


  • WolowitzTimestwo
    WolowitzTimestwo Posts: 45 Member
    Thought it was a misspelling of lasagna!
    Very disappointed. Lol
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Wow, snarky bunch here.

    I am not selling, nor do I ever intend to sell Isagenix. I will say that at the advice of a *trusted* trainer, I started it 10 days ago. Went with the 30 day system, knowing zero about the products before. When he recommended it, it was frustrating getting through the hype and BIASED reviews online by people selling the product (I hate that), but I decided it was natural stuff and a reasonable way to increase my protein intake, so I am giving it a try.

    I have already lost 6 pounds and losing inches. I am not starving myself and have not experienced much except an increase in energy and clarity overall. I am prediabetic and have lots of stomach fat, so maybe it isn't for everyone, but right now, it is affecting me positively.

    You really shouldn't hate on something you haven't tried for yourself. You guys are behaving badly towards other people. If you don't want to do it, fine, don't. But don't be rude to other people who are trying to do something positive for themselves.

    Have a good night all. Wanted to chime in and cut through the negative nonsense.
    (I've already touched slightly on this on my site under Blood Brothers. Those that don't go along with what you've bought into)

    Noone was being rude. If anyone was rude it was YOUR TRAINER for not telling you to go to the shop down the road and get so and so for half the price. NOONE needs to try any of this stuff before criticizing it. I've been in this industry for 18 years. I don't claim to know it all, or to even know that much but what I do stress about this long duration is that I've seen a lot of crap come and go! This is nothing new. The same repackaged crap from decades ago, just in a shiny new "box." This is SIMPLE science and these folks are taking advantage of causation vs correlation to make an extra buck off of you.

    The only potential thing that changes is when someone increases their protein intake, which may give them a higher thermic effect of food which can allow them to lose extra weight. Other than that, there is no science in ANY over the counter "weight loss " product that helps you lose any considerable amount of weight. Fat is not bad. It's one of only 3 forms of energy our body uses. There is no product that makes your body malfunction enough to throw extra fat away. And just because you bought into it, doesn't mean everyone giving it hell is being rude. You're the one that got suckered and you're calling the truth tellers the rude ones. Don't kill the messenger. And for some of us trainers who don't go for this extra money making routine or some of us other folks in the industry that get tired of hearing this or that super protein,cleanse or super product get tired of hearing this nonsense. Sorry, but those of us passionate about this don't take it lightly for your (our potential clients') sake.

    Then the question comes of what will you do when you stop taking it? Or will you take it forever? And what have you learned? What will you do when you can't exercise?

    Ahhh...I will soon be discussing this on video. So stick around.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Isagenix = MLM



    It's a scam.

    Detoxing is bunk.

    The sellers are victims too, it's not possible to make an honest living this way.
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    OMG... so arrogant. To each their own. And you don't know me OR my trainer who is also a long time and trusted friend and I truly do not appreciate your condescension or comments. Rude and presumptuous.

    Have a great day all! I am seeing my way out of here because you aren't looking for an honest discussion.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    water cleanses your body. humans have evolved over millions of years to have natural purges of toxins, etc. you don't need to buy crap to do that, when your body does it for free.
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    And I couldn't be less interested in a video from someone so judgemental and rude. I didn't "get suckered" and am not a naive idiot. Anyways. Sorry guys! Good luck in all your paths.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I did Isagenix and lost 35lbs on the 30 day cleans. 285lbs to 250lbs. I gained all and more back in 2 weeks topping out at 290. Seemed like I could do nothing to stop the scale from going up no matter how healthy I ate. Its one of those things if you do it you have to stay on it.

    My step-sister did it lost a bunch and has stayed on there maintenance plan for 6 months and maintained. I wonder what will happen if she ever stops.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I have been using Isagenix for over 7 years. Exercise is important, as is eating well, however Isagenix will nutritionally cleanse the body which is different than cleanses that starve the body. That being said, it is like anything, you have to be consistent. So once you do a program you need to continue with maintenance to keep the body clean. Similar to exercise really. If you work out regularly and then stop, your results from the workout will no longer be there anymore. It is a wonderful program and the company backs it with a 30 day return policy. So, there is no risk and only good health to gain. One thing to be cautious of though is to ensure whoever you purchase it from does a proper health analysis with you, as a 9 day intense program is not suitable for everyone. Best of luck!

