

  • I hate Ohio! I love to hate them though.. Best Rivalry in sports, and I want them to start winning their other 11 games so it means something when we beat them. Go Blue!
  • I am a trainer.. I work passionately with people, and sometimes care about their results more than they do. I appreciate this topic because I work with a Horrible trainer. The problem isn't a lack of attention though... It's a lack of results. This trainer has had several clients of both genders and all ages, with…
  • I almost feel bad that I cannot truly empathize.. I've loved sports and fitness all my life... but I am on a personal mission to help this country lose 1 million pounds... I have seen very sad stories turn into happily ever afters.. You will get yours if you want it bad enough.
  • keep your head up.. your story will be so inspirational to others when you make it.
  • they changed the formula.. make sure you check on that.. Good job promo though.
  • ^^^^^^^which has nothing to do with customer care. pyramid.. what do you think every business model is? If I work at a gym.. I pay that gym commission on training.. which drives my client's price up. If members refer a freind, they get a discount. If the desk staff sells a suppliment, they get commission. This can be…
  • Don't get sucked into it.. I have a %100 success rate "sucking people into it" . Results are what matters..Isn't it weird that NOBODY that already has a beachbody coach is on here asking questions.. just trying to help others by answering them. That's because we teach them what works. My goal is to keep customers for 3…
  • I probably have 40-50 clients in this life-stage.. I will offer any advice you want, because I am sympathetic to it as my wife just had our first child, and I (don't really claim to understand) but sympathise with what a body change that is. feel free to message me anytime.. and good luck. It's done everyday, so you can do…
  • This would be for somebody not trying to lose weight... I drink muscletech as well during a post workout.. I am also a 220 lb. man trying to put on more muscle and intake 250 g of protein per day.... Please be mindful of the audience you are carelessly giving adivice to. I am not trying to be disrespectful. In fact, I…
  • My firm beleif is that you get what you pay for with most things. Protein is no exception. I'm not even gonna continue or start an argument, but research what you are actually putting into your body.. The same goes for the advice you get on here.. (It's free and they don't fact-check) Myself included... I am giving free…
  • Well, as somebody who pays mortgage, student loans, truck, wife's car, day-car, medical insurance.. by being great...not just good... at "holding peoples' hand" I kind of resent that. I'm not going to be nasty about it, because I really do hope that all of you reach your fitness goals, However, I KNOW that I can get that…
  • to each their own... Shakeology is expensive because it works... it works because it comes with your own personal fitness coach who monitors your meal plan. I would never push it on somebody who didn't want it though.... I only want people to drink it who will do the WORK that comes with being in shape and living that…
  • Shakeology.. 150 Calories.. 19 g of protein, 14 g of veggie carbs.. breakfast replacement.. Hit me up for details
  • 28.. married with a beautful little girl who is 2 months old. I'm a personal trainer, teacher, and beachbody coach. I'm here to help others and be an example. anybody can friend me who wants to.
  • It's not about low calories.. or starving yourself.... eat atleast 6 times daily, count carb grams and protein grams, limit starches, ignore myfitnesspal recommendations, and work your butt off. It's hard work.. but its not a big mystery. I would love to help anybody with this.
  • no no no no no no.... protein is ESSENTIAL. this site gives way too many carbs, and not nearly enough protein. I use it as a tool to monitor clients' food, but they follow my meal plan. You should eat 100 g minimum.. and that's if you want to lose weight... Nutrient timing helps, but that is step 1. Hit me up any time for…
  • I have a turbo fire DVD that is awesome.. not my thing, but clients love it
  • lol.. not a chicken fan huh.. I think I have a plan that will work. I'm going to send you a message with details
  • I can help.. I need a few things from you though.. What type of workouts do you like? How much weight do you want to lose? Why do you REALLY want to lose it? I have a lot experience helping people through this.. and an awesome meal plan. No Gimmicks.. Hard work for people who want to sacrifice