I don't really like chicken or fish or vegetables... help?

I am working to lose the last little bit of weight, get rid of subcutaneous belly fat, etc. I've been successful so far by just limiting portions, keeping my caloric intake under the daily limit. I think now that I've got my portions under control, it's probably time to improve the actual quality of my diet.
Therein lies the rub: I'm a picky eater, and a cheese addict. I'll eat vegetables if they're in something, but almost never straight. I was a vegetarian (well, cheesetarian) for 8 years, and meat still creeps me out. ESPECIALLY chicken and fish. I can eat a little here and there, but I don't see how I can fill my daily calories enough with these if I cut down on cereals, cheese, bread etc.
Anyone with similar food issues, do you just bite the bullet and eat what you don't like? Do you just choke it down?


  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    I love life too much to bite the bullet and eat what I dont like. I hear you on the veggies, thats why I make a salad out of veggies, with italian dressing and a sprinkle of parmesean or cheddar, diced boiled egg. I'm a cheese addict too but I try to just cut down a little bit rather than give it up. I'm the opposite with the meat, I dont do red but love chick - fish. I do peanutbutter and protein shakes to make up deficits in protein. You'll find your place, good luck - and dont settle.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Why do you feel that you have to eat these things that you do not like?
  • chaoticgeek
    chaoticgeek Posts: 25 Member
    I'm a fairly picky eater too. I do not like most vegetables just by them selves either but I do like them or tolerate them in dishes. I just find ways to incorporate them into dishes I do like. For instance I like stir-fry with sugar snap peas, green beans, and carrots, so I toss in broccoli and some red pepper. I like home made pizza so I make a chicken florentine version with tomatoes and a spinach and arugula blend and a little chicken and bacon. Also I just find vegetables I do like. I've always love carrots and sweet potatoes so I like to eat lots of them. And some times I just eat some veggies just because I need some more. Although I hate mushrooms still and I don't think I'll ever like them.

    And I found out I do like some veggies, like leafy greens after I grew up and went to college.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    CHAOTICGEEK - fix me up some of that yummy stuff you are talking about - wow that all sounds wonderful
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Why do you feel that you have to eat these things that you do not like?


    I also wonder if your preparation has to do with disliking veggies. There are so many kinds of styles of cooking them that it is mind-boggling that you can't find some way to like them.

    How long has it been since you've eaten them? I used to hate onions and I love them as an adult.
  • gankyicingyal
    gankyicingyal Posts: 5 Member
    I've always been told that a diet high in lean protein, fruits and vegetables is ideal, I suppose. I know fish is one of the healthiest things you can eat (unless it's filled with mercury) and chicken, turkey are good forms of lean protein. It's got to be better for you than eating lots of pasta, cheese, bread, etc, right?
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    There has to be some things you like. Do you like legumes, beans? Cooked properly they can be really good. Split pea soup. You don't have to eat meat if you don't like it. Try increasing your protein shakes. What about dipping the veggies in a good dip? Fat free sour cream and onion soup mix is I think 30 calories a serving.

    If you looove cheese, try making a vegetarian lasagna, so yummy.
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    I was vegetarian for 3 years and for the whole of my life I detested red meat, poultry and fish. When I went to university I shared a house with 4 other people who just ate meat every day so I occasionally started cooking fish and chicken for myself even though I still didn't like them. I then had to cook for my boyfriend a couple of nights a week so I had to make something we both liked. I started with fish and chicken and now I can say I even enjoy mince some times.

    I can't say I will eat a beef stew or a steak because that's still a nightmare for me, but I did get to like chicken and fish after only eating them a few times a week. As for the vegetables, I wouldn't pick a salad if I could just eat bread and cheese all day but you definitely grow into liking vegetables and meat if you try and cook them in various different ways. Essentially you just need to find the perfect recipes for your tastebuds.

    I can tell you with confidence that I was a cheesetarian like forever and quit 4 months ago. I avoid dairy now and I am not joking when I'm saying I feel a lot better these days. However, if you insist on eating cheese you can incorporate it into salads or have chicken with some creamy cheese sauce to eat more calories.

    Hope that helps!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Start praying.

