

  • Feel free to add me :flowerforyou: I've been on and off MFP for a while now. I'm trying hard to stick with it so I can lose all the baby weight. I currently have a 26 month old LOL. Better late than never!
  • I'm on fitbit, just got it. How do I look for friends? :) New to the fitbit world. I have an almost 26 month old and am still have weight to lose!
    in Fitbit Comment by astronima January 2014
  • There is this amazing dress I have that I want to wear for my brother in laws wedding in August. However, my goal is to be fit and healthy before my 30th in March. I was 154 when I got prego and gained 39 pounds from it. My son is now 2 and I'm at 165.....I have three months to get my butt in gear :smile:
  • yvonnej1 - I do use the app when I can. I can't bring it out with my toddler around because he thinks it's a teething toy LOL. I am really good about logging breakfast and lunch normally beacuse I'm at work. I fall off the wagon at dinner because it's normally rushed and late when we eat since my toddler is fighting bed…
  • WHOO HOO Congrats on the birth of your baby girl and the downed weight!! :flowerforyou: :smile: My little man is almost 18 months and I am about 5lbs away from pre prego weight. Feel free to add me if you want a friend to encourage you along the way.
  • Thanks everyone!! Sorry I've been so busy with the little guy I haven't had a chance to get back on here. Definitely hard to find time when the toddler doesn't want to go to bed LOL. To be honest I don't know how my weight is going we don't own a scale so I only get weighed once a month when I go to the Dr for my b-12…
  • I have a BOB stroller as well. They are pricey but I love mine.
  • That is AWESOME!!:flowerforyou: :happy: I am on Mirena too but this has been the best BC for me. I agree though when I stopped the pill to get prego the first time I lost 5lbs immediately. If I wasn't afraid of getting pregnant I would quit the BC all together but we really don't want a surprise pregnancy. I'm so glad that…
  • I'm in the same boat! My little man is 16 months old today and I am about 10 lbs away from my pre prego weight. I was not able to breastfeed. I gained about 45 pounds in my pregnancy and was very similar to you on working out eating healthy not over eating, etc. I think some body types just have to gain more weight. My…
  • I would youtube some stroller strides workouts. We used to have a stroller strides class where I live, so I paid for it and went. It was fun and you interact with your baby during the whole thing! If you don't have it where you are, you can find the videos to look at the exercises. Basically it involves you, resistance…
  • I tried to involve my exercise with my little man. He is super clingy during this phase and is 15 months old. If possible try going for a walk with your baby in the stroller. My little man has loved this since he was 4 months old and still does. I also agree with abitzan try doing a workout routine that involves your baby.…
  • :smile: Thanks for adding me karenrace :smile: . I am a FT working mom with a 14 month old. Anyone else looking for friends feel free to add me!
  • My hubby and I go to the gym on his weekends off together. What is nice is we do completely different things. He is lifting weights and doing cardio, while I am swimming laps. It makes it nice because we have a huge gym so we don't see each other until it's time to leave. I would be honest with her and tell her that you…
  • I'm at the same place and will be excited to hear suggestions from others too. I've been there for about 3 weeks.
    in Plateau Comment by astronima March 2011
  • Try swimming or some water aerobics (although water aerobics may hurt it more). Swimming would give you cardio and might not put pressure on your toe since you are in the water. That sounds very painful and I wish you a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou:
  • You are doing great. Not going over your calories in 8-10 weeks! Amazing :happy: I went over last night, and you are right it happens and if you don't indulge a little and let yourself eat what you want it will only hurt you in the end. Your friend doesn't sound like the best friend in the world for you. She should not be…
  • Lack of B-12 can make you feel tired, weak, anemia, and many other symptoms depending on who you are. The B-12 helps produce red blood cells which carry oxygen to you organs. I have been on B-12 shots for 6 months now and I am also taking a B-Complex vitamin daily. I have noticed a significant increase in my energy and the…
    in B-12 Comment by astronima March 2011
  • They have nutrition information on their website. The baked stuffed chicken (no breadsticks or sides) is 180 calories per serving. The house salad with grilled chicken is 160. I do know you definitely want to stay away from the deep dish pizzas. :happy: Their website for nutrition is:
  • What are you doing for exercise? I have hit a plateau as well at 16lbs. The scale actually went up! I am going to try and change my exercise routine to see if that helps. I know me personally my body gets used to the same thing and the weight just stops coming off. I think that is why I quit trying years ago because I…
  • The IMG has to be lower case. Awesome job on jogging! Keep up the great work :happy:
  • We have this every year and throw it in a pot or slow cooker. We use the seasoning that came with the corned beef. Mom always puts potatoes and cabbage in the pot too so it all cooks together. :) I'm sure how ever you cook it, it will turn out great! :smile:
  • Thanks for the advice. I showed them what MFP said, and the doctor said if I was seeing results, to keep it where I am at. Saturday's and Sunday's are my only high intensity days with swimming. I do that in the AM so I always eat afterwards. :smile: I will have to try the protein, I normally don't eat 2 hrs before bed…
  • I'm in the same boat too. I have found that I have hit a plateau and actually gained 7lbs in the past two weeks. My eating habits haven't changed, I have good days and bad days, but we all do I'm sure. I know my body gets used to certain exercises and foods, so I have to switch it up every few months and add/change an…
  • Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me for support and encouragement. This sight is great. It would be awesome if someone could lose the weight for us. :happy:
    in Hello Comment by astronima March 2011
  • My husband had a discectomy at L5-S1 and he was told to get up and move immediately after surgery. The procedure was outpatient and we went home the same day. The next day we got up and walked around our neighborhood. We did this every evening until we moved to our new house. He started PT maybe 3 weeks post op. His doctor…
  • I couldn't agree more MelleyJ. I found out about 4 months ago that I was low in most of my B vitamins. I am looking to start a family so this was good to know up front. My doctor has been super supportive of me and offering suggestions for great cardio without me hurting my back more. (I have a disc that has shifted out of…
  • Welcome to MFP! I am fairly new but can tell you this is a great sight to provide support and help keep you on track. The biggest thing I tell myself is it's not a diet for me, it's chosing healthier things to eat which will make me healthy in return. Don't get me wrong, I have gone over my calorie alotment some days and I…
  • I had to start small. After a year of marriage, my husband said that I have finally masterd cooking some meals. =) Everyday is a challenge to find healthy meals to cook, that are quick and easy. I also have a picky husband and have to find a way to not have the same three ingredients every night. All Recipes is free and…
  • You can do it! This site is great and I share some of your similar things, I love dancing, hate running, weight lifting etc. I also ate like I normally do and was well within my calorie limit. If you have a wii I would recommend the Zumba dance, or Just Dance 1 or 2. They are great for someone who loves to dance! I have…
  • Thank you both!