tessiscruisen Member


  • Hi, I just joined... I'm 46 and trying to lose 26 pounds and reduce BMI by about 10%. I have lost weight before, seems like every other year I try again. My ultimate goal is to not "diet" but to adopt a new lifestyle that works to lose then maintain while I struggle with my low metabolism that is common for women my age.
  • Thank you!
  • I have a fitbit one, I've been exercising everyday and eating between 1200 and 1600 call per day. My fitbit calorie burn is between 1900 - 2300 per day, I have gained weight only 1 pound, but haven't lost any so far this week... is this normal? My stats: woman, 46, 5'2 166.6 pounds, macros around 35 P, 25 C, and 40 F. Any…
  • Because of my hectic schedule, I eat a lot of frozen dinners, or on the go meals. I typically eat Special K or Jimmy Dean (dlights) for breakfast - occasionally yogurt and fruit, healthy choice meal for lunch, fruit or veggie snacks during the day, lots of water - and I eat what I want for dinner and on weekends as long as…
  • Hi I'm new here! I seem to be more focused when I have challenges and a buddy to work with. Love: -Elliptical -Workouts with weights -Ab exercises -Walking / Jogging -Swimming Hate: -Running -Video workouts of any kind - (but it is because it takes me too long to figure out the exercise - I would rather just do my own to…
  • You look fantastic, Great Job!!!!
  • Seems to be coming way to fast :) I have 9 pounds to reach my Christmas goal!! We can do this!!!
  • Here are mine - I am so ready to reach my goal!! March 2013 (or sooner but I'm trying to slowly take it off, and keep it off) [/quote]
  • Here's mine :-) [/quote]
  • My life has changed in the following ways (and I'm only half way to goal) 1) I am not afraid to have my picture made anymore 2) I no longer see food as a way to cope 3) I have found it easier to exercise, and no longer use any of my old excuses - don't have time, hurts too much, I need a partner 4) I feel like a healthier…
  • You look great! Way to go :)
  • UPDATE: Thought I would add some pics this time. I bought a new scale, so although I have lost the same amount of weight - my beginning weight must have been off by the same amount (used the old scale for first 3 months). Yay, I got it to work and scale down!
  • I ordered the scale through Amazon, it is a Eatsmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra Wide Platform and Step-on Technology, 440-Pounds you can see it here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032TNPOE/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01 Ok now be afraid of the cheeseburger and fries...be very afraid, those foods…
  • I usually gain 2-3 lbs right before my TOM... regardless of how much water I drink... it just is what it is. It falls back down after and if I'm exercising and eating my correct cals, it typically falls 1-2 pounds more...so I usually have that to look forward to. I lost 3.5 pounds between 10/18 and 10/23 (when I weighed…
  • I am in the process of buying one as well, this is the one I'm ordering: Weighmax Electronic Kitchen Scale - Weighmax 2810-2KG black http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000P1PJL4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&smid=A1B7M9EQGNCLQA Does anyone know how well these work?
  • I'm 5' 2 1/2" SW 165-168 (my highest) CW 138 (as of yesterday) GW 120 - 125 (I want to tone up a bit though - so I care more about inches then weight) Currently I eat between 1000 - 1200 calories a day, but usually more on the weekends, I walk a lot and do a lot of work around my house in the evenings and weekends (I work…
  • I bring a small insulated cooler everyday that includes everything for Breakfast Morning Snack (mozzerella cheese stick - low fat) Lunch Afternoon Snack (peanut butter & half a whole wheat sandwich thin Beverages (usually a low-sodium V8 & water bottle) I keep snack size apple sauce, cinnamon (vitamins that I open), peanut…
  • Forward these links to your bridesmaids/maid of honour or whomever is organizing it. http://www.wellsphere.com/healthy-eating-article/mexican-bridal-shower/760466 http://www.tasteofhome.com/SiteSearch/FacetSearchResults.aspx?search=mexican&st=2&vw=1&page=1&rs=10&sort=0&fc=Appetizers&fc=Low+Fat+Recipes&searchSource=Advanced
  • Amazing!! Great Job, you look fantastic!!
  • Bump, all these sound so good!
  • These are also good with nutella - after dipped in the nutella I sprinkle with finely chopped almonds or cashews... YUMMY :)
  • I'm 42, feel free to add me for additional motivation and support! Good Luck!!
  • I'm 42, feel free to add me for additional motivation and support! Good Luck!!
  • I have lost 12 pounds since starting this challenge (24 overall) so in 10 Weeks I am aiming to lose 18 more (avg 1.8 pounds per week), I know I can do it - I was thrown off a bit with my surgery and I'm still recovering, but now that I can exercise again I am determined... next week I should be able to eat more healthy…
  • Well between last Thursday and today I gained 3 pounds and as of today I have lost them back :) My diet and exercise were out of wack, but I'm slowly able to get back to eat more healthy foods (I'm going to try salad next week) Dr. says I'm healing nicely :)
  • I'm doing okay today... had a great weekend away with my family. I had a difficult time finding foods I could eat that were healthy (I am still limited to what I can eat since my oral surgery).. needless to say, I had way too many carbs. I did, however, manage to get in some good exercise - Especially Saturday (18K+ steps,…
  • I am at about 26 right now, shooting for somewhere between 20.5 - 21.
  • 1. You are just deep in the dumbazz 2. Why oh why doesn't this balance 3. Is there a problem with the network? 4. OMG, I didn't save that yet! 5. Whatever your smoking I want some, where did you get those numbers from??? I'm an accountant
  • I'm 5'2 140 lbs, SW 165 GW 120-125 depending on body fat %, feel free to add me if you'd like :-) Good Luck!!
  • Considering I haven't exercised in a week (drs orders) and haven't been able to eat much... I have lost 3 pounds - I imagine I will be adding that back once I am healthy :)