

  • I Hate burpees. I can run all day long, do squats, push ups, etc, but burpees are not my friend. Anything that requires me to hit the ground and come back up drives me crazy, and it really hurts the knee I had surgery on. Ick.
  • Inspirational! Thanks, I needed that!
  • I keep kashi granola bars and almonds around, in case I get the munchies. KIND bars are really great, and low cal too. They help to fight cravings. Drink LOTS of water. Sometimes when we feel hungry, it's really our bodies way of saying we're thirsty. I have started doing that, and I have noticed a difference.
  • I tried the Renew Life 7 day rapid cleanse, and I loved it! It was very gentle. (No pooping my pants. LOL) I felt really great after it was done. I would highly recommended it, and it's not badly priced either.
  • As long as it is spread throughout the day, and you are going to the bathroom like you should, you are fine. You may have been a little dehydrated, and your body just needed it. I actually had a urologist tell me to drink 2 gallons one day, spread out throughout the day of course, to flush out my kidneys.
  • Awesome! Keep up the good work! Thank you for sharing. That is very inspirational, and you definitely deserve to be proud!
  • You are amazing! Such an inspiration!
  • Along with the other suggestions, you may want to cut back on your sodium. It can hide in things we think are healthy, and it can really cause constipation.
  • I have and it did NOT work for me! My hair is a medium, reddish-brown, and the bleach in it wasn't strong enough to pull all of the color out of my hair. Instead, it was a lovely tennis-ball yellow! I highly recommend going to the salon to lighten your hair. I used that stuff a little over a year ago, and my hair is just…