to make a judgment by.

    all this advice of changing calorie goals and what not is not warranted given the information.

    just keep going takes time
    the op is saying he is hungry all the time so yes rubbish food does not fill you up a healthy filling meal of the same cals would ok
  • maddiekidd
    maddiekidd Posts: 15
    If I dont drink enough water I don't lose weight no matter what I do it seems. Thats my major problem is that I hate to drink water. Try increasing your intake and let me know what happens. Good luck.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    You're not drinking enough water; water is an essential part of the healthy weight loss process. If you don't like water plain, try adding your favorite fruit or a flavor packet. This process can be frustrating and is rife with peaks and valleys...don't give up. If you do the right things long enough, you will see the results you are seeking.
  • I try and stick to my daily goals and eat back half of my exercise calories.
    I do eat rubbish/junk but try and restrict that to once a week. If I do then I will add extra to my runs (kind of punishment).

    Yeh see what happens over a few weeks, I didn't lose any weight for 2 weeks in a row, even being under my daily calorie intake, but have lost inches and have developed some serious thigh and calf muscles.

    Weigh yourself in another week or two and then see the results (dont worry about this weigh in).