So when do you say goodbye to MFP?



  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Bottom line - unhealthy lifestyle is like crack to some of us. Though we feel good about losing weight, working out, etc...MFP keeps us on track/held accountable.

    I have no doubts that this website will be apart of my life until I'm dead or too old to care. It is essentially "medication for the obese and unhealthy"
  • CINNAMON77_00
    CINNAMON77_00 Posts: 50 Member
    Its like my new Facebook. :love:

  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    I think this is a personal decision for everyone. Some people have yo-yo dieted for years (par example, I watched my mother do Weight Watchers at least twice, medifast, etc, my whole childhood), and maybe they find staying on here will prevent that cycle from recurring. Others have found great friends and supporters here that they want to keep in contact with.MFP is a great resource and a tool for reaching goals, and there are always new health goals to strive for. So there are great reasons to stay on MFP for, well, ever.

    But personally (though I intend to keep my account open in case I ever need to come back for any of the above reasons) when I reach maintenance, I don't know if I want to continue spending tons of time here. Because it has been eating up a lot of my time. And that's my fault, because I'm becoming obsessive, but I don't want to obsess over my weight once I reach a healthy place. I'm really young. As in, I'm still in high school. And high school is where I gained most of my excess weight, because it is an evil place. I gained weight because I stopped being active like I was when I was a kid. I didn't even really eat that much, I just didn't exercise. So hopefully, after I reach my goal I'll be able to log at maintenance for a few months, then slowly integrate myself into that pattern so I won't have to log daily.

    Either way, it's your choice. I just personally don't like the idea of being like 80 years old and MFP saying "laf0195 has logged in for 62 straight years!" Yeah, when I'm 80 I'm eating whatever I want. LOL
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    You don't ever need to say goodbye. Use it to help maintain your weight.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    nothing wrong with keeping a good habit:wink:
  • Never. :)
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Probably never but when I find a job again I'll spend less time in the forums.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    I still enjoy the forums and every once in a while continue to find something new to research or look in to. I havent logged food in months and hit goal weight some weeks ago. Even lost another lb or 2 more after.. all during the holidays. I feel "Ive got it" as far as what to do to maintain or even lose a bit more.

    I will continue on the path Im on as far as diet and exercise goes. I will probably mix it up after winter when I can get out again. For now I'll enjoy my new squat cage and new recipes.

    To answer the op- stay if you like it- why quit? Why put a date on it?
  • Danielle817
    Danielle817 Posts: 62 Member
  • cananimal
    cananimal Posts: 9 Member
    This is my first time with MFP, was a WW advocate but hated meetings and as soon as I stopped going to meetings gradually I would start to put the weight back on and the 60lbs I lost was back plus more. I know there is a WW online site but it isnt nearly as good as this site this is really user friendly but the people are just fantastic. I am pretty sure at least for me that I will always need to log my foods, keep in touch with other people that are prone to weight issues. What ever you choose its very hard to get back once you to ya
  • childermass
    childermass Posts: 115 Member
    I do not plan to stop using MFP because I view it as a technology tool that makes it easier be healthy. I view it analogous to technology like the TV remote. I mean would we want to go back to turning knobs?

    yup yup.
    I HATE getting up to change the channel as much as I HATE being overweight!
    As others have said, it's a tool to use - and now it is firmly packed in my toolbox!
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    I also found MFP right at the end of my journey, and have been maintaining for about 6 months now. I don't think I'll stop logging my food anytime soon. Logging gives me accountability, which is what I was lacking before I started my journey. It makes me look up the calories and the macros in everything I eat, so that I make better decisions about the food I put in my body. I'm also running bulk/cut cycles to put on some more muscle mass, and tracking calories on here is excellent for that.

    I figure the more tools I have at my disposal to control my weight, the better. At this point, it takes maybe 5 minutes a day to log everything. Very small price to pay for the benefit of staying healthy.

    wow your weight loss is amazing!
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I'm going to continue logging for as long as I live, I think, though I have a much better idea of my needs now, so who knows. :smile:
  • JudyAngelman
    JudyAngelman Posts: 58 Member
    It helps keep me accountable so I never plan on leaving.... love MFP and the knowledge I get from others is awesome.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    NEVER # +++++ for me too!

    I plan on staying to monitor myself. I think logging in can take a lot of time, or it can be quick, depends on whether you want to look through the forums etc.

    For me MFP has been the best tool, so unless something else comes along that is better, I am here for the long haul.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I don't log every day now, but if I'm eating a few heavy things and I want to balance my day I use it for that. Mostly, for me, it has been an education tool and I have a pretty good grip on my calories in and out now.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    As long as I have to eat and exercise I will use MFP! It has become a part of my daily
    routine. Wake up, bathe, brush my teeth, workout, log in, work, breath, wifey duties, parent, eat,
    log in again and get the picture.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    The way I look at it is that if you have reached your goal with the support of your friends, would you then not stay on to continue to support those friends, who may still NEED that support!!!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I do not believe it is possible to mentally track within 28 calories a day. Why 28 calories a day? Only 28 calories a day off can cause a 3 lb a year increase. This is what I was at and ended up almost 100 lbs over a healthy weight after 30 years. So I plan on continuing to use MFP technology to be healthy.

    I'm going to keep using MFP as a guide (as I have worked out what does the job for me) but I hope one day to stop tracking and try to forget about calories. If I can do this intuitively and stay on track then it's job done for me.

    I don't believe it is possible to track energy balance to within anything like 28 calories a day with all the technology in the world.

    Even a few hundred is pushing it IMO.

    The whole calorie thing a huge approximation, these things are nowhere near exact:

    1) Carbs = 4cals, Protein = 4cals, Fat = 9cals ... Approximations, no account for the Thermic Effect Of Food (TEF) either

    2) Energy expenditure is a VAST approximation, just look at the exercise database, file under fiction ...

    3) Food labelling is nowhere near 100% accurate

    4) We don't burn the same number of calories each day, even at rest

    I see that keeping an eye on the energy in/out is vital for maintaining a trim body but we sometimes need to acknowledge that it isn't an exact science and the body can be a bit more flexible than needing exactly x calories a day to maintain itself.
    Only 28 calories a day off can cause a 3 lb a year increase

    Only if you believe:
    1) It's an exact science AND 1lb of fat contains exactly 3500 calories
    2) Those calories HAVE to be turned into fat

    Logically it does not make sense that the body needs to run this way, some flexibility is needed or we wouldn't have evolved ...

    I can burn 28 calories in a decent bowel movement.

    And once again I ramble ... I'll try to keep them to once a week ;)
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