    I wish I knew about the return policy.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    If somebody is about to scam you by selling fake gold, would I be rude for telling you that the gold is fake? This seems to be your angle, science is rude.

    Many, many people have lost weight the correct way, that is by eating less calories than your body spends. Any concoction that can drastically alter your metabolism enough to burn fat in great quantities would be dangerous enough to be classified as a drug, and be regulated by the FDA as one.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    OMG... so arrogant. To each their own. And you don't know me OR my trainer who is also a long time and trusted friend and I truly do not appreciate your condescension or comments. Rude and presumptuous.

    Have a great day all! I am seeing my way out of here because you aren't looking for an honest discussion.

    Sorry your feelings are getting hurt, but you came into this discussion trying to convince us that this stuff is actually good for you. Almost everyone on MFP has already tried this kind of thing and know that it doesn't work. Most people on here know that health, weight loss and fitness comes from within, not out of a bottle. We have tried doesn't work. Eat better and get some exercise works practically every time. And if I am honest, I don't think there is much tolerance to snake oil around here. Sorry.

    ETA, OP, I am sorry your thread got hijacked. But, if nothing else, maybe you learned that this is not a favorable path on MFP.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    OMG... so arrogant. To each their own. And you don't know me OR my trainer who is also a long time and trusted friend and I truly do not appreciate your condescension or comments. Rude and presumptuous.

    Have a great day all! I am seeing my way out of here because you aren't looking for an honest discussion.
    It was an honest discussion. You're perceiving it as personal. Just be objective for a moment. If Joe schmoe was at your doorstep selling you a product with great claims, you'd more than likely be skeptical. But if it's a trusted friend, then there's much less resistance. AND THAT'S HOW MLM's MAKE MONEY. They prey on people to get their friends and family to buy product (meaning the company won't advertise or sell it by themselves so they can save money on advertising costs) because of TRUST. The "upline" make money just cause you're friend is on their "downline" and they may not even know who they are. And this upline has NOTHING to do with the sale (they don't manufacture, box it, label it, etc.), they just get a cut. That's why the product is overpriced.
    If you objectively look at ANY MLM, the people who are providing income for the upline are the autoship buyers (who also happen to be "distributors") with a few others under them buying on autoship.
    Not saying that one can't make money out of it, but it's not because the product is superior or clinically proven in anyway.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    My feelings aren't hurt but I think the general superior attitude of people on this thread kind of sucks and is not really helpful to the original poster. I really do get and respect the points here and I am not really saying one way or the other on the product except that it is made with healthful ingredients as far as supplements go and people could do a lot worse despite the MLM thing which I don't like. However I think for myself and researched the ingredients and made the decision based off of that to try it.

    Do any of you ever have a post hard-workout protein shake? That is no different. Probably the main reason Isagenix works is because of the increased quality protein and the slight calorie deficit. I need more protein than I was getting so for the time being this is helpful to me. It isn't rocket science. After my 30-day "system" I intend to keep buying their whey protein. It tastes good, is more natural than the stuff I used to buy (major allergies in our house and it has to be CLEAN) and keeps my blood sugars stable which my doctor is watching me on.

    Anyway not looking for a fight here. Just an honest objective discussion without personally attacking my intelligence or my trainer. :) Not playing nice. Seriously though I am not mad or upset in the least. Just opinionated :) haha
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    Well I do agree with you on one thing, no question it is overpriced! Haha!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    My feelings aren't hurt but I think the general superior attitude of people on this thread kind of sucks and is not really helpful to the original poster. I really do get and respect the points here and I am not really saying one way or the other on the product except that it is made with healthful ingredients as far as supplements go and people could do a lot worse despite the MLM thing which I don't like. However I think for myself and researched the ingredients and made the decision based off of that to try it.

