xdieselx Member


  • Power 90 is the easy version of P90X. Mostly for beginners. If you just did Insanity, you should do P90X instead which will be more intense than Power90 :)
  • I did complete Insanity and got some good results from it. I lost 12.5 lbs and dropped 2 pants size. My cardio was much better at the end of the program (when i started insanity on the first day, i had to take a break 5 minutes into the warmup because i was too exhausted and couldnt keep up anymore but at the end i could…
  • After discovering chia seeds, i started putting 1 table spoon in my hot oatmeal or greek yogurt for breakfast. They dont change the taste that much and its good fiber. I read they had more omega 3 than salmon so thats why i started eating them!! The good thing is that you dont have to ground them (like flaxseed) to get all…
  • It doesnt matter if you lose some fat on your breasts, a lot of men like small breasts anyway. I prefer small breasts over large breasts anyday
  • It actually happened a lot to me lately as my co-workers noticed my loss of 35lbs and i keep getting compliments for it. I just thank them and tell them that i worked hard for it so i am happy that people notice it!
  • As other people said, the calories burned are for everyone. When i did plyometric cardio circuit, i was burning around 560 calories but i was usually between 400-500 for all the month 1 workouts When i started the max workouts for month too, i was never below 600 calories burned (my best was max interval circuit with 871…
  • I have never tried this one but i was planning to test it. 120 calories per piece. http://dashingdish.com/recipe/rich-chocolate-cake-w-chocolate-protein-frosting/ looks very tasty :D
  • Usually, i always cook my eggs as an omelet. For my breakfast, when i wanna eat eggs i cook 4 eggs as an omelet and i put 3 color pepper pieces and about a handful of green onions and i add shredded cheese over it. Very tasty! :P
  • I did have ezcema when i was a teenager. I was drinking around 10 liters of orange juice per week. When i stopped drinking orange juice like a madman, my ezcema disappeared forever. Could be something like this for you too, we never know!
  • One more advice for you Noreen, try to it 5 small meals a day (breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, dinner). Just eating more often will keep your metabolism running all day long burning calories to break that food you have been eating and it those extra calories burned will help with the weight loss. From january 1st to…
  • Great job man! Insanity does really work, i got good results from it too :)
  • Do it whenever you want. Some people prefer weighing only once a week as your weight fluctuates but if you are like me and not affected by the fluctuations, you can weigh everyday (thats what i was doing). I was tracking my weight everyday for the last 4 months and it was good with me because i could handle when i wouldnt…
  • Thanks for your comments guys! Yeah i agree the warmups and cooldowns are all the same but i read on a website that they were done very professionnally and they are effective so i will do them. Since i started, i did twice "Strength & Endurance" and once "Abdominal Strength & Core conditionning" (im doing the intermediate…
  • Thanks :) Oh no need to share it with my family, they already know about my new lifestyle and my eating habits changes. They eat healthy already (father is diabetic so he doesnt have a choice) but you know how it is, moms always do more food for their kids and make sure we have enough when we go visit them :P If i dont eat…
  • haha it looks like my stomach still remembers how much of a pig i was before and i didnt even feel full after all of this. I wanted to eat more chocolate cake but i had to set a limit as i just started a new workout monday so i'm supposed to be careful about my calories :P haha i totally hear you on this. There a lot of…
  • Chicken tournedos are indeed delicious :P It's like a hockey puck of chicken surrounded by bacon cooked in butter in a pan :P~~~ like this:
  • hahah yeah i know. I check often the worst restaurant meals top10 on menshealth.com and we can see that some restaurants have very high calorie meals its crazy. We really have to be careful about what we eat in restaurants! I know i do :P Yesterday was a one off as if i would eat like that everyday, i wouldnt definitely…
  • I finished my first round of insanity a couple of weeks ago and got great results from it. It is indeed very hard so its normal that you might have been sick as if you went from doing nothing to starting on insanity, it might be too much of a step for your body to adapt. When i tried insanity, i was sedentary for over 6…
  • Great job Shawna thats a tremendous reward for a big effort on your part :)
  • This is how i eat my greek yogurt and i find it very tasty :P add broken pecans, add flax & chia seeds (about 1 tea spoon each), add about 2 tea spoons of honey and some blueberries and mix it up. By the way my greek yogurt is PLAIN (less sugar in it) so i dont have a choice to mix something with it or else the taste is…
  • Great job! Your hard work paid off!
  • I used to buy XPN chocolate and cookies & cream protein powder which were very good but it was around 35$ for 2lb. I found body forteress protein powder at walmart for 20$ for 2lb and its very good! Buy the "cookies & cream" flavor only, the chocolate is too strong for my taste (and i usually LOVE chocolate). I only buy…
  • I dont know what type of training you like but i found 2 new programs about MMA fighting/conditionning called Rushfit (with Georges St Pierre) and Tapout XT. I looked at reviews and videos and i will start Rushfit soon but Tapout XT seems awesome too (i chose Rushfit because its 2 months instead of 3 months and im more…
  • Hi Alyssa, I am thinking like others, its probably a problem with your calorie intake which is too low. I did insanity as well and i wasnt eating as much as i needed and i i felt the lack of energy on some days while doing it. Use this formula to calculate the amount of calories you should eat to have enough energy (its…
  • Damn awesome job! Keep it up!
  • Thank you very much twoisplenty :) I tried editing my post to get the pictures to appear and they wouldnt hehe!
  • Great job, you look awesome! Insanity does work and its a good thing you dont check the scale because you dont see that much change on the weight but you see it on your body for sure! Month 2 is hard at the beginning because its a big step on the first month but you will get used to it after 1 week and then you wont bw…
  • Dont worry about it, i had the same thing happen to me when i started insanity. I was gaining weight but i had been sedentary for so long that i was building muscle. After a 2-3 weeks, i started losing 2 lbs a week steady until the end. On some weeks i regained a couple of lbs (i cheated with dessert :P~ ) but i lost them…
  • 1 lbs isnt that much, dont worry about it. Your weight will always fluctuate. Maybe you just gained muscle? :P If you have been undereating for a couple of days your body might have went into starvation mode so you wont notice any weight loss as your body doesnt burn that stored fat since you arent taking enough calories…
  • Hey Lisa! Just try to eat healthy first. I would suggest you look the multiple workout DVD's on the market (P90X, insanity, Rushfit, Turbofire, Tapout XT, etc) and get the one that seems to motivate you the most and follow it until the end. They all come with a nutrition guide which tells you what to eat (to sum it up,…