


  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I love it!!!!

    Why are people getting upset? Did any of you invent this product or something? We're not talking about YOU. We're talking about the crap product and industry!!!!

    I've already written about this about two years ago. I call it the blood brothers syndrome. Once we're involved in something, whether it be a product, place or service, well our ego kicks in and becomes protective of that group. You could be doing some of the worse stuff on the planet for the body, either with intake or some crap workout fad, but once you've share in blood sweat and tears with someone else, there is a bond there. This is why the military does what it does in boot camp, same thing in sports, and the "boot camp" , so called, workout groups. So one must be careful not to get too caught up.

    Noone needs to know anyone here, or their trainer. They need to know SIMPLE science. This isn't heady stuff at this level. But many of us research it daily and look into as a part of our job or way of life. The industry is betting on the fact that we are outnumbered. Being a personal trainer takes ZERO knowledge of how the body really works. I know, i've been one for ages. Being a trainer, just like a real estate agent which I am, a professional (presumably) holds one to a higher standard. So if your trainer is selling you on this as more than a way to supplement protein or macro/micronutrients, they are either stretching the truth or flat out lying OR they are ignorant of the basic and simple facts about human metabolism/physiology (again not that this is required to be trainer) So which is worse.

    I have no problem whatsoever with the MLM construct. As a business proposition it's almost genius and makes perfect sense. The problem is that in an attempt to make a sale, a buck, or qualify for a car, people start to either misrepresent, or flat out lie about the 99% b.s. "research" of a product or ingredient. NEWS FLASH!!! Who is going to fund research of a product or ingredient and why should you listen to them? The government? And why would a company fund "independent" research which is very expensive, if they didn't have a vested interest in that research? Spend a few million to have fun? Kelloggs sponsored some research. Wonder what it was on?????

    Again,some of us have zero tolerance for this nonsense, as we've seen, talked to or helped many people who are at their wits end or even contemplated suicide, or know of those that have, over body image or industry related Bullshhh. So just know that we are not criticizing you, we are merely trying to drive home CARE for people in general by telling them they are wasting time and money, being sold snake oil and placebo effect. Caveat Emptor!!!

    I mean at the end of day, you can spend your money and time doing what you like. Buy two bottles and give one away for all I care. Support peoples businesses! Just don't wonder why this or that happens later. or a 6 months or a year from now you're back at square one, possibly added weight, or having to exercise your you know what off to maintain weight, which is a metabolic no no. As my Mom used to say, "A hard head will make a soft azz"

    I will soon be discussing this ilk on video. I'll put my name and face on it. Internationally reachable. That's how confident I am. There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance I know. Patience and Actions usually help thicken that line.

    And furthermore, lets dispense with this "something is better than nothing " stuff and all the other cliches. One of my motto's is It's 2013, lets move forward. We've all heard of A particular definition of insanity. Yet we keep citing and repeating the same general mantras and misunderstandings expecting something different like a higher long term success rate, and anytime someone criticizes them, it's "well, something is better than nothing" To that I say eat more real food and take a brisk walk. That which doesn't kill you can make you stronger, OR LEAVE YOU CRIPPLED FOR LIFE! WE need to find some new cliches to cover up our ignorance. Something is NOT always better than nothing because it can have short term benefits or success but in the longer term waste time or set up bad habits, muscular patterns, etc.

    Hey it's all love with me for the general consumer. But for some reason, in 2013 and beyond, we still think that there will EVER be an easy button to this stuff. Fuggetaboutit!

    I'm not upset, just to be clear. I just thought it was incredibly tacky that you basically called me stupid and my trainer greedy. If that's how you promote what you love, that makes me sad. I was curious about you and checked out your website and it is obvious you do some awesome things, and I mostly agree with what you are saying! I just don't like being treated like a baby who hasn't done my research, because I have. But I am at my wit's end with trying and not getting anywhere, so this is me trying something different, and you don't have to agree with it, but please don't disrespect me for it. That is all. :)

    You're not upset but you're STILL putting words In someones mouth? I didn't "basically call you" anything. And what makes you sad is a figure of speech intended to hurt someone's feelings because you are hurt. Blood Brothers/Sisters... You can call it what you want.

    I don't like unnecessary use of victimization, but in this case YOU'RE A VICTIM! of the industry. Welcome. You feel hurt to some degree, pain. Was your decision right? wrong. Did someone who cared about you lie to you or now know what they needed to know? It happens. You don't die from it. It's ok. But take it for the fact of what it is. Too much sugar coating in this industry as it is.

    And you being at your wits end or feeling this way or that, is EXACTLY THE REASON I AM THE WAY I AM!!!!!!!

    It's not you it's the industry. I'm not perfect or special. I have parts of my life and business that I'm trying to deal with, conquer, change, etc. But this site isn't about that or me. It's about Fitness.

