chaoticgeek Member


  • It is all calories in vs. calories out. Gotta track how much you are eating for whatever time frame and make sure that you are under you TDEE for that same time frame. e.g. you use 2000 calories a day, and over the course of a 72 hour period you eat once then you need to eat less than 6000 calories in that time period. If…
  • Ok, for those of you who did not read the study I'll boil it down for you. Slow or fast weight loss don't have any affect on maintaining long term weight loss of a 10% reduction of weight. Best method I could get from the paper was this: gradual decrease in calories AND gradual increase in exercise over a 16 week period…
  • You put all your ingredients inside a zip-lock freezer bag then put that bag inside a bag with ice and salt and move it around until you have some soft-serve ice cream. Then if you want hard-serve ice cream put it in the freezer to harden up.
  • Go join the irc room ##loseit on freenode, fairly active there.
    in Hello? Comment by chaoticgeek June 2013
  • Ten months and three days. Exercise was once or twice a week in the second half of it for 20-30 minutes, yoga or walking. Mostly just through watching what I ate.
  • Data! Track various things you do and measure them against some data points that you can track, weight and a few body measurements. See what works and what does not work. Make small changes that you keep over time. For instance I started out making one change every six weeks and within those six weeks I had three stages.…
  • When I wake up, almost never unless I did not eat dinner the night before. About 6:30 or 7:30 depending on if I'm working from home that day. Usually eat within the first hour because I know I'll be hungry in two and it impacts my coding while I work and if I don't eat breakfast I overeat lunch and dinner. I'll get lunch…
  • I'm going to guess you mean the pizza. Dough Recipe: 2c Wheat flour 1.5c All-purpose flour 2tsp salt 2tbl Olive Oil 1 packet instant yeast 1tbl honey 1.5c tepid water Mix .5c of hot water and honey, add 1c really cold water so it becomes tepid for the yeast to to start and let it sit for 10 minutes. Sift flours together…
  • I'm a fairly picky eater too. I do not like most vegetables just by them selves either but I do like them or tolerate them in dishes. I just find ways to incorporate them into dishes I do like. For instance I like stir-fry with sugar snap peas, green beans, and carrots, so I toss in broccoli and some red pepper. I like…
  • Could you not sub the canned soups for something in a similar flavor profile? From what I know they are basically just a milk based roux that has flavors added. For instance cream of mushroom is basically just mushrooms, salt, pepper, flour (or some other starch), some fat (butter or some oil you prefer) and milk then…
  • Also get a flexible measuring tape and take measurements. I got a cheap sewing one from walmart and that is a great way to track progress.
  • I always eat breakfast during the weekdays and most of the time for weekends, or some sort of first meal of the day within an hour of waking up. Other than that no. I get hungry on fairly regular schedule so I know that around noon I may not feel hungry but at 12:30 I'll fell hungry. I normally have my breakfast, then…
  • I like string cheese and something with oats in it. I'm going to make up a batch of these today at some point.
  • I was like that way before. Good quality chocolate tastes like magic compared to something like a Hershey's bar. Nice rich 75%-80% dark chocolate with a bit of orange or chili is awesome. And with fruit dipped in chocolate as high as you can go to me is the best.
  • Mine is a book, "I'm Just Here for the Food: Version 2" by Alton Brown (from Good Eats). Actual kitchen item would have to be a sharp sturdy chef's knife and cutting board. I can make quick work of veggies and meats with a nice sharp knife.
  • No by eating in the morning around traditional breakfast hours I prevented myself from over eating later in the day. By starting that single habit I lost around 5 lbs in a month because I stopped over eating. So yes breakfast had an indirect impact on my weight loss. But it had a direct impact on me consuming less calories…
  • To be honest I stopped reading after page nine or ten. I only decided to post when I saw the image.
  • I think your source is wrong. That chart claims almost 70% of the population is obese. When the most recent study from the CDC says only about 36% of the population is obese. And since everyone is throwing in anecdotal evidence I'll give my .02. For most of my life I never ate…
  • No you see it is quite simple, good friends are awesome people.
  • It is still the same, water. Most of the time when you 'swallow' air it goes into your lungs, at least that is how it happens with me. However if you did eat humid air it could contribute to your daily water intake. However the water vapor density is so low that the amount of air you need to consume to get any…
  • Been here for a bit and just realized that I should see if there is a Reddit group. Lost my excess water weight last week so now starts the slow process of small weight loss. Aiming for 1.5 pounds (about .7kg) a week this year and so far so good. I keep adding small changes to my diet and exercise routines. Aiming for life…
  • How do you figure? Water in any form is still water, h2o in solid, gas, or liquid phase is still h2o.
  • Ok, I read through the first two pages completely and I made sure to visit all the studies that were presented. The first link to the Atlantic only pointed to one research paper which did not come to the conclusion that Vegetarians lived longer. The main source of that claim was a book which since it is a for-profit book…