I'm so old...



  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Kids actually went outside to play and only came in to eat or when the street lights came on.

    My husband talks about the streetlight rule. I lived in the country. 15 minutes on a bike to my closest friends house, then an hour to the public pool, then 20 minutes to tasty freeze or dairy queen for a cone or slushie (and for 5 cent you could get sprinkles on the large 25 cent cone)
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    When I was growing up we only had one channel. It was KTVO, Kirksville, Ottumwa. Channel 3.

    I remember wearing the Little House on The Prairie type pinafores. I loved them!

    We sold the church type pictures to earn money for our school. One year I sold the most pictures and won a Bible.

    We didn't have running water and we had an outhouse.

    One of my friends had an outhouse at her grandmother's home circa early 70's. And I hated going out there after dark =)
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    I remember wearing 'poor boy tops' and 'hip-hugger pants and skirts' to school. We liked to 'cruise' or hang out at the drive-in. lol

    haha, we "cruised the loop" looking for things to do on a Friday night.

    we also made our own slip and slides out of black trash bags tacked down on the lawn and someone holding the water hose while the other kids went down
    CDMAGS Posts: 150 Member
    Drive-in movies. *sigh*

    ^Still have one of these local!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I remember being kicked outside to play, but then not wanting to come back in.

    I'm glad I missed the bulk of what the youth has to go through today. I mean we had an NES, cable, and a PC (that good ole' 286) but it wasn't a 24/7 thing. I could never grow up in the social media age.

    ^^ Yup.

    Ahh, Oregon Trail Day at school. Other days it was Number Munchers.

    Oregon Trail!! I loved that game. I actually have in now but it's not as fun as it was in 4th grade...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Drive-in movies. *sigh*

    ^Still have one of these local!

    Same here. Bug spray is a must unless you want to get west nile.
  • maddiekidd
    maddiekidd Posts: 15
    I remember my mother saying "we did not have to like her, or respect her, but we would fear her". She would grab whatever was handy and knock the @#$% out of us, but we deserved it. 7 kids and none of us ever got into trouble or went to jail. Suprisingly she never did either. Parents got to be parents then and kids were kids. I acutally miss that now a days. Oh well, back to the rocking chair for a snooze.
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    I made my dad feel really old when I reminded him that the year I was born:

    New Coke was introduced and flopped
    The Titanic was found
    Microsoft released Windows for the 1st time
    Madonna's "Like a Virgin" hit #1 on the charts
    Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls was named NBA Rookie of Year.
    The legendary Route 66 was decertified
    The song "We are the World" was released
    Shamu was born
    "The Cider House Rules" by John Irving, and "The Vampire Lestat" by Ann Rice were published
    The Holocaust documentary "Shoah" was published
    The Nintendo Entertainment System was released in the USA
    AIDS was on the cover of TIME magazine
    The first article describing the Ozone layer thinning over the south pole was published

    Having said that, I'm old enough to remember records and cassette tapes, and how "special" our family's first CD player was.
    I remember using floppy disks, diskettes, and command lines in DOS to get games to start on the family Tandy computer, which only had 16 colors.
    I remember using AOL dial up and instant messenger for the first time and knowing most of my classmates didn't have internet access yet.
    I was a junior in high school when 9/11 stuck.

    Now that I'm out of college, those things make me feel old around today's youth, even though many of them are supposedly in the same generation as me.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    I remember...

    ~the card catalog at the library
    ~Ding Dongs wrapped in aluminum foil
    ~tv weirdness when a picture tube started failing
    ~defrosting the freezer
    ~_Adam 12_ reruns after school
    ~Blue Law Sundays at the grocery store
    ~The USSR & nightmares about nuclear winter in junior high
    ~“I want my MTV.”
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    My parents would let my brother and I walk to the store to buy them cigarettes, she would give us some money for candy if we would do this for her. I was 9 and he was 4 and we walked about 2 miles alone to get smokes !! bahahaha

    This!!!! Not the smokes part because my mom didn't smoke but I grew up in the Dilworth section of downtown Charlotte NC and would walk 3 miles just to get to the library at 8 or 9 years old! Now we live in Podunk Alabama and I can't let my 10 year old daughter go to the neighbor's house without watching her!!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    First digital watches that you had to push a button to read and it was red LED numbers. I think Texas Instruments came out with them

    I remember that. So long ago when my kids were in school they asked me why they had to learn to tell time "the old fashioned way"
  • stomachflu
    stomachflu Posts: 134 Member
    I'm so old I can remember when MTV played music videos!
  • KathyChampi
    KathyChampi Posts: 66 Member
    How everything is technology with kids. I remember all the neighborhood kids playing was hide and seek and Simon says LOL!!!
  • KathyChampi
    KathyChampi Posts: 66 Member
    I remember when T.V use to go off the air at night playing "America the Beautiful"
    LOL I remember that and antennas on the TV's LOL:laugh:
  • KathyChampi
    KathyChampi Posts: 66 Member
    When snicker bars were 25 cents, and good old penny candy LOL
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I remember buying a whole bag of White Castles..for the same amount ONE costs today. It's no wonder my butt got huge.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I remember when ''Lady Chatterly'' came on HBO after hours...or ''Benny Hill''..and I use to sneak and watch it after everyone was asleep. Nowadays..the kids just Google all kinds of stuff.
  • dawnmarie57
    dawnmarie57 Posts: 53 Member
    Collecting soda bottles in a wagon to get 25 cents for the large bottles and 5 or 10 cents for the smaller ones. THEN going to the hardware store to return them and buying tons of penny candies there-yes at our old hardware store they sold penny candy! Hershey Bars were only 10 cents. Nickel Nips were a nickel. And I remember when my keyboard had a "cents" symbol on it so I didn't have to type the word "cents":)!! Thanks for the memories!!!
  • ancia03
    ancia03 Posts: 43
    i just turned 30 a couple of weeks ago, i feel 16 but my body is giving up - (pro sport isn't good for you lol, artificial knee cap even worse)
    i feel old and week, i can run for max 7-8 miles and i'm in too much pain to move, i'm not strong anymore and in general pathetic
    and i have wrinkles !
    i'm angry
  • dawnmarie57
    dawnmarie57 Posts: 53 Member
    Sleigh riding on my Mom's old wringer washer lid...better than a flying saucer. I'd have a heart attack now if I saw a child on one. It's a wonder we didn't kill ourselves.

    B & W TV with the antennae-we got 3 channels in the winter and only 2 in the summer because of the leaves on the trees.

    Fixing PB&J sandwiches and a tupperware container of koolaid in the summer and going to with my little brother to our swimming hole and spending a whole day there. I would never have let my own kids disappear all day like that!

    Our old rotary phone and having to call the operator to call long distance.

    Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Ed, Lassie, The Wonderful World of Disney, Mickey Mouse Club...

    Going to my friends house and her and I hooking leashes to their Samoyed Huskies and putting roller skates on (the ones with keys) and letting the dogs pull us up and down the sidewalks until we all got tired!