    But it's ok, you're still going through the 5 stages of grief! We all have to at various points in our lives.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I did Isagenix and lost 35lbs on the 30 day cleans. 285lbs to 250lbs. I gained all and more back in 2 weeks topping out at 290. Seemed like I could do nothing to stop the scale from going up no matter how healthy I ate. Its one of those things if you do it you have to stay on it.

    My step-sister did it lost a bunch and has stayed on there maintenance plan for 6 months and maintained. I wonder what will happen if she ever stops.

    My burning question to individuals: "What will you do AFTER? And have you learned?"
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    I love it!!!!

    Why are people getting upset? Did any of you invent this product or something? We're not talking about YOU. We're talking about the crap product and industry!!!!

    I've already written about this about two years ago. I call it the blood brothers syndrome. Once we're involved in something, whether it be a product, place or service, well our ego kicks in and becomes protective of that group. You could be doing some of the worse stuff on the planet for the body, either with intake or some crap workout fad, but once you've share in blood sweat and tears with someone else, there is a bond there. This is why the military does what it does in boot camp, same thing in sports, and the "boot camp" , so called, workout groups. So one must be careful not to get too caught up.

    Noone needs to know anyone here, or their trainer. They need to know SIMPLE science. This isn't heady stuff at this level. But many of us research it daily and look into as a part of our job or way of life. The industry is betting on the fact that we are outnumbered. Being a personal trainer takes ZERO knowledge of how the body really works. I know, i've been one for ages. Being a trainer, just like a real estate agent which I am, a professional (presumably) holds one to a higher standard. So if your trainer is selling you on this as more than a way to supplement protein or macro/micronutrients, they are either stretching the truth or flat out lying OR they are ignorant of the basic and simple facts about human metabolism/physiology (again not that this is required to be trainer) So which is worse.

    I have no problem whatsoever with the MLM construct. As a business proposition it's almost genius and makes perfect sense. The problem is that in an attempt to make a sale, a buck, or qualify for a car, people start to either misrepresent, or flat out lie about the 99% b.s. "research" of a product or ingredient. NEWS FLASH!!! Who is going to fund research of a product or ingredient and why should you listen to them? The government? And why would a company fund "independent" research which is very expensive, if they didn't have a vested interest in that research? Spend a few million to have fun? Kelloggs sponsored some research. Wonder what it was on?????

    Again,some of us have zero tolerance for this nonsense, as we've seen, talked to or helped many people who are at their wits end or even contemplated suicide, or know of those that have, over body image or industry related Bullshhh. So just know that we are not criticizing you, we are merely trying to drive home CARE for people in general by telling them they are wasting time and money, being sold snake oil and placebo effect. Caveat Emptor!!!

    I mean at the end of day, you can spend your money and time doing what you like. Buy two bottles and give one away for all I care. Support peoples businesses! Just don't wonder why this or that happens later. or a 6 months or a year from now you're back at square one, possibly added weight, or having to exercise your you know what off to maintain weight, which is a metabolic no no. As my Mom used to say, "A hard head will make a soft azz"

    I will soon be discussing this ilk on video. I'll put my name and face on it. Internationally reachable. That's how confident I am. There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance I know. Patience and Actions usually help thicken that line.

    And furthermore, lets dispense with this "something is better than nothing " stuff and all the other cliches. One of my motto's is It's 2013, lets move forward. We've all heard of A particular definition of insanity. Yet we keep citing and repeating the same general mantras and misunderstandings expecting something different like a higher long term success rate, and anytime someone criticizes them, it's "well, something is better than nothing" To that I say eat more real food and take a brisk walk. That which doesn't kill you can make you stronger, OR LEAVE YOU CRIPPLED FOR LIFE! WE need to find some new cliches to cover up our ignorance. Something is NOT always better than nothing because it can have short term benefits or success but in the longer term waste time or set up bad habits, muscular patterns, etc.

    Hey it's all love with me for the general consumer. But for some reason, in 2013 and beyond, we still think that there will EVER be an easy button to this stuff. Fuggetaboutit!

    I'm not upset, just to be clear. I just thought it was incredibly tacky that you basically called me stupid and my trainer greedy. If that's how you promote what you love, that makes me sad. I was curious about you and checked out your website and it is obvious you do some awesome things, and I mostly agree with what you are saying! I just don't like being treated like a baby who hasn't done my research, because I have. But I am at my wit's end with trying and not getting anywhere, so this is me trying something different, and you don't have to agree with it, but please don't disrespect me for it. That is all. :)

    You're not upset but you're STILL putting words In someones mouth? I didn't "basically call you" anything. And what makes you sad is a figure of speech intended to hurt someone's feelings because you are hurt. Blood Brothers/Sisters... You can call it what you want.