    Or learn to like them. Could you achieve your goals without them? Sure. However, it will probably be more difficult as they are terrific for satiety at less calorie cost.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member

    Tell us all the foods you do like?
    (excluding cheese haha)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Have you tried Juicing? It is Vitamins and Minerals on Steroids, and you only need to do it once a day, preferably in the A.M.
    Green Juice with Apples as a sweetener and added Vitamins; also the amount of Protein in Green Veggies is FAR more for weight and quality than ANY meat source.
  • gankyicingyal
    gankyicingyal Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! I do like stir fry once in awhile, and low calorie veggie dips sound like something good to try. I'm just concerned that it will take me so much time to eat vegetables (I can't just scarf them down like I do everything else) that I will have trouble eating enough daily calories AND doing everything else I have to do on a daily basis.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I've always been told that a diet high in lean protein, fruits and vegetables is ideal, I suppose. I know fish is one of the healthiest things you can eat (unless it's filled with mercury) and chicken, turkey are good forms of lean protein. It's got to be better for you than eating lots of pasta, cheese, bread, etc, right?

    Have you tried different types of fish to see if some might creep you out less than other. Maybe try prawns or crab or langoustine? Also have you tried different methods of cooking as this can change textures.

    I wouldn't actually eat something I didn't enjoy so maybe you should just go back to veggie and get your protein from nuts, pulses etc.
  • jgg112
    jgg112 Posts: 2 Member
    Eggs and/or egg whites are another good way to get protein. They can be cooked so many different ways and cooked with veg.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Have you tried Juicing? It is Vitamins and Minerals on Steroids, and you only need to do it once a day, preferably in the A.M.
    Green Juice with Apples as a sweetener and added Vitamins; also the amount of Protein in Green Veggies is FAR more for weight and quality than ANY meat source.

  • dixiedragon
    Whenever I use ground meat (usually venison, my mom's a hunter), I try to mix in an equal amount of shredded veggies. Maybe start with zuchinni, it's cheap and has a mild flavor. I think the key is to figure out what you DO like, rather than trying to choke down what you hate.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I love fresh fruit and veggies. Crispy, juicy, flavorful, yummy! Maybe you just haven't found the fruits and veggies that you love yet. Challenge yourself to try different veggies and fruit. There may be some that you really enjoy. Some of my favorites are strips of green, red or yellow peppers. Sugar snap peas. Celery and carrots. (I love a snack of carrot sticks with raisins...so yummy) And, I can't go through a day without an apple. A lot of people who are raised on a SAD (Standard American Diet) didn't get exposed to many raw fruits and veggies so they aren't used to the flavors and textures. If you find you just can't stomach them then you might want to try some roasted veggies. I don't know many people who don't like roasted veggies. Chop up some veggies, onions and garlic, toss in a little olive oil and roast in the oven until fork tender. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper and enjoy. If you STILL hate them then you can try juicing them. I like juicing carrots, celery, kale, broccoli...whatever I have, then add a green apple for some sweetness. I have also diced up some veggies and added them to sauce to have over pasta...even the kids like that, and they don't know they are even eating it!
  • gankyicingyal
    gankyicingyal Posts: 5 Member
    When it comes to food, I'm basically still a little kid. If I eat out I always have a grilled cheese, I eat a PBJ sandwich for lunch when I'm out and about, cheese quesadillas, macaroni and cheese, fake bacon BLTs, alfredo pasta, yesss. Oh, and cheesecake, of course. I guess I've been doing a little better lately with light progresso soups and this turkey-cheese-onion-green pepper-salsa-corn tortilla casserole I make.
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    Start praying.

    Or learn to like them. Could you achieve your goals without them? Sure. However, it will probably be more difficult as they are terrific for satiety at less calorie cost.

    I don't eat any vegetables and had no problem losing weight.
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    Chicken and fish aren't the only options, have tried qourn, tofu, tempeh. For good grains consider cous cous, quinoa, Brown pasta and rice,plus anything wholemeal. Nuts are also good. Combining those with all the other suggestions and you've got loads of options. Also check out bbcgoodfood.co.uk and goodhousekeeping.co.uk/food these have nutritional breakdown s for all the recipes good luck