    Do any of you ever have a post hard-workout protein shake? That is no different. Probably the main reason Isagenix works is because of the increased quality protein and the slight calorie deficit. I need more protein than I was getting so for the time being this is helpful to me. It isn't rocket science. After my 30-day "system" I intend to keep buying their whey protein. It tastes good, is more natural than the stuff I used to buy (major allergies in our house and it has to be CLEAN) and keeps my blood sugars stable which my doctor is watching me on.

    Anyway not looking for a fight here. Just an honest objective discussion without personally attacking my intelligence or my trainer. :) Not playing nice. Seriously though I am not mad or upset in the least. Just opinionated :) haha
    Here's more info for you. Yes I have a protein shake supplemented into my diet too, but I choose one that's manufactured by the company distributing it. OPTIMUM NUTRITION products are very reasonably priced, excellent in quality and their raw materials are their own.
    Now take Isagenix. It's manufactured by a 3rd party company.............usually the same 3rd party manufacturers that make protein powder products for several other companies as well. Raw material is from China (and there's no "real" regulation there) so you're not really sure what you're getting. How do we know? Because of recalls. And yes Isagenix did have a recall because of batches of product containing ingredients not desired (although on their website they CLAIM every batch is tested several times before packaging). Don't take my word for it here's the Isagenix recall due to 3rd party manufacturing.

    So really how much can you really believe about all the good "natural" stuff in it's product line? You'd need an independent company to verify it and I'm don't believe any MLM company has allowed it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    Well I do agree with you on one thing, no question it is overpriced! Haha!
    Like $300 a month right?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    YES! Not sustainable for me, because we are broke and we have other things to spend money on. But wayyyyy less to just get the whey protein, which is what I will do once my month is up. Because holy crap, that is a lot of money. Of course, our grocery bill has gone down since I have the protein, so not sure how that figures out.
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    Now THIS is a great post. Thanks for the information, I will check out the Optimum Nutrition and see. My husband also uses whatever protein I buy for his post-workout stuff and he has extreme Celiac's Disease and needs gluten-free and whey from grass-fed source or he gets really sick. And I am just really allergic to several things so I need gluten-free as well so it narrows down our options pretty significantly.

    I do agree with you about the MLM setup. I really hate that. I am not into pushy sales or people being deceptive to try to sell product so it wasn't a natural fit for me but I took a leap because at least based on the ingredients labels, I liked what I saw so made a call.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I love it!!!!

    Why are people getting upset? Did any of you invent this product or something? We're not talking about YOU. We're talking about the crap product and industry!!!!

    I've already written about this about two years ago. I call it the blood brothers syndrome. Once we're involved in something, whether it be a product, place or service, well our ego kicks in and becomes protective of that group. You could be doing some of the worse stuff on the planet for the body, either with intake or some crap workout fad, but once you've shared in blood sweat and tears with someone else, there is a bond there. This is why the military does what it does in boot camp, same thing in sports, and the "boot camp" , so called, workout groups. So one must be careful not to get too caught up.

    No one needs to know anyone here, or their trainer. They need to know SIMPLE science. I've helped plenty of people online without meeting them, most of them lose 30 lbs on average. This isn't heady stuff at this level. But many of us research it daily and look into it as a part of our job or way of life. The industry is betting on the fact that we are outnumbered. Being a personal trainer takes ZERO knowledge of how the body really works. I know, I've been one for ages. Being a trainer, just like a real estate agent which I am, a professional (presumably) holds one to a higher standard. So if your trainer is selling you on this as more than a way to supplement protein or macro/micro-nutrients, they are either stretching the truth or flat out lying OR they are ignorant of the basic and simple facts about human metabolism/physiology (again not that this is required to be trainer) So which is worse?

    I have no problem whatsoever with the MLM construct. As a business proposition it's almost genius and makes perfect sense. The problem is that in an attempt to make a sale, a buck, or qualify for a car, people start to either misrepresent, or flat out lie about the 99% b.s. "research" of a product or ingredient. NEWS FLASH!!! Who is going to fund research of a product or ingredient and why should you listen to them? The government? And why would a company fund "independent" research which is very expensive, if they didn't have a vested interest in that research? Spend a few million to have fun? Kellogg sponsored some research. Take a guess as to what it was on?????