    I don't like unnecessary use of victimization, but in this case YOU'RE A VICTIM! of the industry. Welcome. You feel hurt to some degree, pain. Was your decision right? wrong. Did someone who cared about you lie to you or now know what they needed to know? It happens. You don't die from it. It's ok. But take it for the fact of what it is. Too much sugar coating in this industry as it is.

    And you being at your wits end or feeling this way or that, is EXACTLY THE REASON I AM THE WAY I AM!!!!!!!

    It's not you it's the industry. I'm not perfect or special. I have parts of my life and business that I'm trying to deal with, conquer, change, etc. But this site isn't about that or me. It's about Fitness.

    But it's ok, you're still going through the 5 stages of grief! We all have to at various points in our lives.

    OK, I bite. What is "blood brothers"? Did I miss something? I also want to state that I have zero emotional ties to the Isagenix brand. I am just a girl who is trying to get well again and low on options, and my doctor and trainer are telling me things and I am going on a little faith to try it. And I feel like it pisses people off that I am actually having a positive experience with it, LOL. OH well, right?

    If you can enlighten me about what I can do, by all means, I am listening. If you can tell a prediabetic, insulin resistant mother of two who is currently having inexplicable and undiagnosable fertility issues, losing child after child after child to miscarriage with no answers, visceral stomach fat that won't go away, and the cleanest damn eating I can muster, along with solid weight training and some, but not much cardio. how to live and eat (because you do, after all, seem to have ALL the answers...), fire away. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here, because you clearly have an opinion and are on a self-righteous mission at the moment to put down what I am trying to do for myself. If you have the right answer, I want to hear it. But don't be a jerk about it, please. I'm not into narcissistic self-promoters. And I'm in the "stages of grief", am I? Well yeah. I'm sad that I've lost 4 babies in the last two years. I'm sad that people assume I'm pregnant because of my abdominal fat, and I'm sad that I get comments like "Wow, you work out a lot and eat SO healthy! Why are you still so chubby?" So yeah. I guess that does mean I am grieving in my way. Thanks for noticing (and being so sincere and compassionate about it - awesome).

    So go ahead, fitnesstutor. Let's hear your solution. (And if you tell me "Eat right and exercise", I am going to reach through the computer and poke you in the eye. Been there done that, want a specific answer.)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I have been using Isagenix for over 7 years. Exercise is important, as is eating well, however Isagenix will nutritionally cleanse the body which is different than cleanses that starve the body. That being said, it is like anything, you have to be consistent. So once you do a program you need to continue with maintenance to keep the body clean. Similar to exercise really. If you work out regularly and then stop, your results from the workout will no longer be there anymore. It is a wonderful program and the company backs it with a 30 day return policy. So, there is no risk and only good health to gain. One thing to be cautious of though is to ensure whoever you purchase it from does a proper health analysis with you, as a 9 day intense program is not suitable for everyone. Best of luck!

    In light of "Since 2006 I have worked as a coach and distributor of the Isagenix products." you should be able to explain what the statement in bold actually means.
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    LOL... TheFitnessTutor you are awfully quiet all of a sudden. Ask you for a real answer and suddenly cat's got your tongue. Just as I suspected - all cliches and pseudoknowledge but you really don't have any answers. In that case, I will defer to what my DOCTORS and my trainer have recommended, since, after all, they have the education to back up their jaw-flapping, AND my personal history they take into account. Anyways, it's been fun, take care all!
  • byrdleg
    byrdleg Posts: 1 Member
    Please keep us updated on how your feeling and how Isagenix works. I have Fibro and Hashimoto's so very interested in trying it.
  • JudyAngelman
    JudyAngelman Posts: 58 Member
    A few of us got into it and to tell you the I truth it did nothing for me, one lady said she lost some weight but she has gained even more back. Eat real food, watch portions and if you like shakes go get a good one from Sam's or Costco much cheaper. I would say it is just a waste of money.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what the hell "cleanse the body nutritionally" means.
  • maddiekidd
    maddiekidd Posts: 15
    I have been on Isagenix for about 3 weeks. I have lost 10 pounds and am happy with it. I also feel better overall. I went through a major illness and several surgeries in the last 6 years and losing weight has become a nightmare. This system works for me. I plan on using it until the end of December then seeing what I can do on my own after that. If the weight comes back, I will let you know.

    I needed a jump start and this is it. I will keep posting my progress for the individual who asked about it.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member


    Plus, nothing jump starts metabolism - the ONLY thing that increases metabolism is increasing lean body mass.

    Incorrect. Increasing lean body mass is not the ONLY thing that increases metabolism.

