Need Motivation

Mchavez2018 Posts: 56 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Ok, started this my fitness in january this year! I have gotten lazy this last two weeks! I still have not drank any cokes!!!!!!!!! but, I am stuck at losing 14 lbs! Please help motivate me! I need to get back on track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks :)


  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    Congrats on the no coke diet!! That's something I have yet to do! Congrats on the 14 lbs too!!! :D

    Here's what I would suggest:

    1) take before and after photos of yourself, nothing is more motivating than to see what you've already accomplished

    2) Look at some of the success stories here on MFP, it makes staying on your computer much longer difficult, you'll want to head right to the gym! :P

    3) Set small goals, aim for 10 lbs or 5 lbs at a time. Start a workout with an end date such as 30day shred or Couch25K

    GOOD LUCK! :)
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I can do this two ways; let me know which one you prefer:-

    1) You have done so well; we all deserve a little time off and well done for staying off the fizzy stuff. You can do this; just start tracking again. Take your measurements; you may be losing inches.

    2) Get yourself together girl; dont undo the good that you have done. Get tracking asap!

    I hope that helps; but joking aside; you CAN do this and you have come so far already. :flowerforyou:
  • astronima
    astronima Posts: 35
    What are you doing for exercise? I have hit a plateau as well at 16lbs. The scale actually went up! I am going to try and change my exercise routine to see if that helps. I know me personally my body gets used to the same thing and the weight just stops coming off. I think that is why I quit trying years ago because I would get frustrated. All I can say is this sight is wonderful I have logged even the worst days into my diary. Try not to get frustrated, keep tracking and remember:

    You have lost 14lbs which is amazing and awesome! :flowerforyou:
    Muscle weighs more than fat (hard to tell yourself when the scale doesn't move but it's true)
    You have not had any cokes!!!! (which is hard I know :smile: )
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    What helps me when i am in a rut is I go thru the posts under this topic and look at all the before and after pictures to really get me pumped. I also go out and buy a new workout DVD or take a different trip around the block. Or I get some new walking shoes if they are needed.

    Just don't give up. You've lost 14lbs so far and that's awesome. Don't give in to temptation!! You can do this!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    First off, CONGRATS ON THE NO COKES!!!!!!! Kicking any habit can be difficult.
    Keep in mind that the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be to lose. You will plateau. Try changing up your workout routine and your meals and drink lots of water. I drink about 10 8 oz glasses a day. It defintely helps with hunger and bloating! Also, if you aren't doing this already, track your inches. I started tracking mine about 3 weeks ago. No change yet but I am hopeful!!
    I joined in January and have lost 10 lbs. I have 22 more lbs to go, idealy. I already am fitting more comfortably into jeans, some are even too big! I am wearing a belt that was too small 6 months ago, on the 3rd hole! I am hoping when I measure tomorrow I will find a lost some fraction of an inch.
    Keep up the good work and stick to it!!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Join the Spring into Fitness challenge! its on this message board also...That might help you knowing you have something to work towards and that others are doing it with you!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    No cokes...CONGRATS TO YOU!!

    No motivation huh well maybe you need to switch up your routine. Sometimes doing the same thing over and over can become a bit boring or even robotic. So I would suggest that you start looking into other exercise activities. Maybe new fitness dvd's. Check out the fitness classes at your local recreation center. If you have cable depending on what company you have if there is an on-demand feature they might have fitness classes on there.

    Sometimes even changing the music on your iPod can change your mood when it comes to exercise.

    Much success to you.
  • Mchavez2018
    Mchavez2018 Posts: 56 Member
    Congrats on the no coke diet!! That's something I have yet to do! Congrats on the 14 lbs too!!! :D

    Here's what I would suggest:

    1) take before and after photos of yourself, nothing is more motivating than to see what you've already accomplished

    2) Look at some of the success stories here on MFP, it makes staying on your computer much longer difficult, you'll want to head right to the gym! :P

    3) Set small goals, aim for 10 lbs or 5 lbs at a time. Start a workout with an end date such as 30day shred or Couch25K

    GOOD LUCK! :)
  • Mchavez2018
    Mchavez2018 Posts: 56 Member
    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!You all made me feel so great today!!!!!!!!!!!!! I needed that! It is nice hearing motivation when feeling stuck in a rut! Very encouarging!
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