    Again,some of us have zero tolerance for this nonsense, as we've seen, talked to or helped many people who are at their wits end or even contemplated suicide, or know of those that have, over body image or industry related Bullshhh. So just know that we are not criticizing you, we are merely trying to drive home CARE for people in general by telling them they are wasting time and money, being sold snake oil and placebo effect. Caveat Emptor!!!

    I mean at the end of day, you can spend your money and time doing what you like. Buy two bottles and give one away for all I care. Support peoples businesses! Just don't wonder why this or that happens later. or a 6 months or a year from now you're back at square one, possibly added weight, or having to exercise your you know what off to maintain weight, which is a metabolic no no. As my Mom used to say, "A hard head will make a soft azz"

    I will soon be discussing this ilk on video. I'll put my name and face on it. Internationally reachable. That's how confident I am. There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance I know. Patience and Actions usually help thicken that line.

    Now one must remember that in any given sample of a population you will have several personality types. So if you get your product into a few peoples hands, plenty of people with have "success" (a very subjective and many times unhealthy word) with ANY PROTOCOL. Whether it be exercise or diet or selling cars. It's basically a law of statistics. In the fitness industry, there is still Causation vs Correlation to deal with. I can lose weight eating a doughnut everyday. So now doughnuts are conducive to weight loss, research shows!!

    And furthermore, lets dispense with this "something is better than nothing " stuff and all the other cliches. One of my motto's is It's 2013, lets move forward. We've all heard of A particular definition of insanity. Yet we keep citing and repeating the same general mantras and misunderstandings expecting something different like a higher long term success rate, and anytime someone criticizes them, it's "well, something is better than nothing" To that I say eat more real food and take a brisk walk. That which doesn't kill you can make you stronger, OR LEAVE YOU CRIPPLED FOR LIFE! WE need to find some new cliches to cover up our ignorance. Something is NOT always better than nothing because it can have short term benefits or success but in the longer term waste time or set up bad habits, muscular patterns, etc.

    Hey it's all love with me for the general consumer. But for some reason, in 2013 and beyond, we still think that there will EVER be an easy button to this stuff. Fuggetaboutit!
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    If somebody is about to scam you by selling fake gold, would I be rude for telling you that the gold is fake? This seems to be your angle, science is rude.

    Many, many people have lost weight the correct way, that is by eating less calories than your body spends. Any concoction that can drastically alter your metabolism enough to burn fat in great quantities would be dangerous enough to be classified as a drug, and be regulated by the FDA as one.

    Hi! I just saw your response. No, I do not think "science is rude", nor do I think sharing honest opinions is rude. I do, however, think that an abrupt, unsupportive and despondent answer to somebody's honest question, and showing disrespect for another person's choice that is perhaps the best solution they could come up with, is rude. Sorry.

    The thing is, you know nothing about me, or my personal health and challenges. I am well aware of the correct way to lose weight, and I have been doing exactly that for the last two years with little to no change. At the direction of both my doctor and my trainer, I need to bump up my protein by, well, a LOT, and keep sugars low. That is what the Isagenix whey protein shakes do for me. I am a mother of two very young ones, I work 40-50 hours a week, and I would rather spend what little time I have in the morning with the kids than in the kitchen, cooking up enough meat to get through the day and hit my target. In addition to that, our unique situation in our home is such that we can no longer consume any kind of grain in our house, and need clean, organic meats, lots of veggies, some fruit/sweet potatoes, nuts/seeds, and no sugars/processed anything. So yeah, I know about eating clean and being active and watching sugars and watching calories.

    I am sure everyone here has good intentions! And we are all passionate about what we are doing, it seems. But don't trample on other people because they do something different than you - maybe they are doing their best with what they have. You can share your opinion in a loving way, and I guarantee it will be better received. Making other people feel stupid for their choices is disrespectful and inexcusable. Anyways. Sorry for another post but wanted to respond to your comment.
  • TangieTP
    TangieTP Posts: 26
    I love it!!!!