    -Sleep and rest has a positive effect on your metabolism. Lack of sleep can slow your metabolism.
    -Exercising even when not building or increasing body mass can increase your metabolism. Just because you are exercising doesn't mean you are increasing body mass, especially if you are doing HIT Cardio or cardio where you are most likely burning calories without tearing the muscle for regrowth. Add in if you are dieting you are most likely not going to have the fuel for mass growth.
    -Eating Fiber - Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate, but the body tries hard to break it down anyway, using up energy -- and boosting metabolism in the process.
    -EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids found only in fish oil, may have the power to dramatically boost your metabolism -- by about 400 calories per day, researchers from the University of Western Ontario report.
    -Even the temperature that you keep your body affects your metabolism.

    Building muscle DOES increase your metabolism but it's not the ONLY thing.

    Metabolism isn't this set thing, many things affect it, as well as it's always changing even throughout the day. It's not a cut dry thing, it has more up and down flows.
  • maddiekidd
    maddiekidd Posts: 15
    Is Metamucil etc okay for fiber?
  • ChristinaDawn7
    ChristinaDawn7 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all! Just wanted to add my own experience. I've been drinking the Isagenix protein shakes for 5 years. I mostly drink it on the mornings that I'm going to teach Zumba class. I feel a lot more energetic after drinking the shake. In these 5 years nobody has ever called me to sell me anything. I simply go online and buy whatever products I want. So the MLM aspect is only for those who are interested. I've recently been wanting to improve my nutrition and I haven't had much time to cook, so I bought the 30 day package. I've read all the ingredients in the products and they are clean healthy ingredients.

    Similar to what Tangie said, I have PCOS and am insulin resistance so losing weight has always been a struggle for me. I am happy to say that I am feeling more energetic following the 30 day plan and have lost 10 pounds in 1 month. That's really good for me, considering I never can lose weight (and that I had a few weekends in there where I ate junk).

  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Hi all! Just wanted to add my own experience. I've been drinking the Isagenix protein shakes for 5 years. I mostly drink it on the mornings that I'm going to teach Zumba class. I feel a lot more energetic after drinking the shake. In these 5 years nobody has ever called me to sell me anything. I simply go online and buy whatever products I want. So the MLM aspect is only for those who are interested. I've recently been wanting to improve my nutrition and I haven't had much time to cook, so I bought the 30 day package. I've read all the ingredients in the products and they are clean healthy ingredients.

    Similar to what Tangie said, I have PCOS and am insulin resistance so losing weight has always been a struggle for me. I am happy to say that I am feeling more energetic following the 30 day plan and have lost 10 pounds in 1 month. That's really good for me, considering I never can lose weight (and that I had a few weekends in there where I ate junk).


    Hi Christi Lillard,

    You have your own Isagenix website.

    Do you think we're morons?

    This is exactly why people should stay away from MLM companies. Since this aspect of your post appears to be deliberately misleading, it could be argued that perhaps all of what you say is.
  • macielittle
    macielittle Posts: 46 Member
    Of course she has her own Isagenix website; she uses the product and the cheapest way to buy it is to buy it wholesale. They give you a FREE website when you buy it wholesale. That doesn't mean she intends to promote it. In addition, Christi never stated whether or not she is interested in the MLM aspect...that was an assumption on your part.

    I also have been using Isagenix (and therefore also have a website). If it does not suit your fancy don't use it, but I have lost 22 lbs since June 6 and will continue on the 30 day product until I am at my goal weight.

    Christi, I too have endocrine issues and have had a hard time losing weight since 2007. I am well on my way to being at my lowest weight since then. I have more energy and am also training to run my first ever 5k. Hope things continue to go in your favor!
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    Of course she has her own Isagenix website; she uses the product and the cheapest way to buy it is to buy it wholesale. They give you a FREE website when you buy it wholesale. That doesn't mean she intends to promote it. In addition, Christi never stated whether or not she is interested in the MLM aspect...that was an assumption on your part.

    I also have been using Isagenix (and therefore also have a website). If it does not suit your fancy don't use it, but I have lost 22 lbs since June 6 and will continue on the 30 day product until I am at my goal weight.

    Christi, I too have endocrine issues and have had a hard time losing weight since 2007. I am well on my way to being at my lowest weight since then. I have more energy and am also training to run my first ever 5k. Hope things continue to go in your favor!

    Great work!!! I love hearing happy stories. My journey has been so long and sad that to have something work is just pretty amazing and gives me hope. Go Christi and Marcie!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    MLM? That explains the religious fervor.

  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    ...but I decided it was natural stuff ...

    Where do the Isagenix plants grow? If you don't find it in nature, how 'natural' can it be?
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    ...but I decided it was natural stuff ...

    Where do the Isagenix plants grow? If you don't find it in nature, how 'natural' can it be?

    Uh, really? Read the ingredients and get back to me.
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    MLM? That explains the religious fervor.


    Hmm so what is YOUR excuse then? ;)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    MLM? That explains the religious fervor.


    Hmm so what is YOUR excuse then? ;)
