newmooon56 Member


  • Nuts and raisins
  • I just want to congratulate you all for dumping that useless poison. Awesome job!
  • Started late... day 3.. done! Both btw..
  • Just saw this -day 1 was today for me.
  • Hobbies dont always have to cost money. Zumba in my town is hosted by the many women that have that simple cert and drop ins are always free- maybe that exists where you are? Then you could be getting a sweat on and meet new people. A walking group perhaps- advertised on line or local paper? Library is a good source for…
  • All excellent tips so far for sure and I will be utilizing one or 2. For me its like a video game... counting calories and making my macros look better than yesterday. Sure I crave the 'wrong' food sometimes, but I am sort of addicted currently to making my numbers look good and then trying to beat that 'level' the next…
  • Learning what works for ourselves takes time. Its a key to successfully changing how you look at food, your relationship with it and satisfaction you get from it. We cant eat healthily long term if we dont actually like what we are choosing. Also - if we crave or starve it wont work. I appreciate how you figured out the…
  • 100% agree and avoid eating too early for this very reason. I am in way better control if my first meal comes later than earlier after waking. I too, tend to have less cravings and desire to mindlessly eat if calorie consumption starts later. Ive never quite been sure if its reliable information when it comes to 'speeding…
  • I took my crappy medical coverage to my doc and discussed all this. I really like my doc- but shes in the sick biz- not the well biz. So my "well check up" soup to nuts- after a 30$ co pay and a gillion tests to find out Im a very young and healthy 40 year old still cost me well over 200$ in the portion coverage wouldnt…
  • Im 40-soon to be 41 and not long ago posted almost the same question. Maybe us older folks do need longer recovery or work outs tailored to our age/ability/etc. I can squat 100#s but REALLY want to do body weight squats (another 28 or so #s) I believe I can do it- my body is holding me back. So now youve heard of 2 ppl…
  • I still enjoy the forums and every once in a while continue to find something new to research or look in to. I havent logged food in months and hit goal weight some weeks ago. Even lost another lb or 2 more after.. all during the holidays. I feel "Ive got it" as far as what to do to maintain or even lose a bit more. I will…
  • I process mushrooms and add bulk to many dishes. Even picky eaters think I just added extra meat or something- season those mushrooms and it adds amazing flavor through dishes such as - spinach rolls, sauces, eggs/omlettes soups and so much more. Can throw some onion or garlic in the mix too and just add a 1/2 - whole cup…
  • we are what we are and if we are mostly fat Id guess thats not really your boobs but fat. Personally Id rather live longer a B cup then a fatty with a D
  • Also true - but that doesnt mean the short person is going to have a harder time losing 5 lbs. Taller ppl LOSE quicker? omg- durrr... They just APPEAR to carry it better because theres more room to spread the 5 lbs out. Why would height hasten weight loss?!
  • This ^ I love when I do 10 pushups and my husband does 10 and says its harder for him cuz he weights more then me- idiot. Each person- each body- is different and you only lose weight on YOUR frame. This question kinda reminds me of - which is heavier- a lb of feathers or lb of rocks.
  • Each person would feel differently and choose differently. I try to recognize when Im not actually hungry and have come a long way with myself in that regard. If I just cant control it - carrots or something else low cal- a veggie munch session will never give me guilt. If Im truly hungry- some protein - in a very measured…
  • Lost a toxic "friend" last year myself. If I lost a lb- I got a dirty look and a speech about how hot she USED to be- that was I was doing was "too much" and back when she WAS hot - it came naturally. She was so twisted about any success I had (not just weight loss) and so full of 'one upping' that I just quit her. She…
  • Ran 2 miles, some squats and deadlifts, few handstands and dips. Felt great - hot shower- FAT DINNER. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  • there are dollar stores and discount stores with many gifts around 1-3 bucks. Nothing fancy- but something to open. Id get the 14 year old - a giant chocolate bar- $1 cheap perfume/body wash set - $3 Headbands/scarf/mittens/fake ear rings/ other assorted accessories - $2-$5 Nail polish- $1-2 8 year old a lot of what I…
  • Haha- I was pointing out what I saw in the reactions- not what I really think of flat chested or over weight ppl. When a person projects their thoughts on to others' words its because THEY are the one with the image (or whatever subject) problem. I said "it must have bothered you" --NOT-- "it bothers me to look at " or…
  • I find some of these reactions funny. If you are coming on here to defend not having boobs- or being over weight- Im going on the theory you are defending it because its what you are and you are proud of it? But lets be real- being flat chested has bothered you some time(s) in your life. Being over weight isnt fun either.…
  • Edited to just remove myself from this thread. Good luck Op.
  • I agree with misleading title... Nothing but awesome in these photos. Honestly- top pic is HOT STUFF!
  • This is exactly whats working for me. I can NOT stress enough - that fat loss comes from proper nutrition- especially the older we get. You can zumba day and night- but if you eat crap- it just wont work. So I run, zumba and walk- I also lift heavy 2x a week and I have dipped below my goal weight- making me reassess my…
  • You foxy Moma!!!! WOW! Congrats on finding your way and making it a forever change. I am 40 also and I appreciate your set backs and successes for what they are. You are a true inspiration to women of all ages. I really could relate to a lot of what you said. Knee problems, changing what you were doing, eating whatever the…
  • The ex and your boyfriend were "mature" enough to create a child- but not enough so as to stay together much after the child was born. You are in a relationship with a 'man' with a kid- the mother will not just go away. If the bf doesnt see the problem- you can always just do whats best for you. Leave? Explain yourself?…
  • They have children together- she DID mention that. Reading comprehension counts- answers that are void of said comprehension do NOT.
  • Personally I agree with this as it worked for me. I would worry when I first started and was that girl that "couldnt even eat all 1200 cals?!" in a day. Now I read those posts and roll my eyes. You need to lose 40#s but cant eat? Yea... ok... Your body is adjusting and thats GREAT! LET IT. You will be hungry soon - just be…
  • Im not sure if this cracks me up or scares me. I know ppl that do this :frown: and they take pride in their detective work no less :huh:
  • On NO social website should the "friending" of strangers EVER be taken personal or serious. No matter how great I may think someone is online I do NOT know them nor will I ever most likely. We can keep it topical and be helpful but are we going to get "close"? Um... Ew? It takes me months if not years to get even kinda…