    Why are people getting upset? Did any of you invent this product or something? We're not talking about YOU. We're talking about the crap product and industry!!!!

    I've already written about this about two years ago. I call it the blood brothers syndrome. Once we're involved in something, whether it be a product, place or service, well our ego kicks in and becomes protective of that group. You could be doing some of the worse stuff on the planet for the body, either with intake or some crap workout fad, but once you've share in blood sweat and tears with someone else, there is a bond there. This is why the military does what it does in boot camp, same thing in sports, and the "boot camp" , so called, workout groups. So one must be careful not to get too caught up.

    Noone needs to know anyone here, or their trainer. They need to know SIMPLE science. This isn't heady stuff at this level. But many of us research it daily and look into as a part of our job or way of life. The industry is betting on the fact that we are outnumbered. Being a personal trainer takes ZERO knowledge of how the body really works. I know, i've been one for ages. Being a trainer, just like a real estate agent which I am, a professional (presumably) holds one to a higher standard. So if your trainer is selling you on this as more than a way to supplement protein or macro/micronutrients, they are either stretching the truth or flat out lying OR they are ignorant of the basic and simple facts about human metabolism/physiology (again not that this is required to be trainer) So which is worse.

    I have no problem whatsoever with the MLM construct. As a business proposition it's almost genius and makes perfect sense. The problem is that in an attempt to make a sale, a buck, or qualify for a car, people start to either misrepresent, or flat out lie about the 99% b.s. "research" of a product or ingredient. NEWS FLASH!!! Who is going to fund research of a product or ingredient and why should you listen to them? The government? And why would a company fund "independent" research which is very expensive, if they didn't have a vested interest in that research? Spend a few million to have fun? Kelloggs sponsored some research. Wonder what it was on?????

    Again,some of us have zero tolerance for this nonsense, as we've seen, talked to or helped many people who are at their wits end or even contemplated suicide, or know of those that have, over body image or industry related Bullshhh. So just know that we are not criticizing you, we are merely trying to drive home CARE for people in general by telling them they are wasting time and money, being sold snake oil and placebo effect. Caveat Emptor!!!

    I mean at the end of day, you can spend your money and time doing what you like. Buy two bottles and give one away for all I care. Support peoples businesses! Just don't wonder why this or that happens later. or a 6 months or a year from now you're back at square one, possibly added weight, or having to exercise your you know what off to maintain weight, which is a metabolic no no. As my Mom used to say, "A hard head will make a soft azz"

    I will soon be discussing this ilk on video. I'll put my name and face on it. Internationally reachable. That's how confident I am. There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance I know. Patience and Actions usually help thicken that line.

    And furthermore, lets dispense with this "something is better than nothing " stuff and all the other cliches. One of my motto's is It's 2013, lets move forward. We've all heard of A particular definition of insanity. Yet we keep citing and repeating the same general mantras and misunderstandings expecting something different like a higher long term success rate, and anytime someone criticizes them, it's "well, something is better than nothing" To that I say eat more real food and take a brisk walk. That which doesn't kill you can make you stronger, OR LEAVE YOU CRIPPLED FOR LIFE! WE need to find some new cliches to cover up our ignorance. Something is NOT always better than nothing because it can have short term benefits or success but in the longer term waste time or set up bad habits, muscular patterns, etc.

    Hey it's all love with me for the general consumer. But for some reason, in 2013 and beyond, we still think that there will EVER be an easy button to this stuff. Fuggetaboutit!

    I'm not upset, just to be clear. I just thought it was incredibly tacky that you basically called me stupid and my trainer greedy. If that's how you promote what you love, that makes me sad. I was curious about you and checked out your website and it is obvious you do some awesome things, and I mostly agree with what you are saying! I just don't like being treated like a baby who hasn't done my research, because I have. But I am at my wit's end with trying and not getting anywhere, so this is me trying something different, and you don't have to agree with it, but please don't disrespect me for it. That is all. :)