RippedRunner Member


  • Way to kill!! I just started PMB program as well, but planning to train for a Ragnar towards the cutting phase! Building/ do we find a balance?!
  • Squat question!! Just added them to my routine so when you say "squat" you mean but just parallel to the floor, or do you mean all the way down baby! I have seen people in the gym do it both ways. Some don't get as deep as others. So when you say squat...are you parallel or below?
  • Hi! I am Dawn and am wanting to start a bulk and am in the beginning phases of learning more about what it entails. I have been lifting for about 2 years but was also an avid runner, so the two countered each other! Now focusing on building. Hoping to learn a lot from this group!! Starting weight: 120
  • also, if you are a shoe person, make sure that the lateral stability is good!
  • Thank you dfquigley! Great website! I can spend much time just reading through it all!
  • Thanks for all of the thoughts...I understand the "can't bulk while you cut" and know the distinction between the two, so maybe I posted my question wrong. How do we get our bodyfat percentages down while still maintaining or growing lean muscle tissue?
  • Age 33, 120 lbs (it all matters sometimes!) and my PR time is 24:35 on a hilly course. Tip: do HIIT runs once a week!
  • I just got the program and am deciding if I want to start it. I am trying to focus on muscle building, not just "lean" muscles. Have you done it before? I think her recommended calories is so low??!! She is saying 1300 for my age/height/size....I wonder if that is with or without eating your exercise calories back?
  • I am following a building program from and it has us doing cardio 2x per day, 30minutes in the am and 30 minutes in the pm. I think you will be fine if you keep it 30minutes or under and when the program calls for "cardio" it can be as easy as a walk, taking the stairs, etc. You don't have to do HITT…
  • Boot camp, back and bicep lifting session, possibly some HIIT this evening if the temps stay below 100!
  • has a TON of info and can answer all of your questions