How do you handle LATE NIGHT MUNCHIES?



  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    When you feel you're "hungry", decide what is driving the hunger. What is the motivation? Are you really bored, lonely, etc.? Sometimes I go, go, go all day and then once there is a chance to breathe at night, I want to eat. Especially potent desire to eat if I have not eaten well during the day or eaten on the run. I want time to savor and enjoy my food. One way to combat that is to try and not eat on the run during the day, try to give yourself 15 minutes to eat each of your daytime meals and be conscious of what you are eating, try to enjoy it or at least sit down to eat!

    Examine your sleep habits. If you don't get enough sleep, you will possibly think you are hungry. The hormones that regulate hunger are supposedly linked to those that regulate sleep. If you are short on sleep, you may think you are hungry. Similarly, you may be dehydrated/thirsty. Try drinking a big glass of water and see if that helps before you eat. Better yet, drink plenty of water during the day!

    If you are actually physically hungry in the evening, find something that meets your nutritional needs. Maybe you are low on protein and should reach for a protein rich snack. Have foods you like that are nutritionally dense available and ready, so that when you are hungry you have a plan. It helps me to keep plenty of fruit on hand, so I will reach for a banana or orange when I do want to eat at night.

    Hope you find a solution. I am hopefully not being preachy, I can relate to your problem as I have had it often myself. When I try to figure out how to beat the night time munchies, the above describes the thoughts and experience I have had trying to beat it.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    I make some air-popped popcorn when I'm watching a movie before bed and drink a large glass of water. Last night I found a few pieces of hard candy and that helped me too. :smile:
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks for all of the great tips! Keep them coming!!!

    Seems common tips are:

    Brush teeth
    Go to bed
    Save a 100 cals for late night snack
    Appreciate the hunger feeling
    Drink water
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    Go to bed early... LOL

    I always leave myself 100 or so calories (2 hersheys nuggets worth) and eat them in bed... Help me sleep better,..dont feel deprived of chocolate... and not enough to trigger chocolate binge.

    By the time Im done i'm too lazy to go all the way to the kitchen for more.

    Also doing IF (I try for 1 or 2 days of ESE a week) have helped me to appreciate Hunger and cravings as not necessarily bad or uncomfortable, just something that is there , and will be solved in the morning...
    What does "IF" and "ESE" stand for?
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    If I have the munchies I feed it. I have worked out that I usually have the munchies because I still have calories to consume. When I upped my calories from 1300 to 1500 that stopped. MFP is a great way to meet people who have been successful and also track your calorie intake and expenditure so good luck with your healthy living.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I fast during the day. I'm a night eater as well, but I can go all day without eating and not feel hungry or tired. If I skip breakfast I am hungry by lunch, but I will eat fewer calories overall through the day, so I just have my "breakfast" at noon. :smile:
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    Sometimes, I just go to bed.
    If I'm upstairs in bed (watching TV or whatever!) I'm less likely to snack, as to when I'm watching TV right down by the kitchen.
    Location, location, location!

  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks for all of the great tips! Keep them coming!!!

    Seems common tips are:

    Brush teeth
    Go to bed
    Save a 100 cals for late night snack
    Appreciate the hunger feeling
    Drink water

    Each person would feel differently and choose differently. I try to recognize when Im not actually hungry and have come a long way with myself in that regard. If I just cant control it - carrots or something else low cal- a veggie munch session will never give me guilt. If Im truly hungry- some protein - in a very measured amt. Sometimes I do try to appreciate the hunger- theres nothing wrong with being hungry but tons wrong with eating crap or eating when not necessary.
  • kenhelms17720
    like others have said, just leave yourself some extra calories to make up for it.

    Some nuts, etc are a good snack for the middle of the night. They have good nutritional content and are pretty filling.
    Chocolate, etc can cause an insulin spike which for the most part people tend to try to avoid during rest.

    Night time is when your body does the most repair, if you are running low on "supplies" then the body is going to get quite hungry.

    If you have a high level of exercise during the day, a protein shake of Casein whey and Glutamine can aid with the recovery at night time.

    Remember, if you are going without a snack at night and then a light breakfast in the morning.... there is a substantial period of time when the body does not have decent fuel for energy and repair. Somethings aren't always psychosomatic... the body is pretty good at telling a person when it needs more of something.
  • willow_rb
    willow_rb Posts: 69 Member
  • m8605
    m8605 Posts: 102
    I snacked to much yesterday, but I was very hungry. I was still hungry in the late hours of the night. I was really in the mood for some frozen yogurt... didn't have any so I had those planters calorie packs and then after feeling guilty from not exercising yesterday I got on the treadmill for about 25 minutes and burned 100. Snacks, even if they're healthy, are killing me this week...I'd say more exercise
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I generally budget some calories to accommodate that I know I'll wanna eat later.

    If I'm out, I'll have some herbal tea (and half the time I do even if I'm not out).

    Drink a bunch of water.


    And if the hunger strikes when I'm already in bed, I'll generally only sip water (I keep some on my bedside table) and just go to bed. I'm too lazy to get out of bed and go downstairs to get food, even if I have the calories available ;) (I have mine set at 0.5lb loss/week, so I'm not terribly concerned about not quite getting all my calories if it doesn't work out that way)