MelleyJ Posts: 198
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
This past week, I have learned just how important consulting your doctor on your choice to lose weight and become healthy really is.
Last Friday I had my annual wellness exam and I had my bloodwork done. I thought I was doing great. No health problems, but wanted to get back to a healthy range, so I had 62 lbs to lose. Monday I got my results back. I was Vitamin D deficient, which for women can lead to osteoperosis. Shock of the day right? Especially because I eat yogurt and other foods that are already fortified with Vitamin D. My doctor discussed this with me and put me on a Vitamin D prescription supplement for the next 8 weeks. I read all about the medication and... side effects include weight loss. (Okay Dr. Phil, you were right about milk being a key ingredient in a diet for weight loss!) I didn't think it would be this drastic, but 4 days after taking it I have lost over 3 lbs. Hmmm..
So, why is it important to consult your doctor when starting a diet? Because your doctor can HELP YOU! I tried to do this last year, always frustrated because I wasn't losing. What was I doing... eating less, and that included less Vitamin D and other important things in my diet that I just couldn't fit into it with only 1250 calories per day. It's hard to make sure you get enough fruits, veggies, fiber, Vitamins, minerals, omega 3's... eventually something is going to suffer because to include it all in a healthy diet you have to eat a broad range of foods.
My point is, if you are having problems losing weight and you are eating right and working out, you should consult your doctor for guidence. Not once did she ever lecture me about my weight or the health consequences that I could potentially face because of my weight. (I secretly thought I would get a lecture about it, and actually expected it!) She cheered me on and said lets do some bloodwork to make sure that everything looks good. She helped me become even more successful with my lifestyle change and she is really supportive. Your doctor WANTS to help you.
Good luck everyone with your journey and I hope that everyone finds success! There is nothing more amazing than being successful with this change, but nothing more frustrating than thinking you are doing all the right things (and you are) but not seeing the results. But even the most unexpected, tiny things can make a huge difference!


  • mlaugh
    mlaugh Posts: 30
    Take a 15 minute walk in the sun and you should get a good dose of vitamin d
  • I couldn't agree more MelleyJ. I found out about 4 months ago that I was low in most of my B vitamins. I am looking to start a family so this was good to know up front. My doctor has been super supportive of me and offering suggestions for great cardio without me hurting my back more. (I have a disc that has shifted out of alignment with my spine) After 3 months of B12 shots and taking a vitamin B every day, I feel great. I have more energy and that has helped me to stay on track with the weight loss. I am 17.5 lbs away from my goal weight and getting the right vitamins can help my body keep on track. I was only lectured by one physician, and never saw them again. They didn't offer the suggestions to help and just told me to do WW. I think once you find the right doctor, you are correct they will be a valuable tool for weight loss success! :happy:
  • mathgirl
    mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
    Great post!

    I used to work out a lot without getting in better "shape", i.e. after 15 minutes I would be all dizzy and out of breath. This was going on for years without me taking any action. Then I went to the doctor, and guess what, he told me I was anemic. Not a shock, right.. So after a couple of months on iron and C-vitamin supplements I can now hang in for so much longer during my work outs. So getting my iron levels definitely helps me burning more calories a day :)

    So a lot of times a doctor can make a big difference
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Well there is a lot of controversy and studies on the milk actually CAUSING osteoporosis. Vitamin D is usually obtained with simple 10-20 minutes of sunlight a day. In winter if you don't get a lot of sun supplements may be needed. I've also seen info on D 3 vitamins. My grandmother never missed consuming her milk, ice cream and cheese and she was still into osteoporosis stages. Exercise and stretching are supposed to be good for preventing osteoporosis too.

    My Dr.'s have always been adamant about taking multivitamins while dieting for the same calorie restriction reason. Restrict calories and it CAN(but no always) lead to deficiencies if you aren't careful.

    Yep Dr.'s can really really help in your weight loss if you have good communication with them.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Take a 15 minute walk in the sun and you should get a good dose of vitamin d

    I work outside most days... so that isn't it. And, I live in Texas... no way to get away from the sun... even in the winter! Not sure why I was so deficient, like I said. I work outside and I eat fortified foods.
    I used to be severely anemic growing up, and I grew out of that, thank goodness. So, I thought I was doing everything right. Just goes to show you how important that annual wellness exam really is!
  • This is a great post... I should probably make an appointment to get a physical.... due for one anyway :-)
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    Great post Mel! I am glad you found a supportive doctor who listened to what you were wanting help with. You are working really hard at this as well & it is paying off!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Do you wear sunscreen daily? Sunscreen will prevent the sun from getting in to cause the reaction in our bodies to make Vitamin D. There are other reasons I'm sure.

    It's hard to find a Dr. you can communicate nicely with. Some just think none of the patients either want to work on their health or that they don't know what to do. Some have a smarter than every patient complex or just plain too busy to slow down and take the time to listen and discuss results and/or plans. So glad your Dr. is working with you.
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