HUNGRY and in training

I have just started training for a 1/2 marathon in May. I have been a reluctant runner for a while - I do it because that is how I loose/keep my weight in check- so my body is used to short run. I can do 3-4 miles a day, 3-5 times a week and I can stick to my diet, but yesterday I did 6+ and today I'm ravenous and it's a rest day. I'm really tempted to go for a little run, but I know I should rest. I have been chugging water and chewing gum to try and stave off eating...not entirely successful, but I haven't blown my calorie count yet. I try to eat pretty balanced, I do feed myself well and within calorie range on days that I run, so as not to starve myself. I don't want to just give and binge when I have not burned the calories yet today. Any ideas on what I should do?


  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    There is a good chance that your metabolism is higher on your rest days too because you are building it up. If you really feel like you are under eating and truly hungry - then you probably are. Go ahead and over eat a little even if you don't have any exercise calories to eat today. Just make it something healthy. Eat a big salad or something - if you go 'over' 250 calories because of a salad, that's not bad at all. Or maybe some tuna. That's good for a rest day anyway to have some protein. Plus it is good for filling you up. I like tuna with lemon juice on ritz.

    If you are regularly famished on your rest days you might look at your base count and see if maybe it's actually too low.
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    If you're going to add miles and time to your running, you're going to eat more. When I was training, I used to get hungry too. I know people arent crazy about this, but I would eat carbs, like whole wheat pasta and it really did fill me up. I dont know about you, but hardy meals seem to be the only cure for me. I would give that a shot and see if it helps. By the way, I'm hoping to run a 1/2 in May too! Which on are you training for?
  • angellynn261
    I keep kashi granola bars and almonds around, in case I get the munchies. KIND bars are really great, and low cal too. They help to fight cravings. Drink LOTS of water. Sometimes when we feel hungry, it's really our bodies way of saying we're thirsty. I have started doing that, and I have noticed a difference.
  • soleste
    Thanks for the tips everyone! I'm training for the Historic Half in Fredricksburg, VA. It will be my first half, although I'm a 5k veteran. The course doesn't look too bad, and it will be at lower altitude than I run at now.
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    Thats great! Best of luck! I'm a little further north in Cleveland, OH. Its the Cleveland Rite-Aid Marathon/Half and 10K. I've done it before and better believe I can do it again!!!