SHAKES!!! (drinks)



  • Shakeology is the best shake. 72 vitamins!:smile::smile:
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    To an above poster, What's a good one that includes vitamins? I was at gnc today they had one that had a multi in it. Guy said it was tastier than gnc whetbolic amp 60(nasty) I miss my shakeology. If it was only $70/mo I'd buy it again, but just can't swing the price. Nor can I remember the one I'm prob going back for tomorrow at gnc. It was in a silver container.

    No idea on the vitamin front, I personally just eat my fruits and veggies then take a multi vitamin at the end of the day for good measure. Shakes for me are usually when I haven't had enough protein and just want to chug something and be done with it, or when I don't feel like a full meal for lunch. Whey + berries or bananas / multi vitamin = 2-3x cheaper per month than hyped up stuff like shakeology. To each their own tho, I know it tastes really good.
  • conkle23
    conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
    GNC WAY OVERPRICED! There is a store called Complete Nutrition I would suggest going there! they have experts. But a great one that you can use breakfast and for dinner or even post work out. Is V Core Pro Complete. And they all taste really really good! and there not crazy expensive. And if you go instore they will give you like 20% off. Cause its their product.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    MUSCLE MILK 100 CALORIE CHOCOLATE SHAKES. low cal, some vitamins and potassium, and its lactose free. i looove the stuff. it totally satisfies my chocolate milk craving and its perfect for recovery.
  • I like Herbalife shakes. The shake is 90 calories, plus whatever milk you put in -- almond milk is 40 calories -- and you can add as much protein as you want (at 20 calories per scoop). My usual shake is either 170 or 190 calories and I find it filling. Cookies & Cream is super yummy, and to change it up I'll add a dash of chocolate powder (no sugar, no calories).
  • Does anyone here know of any good shake mixes or powders or whatever to take?
    I don't want the ones you drink after working out with a bunch of calories. (P90x anyone??)

    I want a shake mix that makes you feel full. Kind of like a meal replacer. And low on cals.
    (does that even exist!?!?)

    UMP cookies and cream is AMAZING.. low calories and low sugars!! I love it!! Its great for women :)
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I make smoothies with just fruit and milk some but for shakes I use the Spuritin powder I like the flavors especially Cookies and creme and you can buy although more expensive in individual size which allows me a variety.I do end up adding fruit to it as well as PB and ice cream to help bump the calories up which I need still at this time
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I like the Jillian Michaels Triple Chocolate protein shakes. Very tasty. I like to mix in some yogurt or peanut butter for some flavor variations.
  • mtgordon1908
    mtgordon1908 Posts: 25 Member
  • My firm beleif is that you get what you pay for with most things. Protein is no exception. I'm not even gonna continue or start an argument, but research what you are actually putting into your body.. The same goes for the advice you get on here.. (It's free and they don't fact-check) Myself included... I am giving free advice in an area that I work in professionally, because it is a noble thing to do, and doesn't hurt me from a marketing aspect. However, I have read some terrible advice on this site from people who probably meant well. I guess what I'm saying is... No matter what your method.. research it, and get advice from credible people... If those people are on line.. ask them follow up questions.. message them, make sure they are not just throwing out BS.. Good luck to everybody. #endthetrend
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
  • squeena
    squeena Posts: 2
    I make my own fruit smoothies every morning, do you have any suggestions for a good protein powder to add?
    My firm beleif is that you get what you pay for with most things. Protein is no exception. I'm not even gonna continue or start an argument, but research what you are actually putting into your body.. The same goes for the advice you get on here.. (It's free and they don't fact-check) Myself included... I am giving free advice in an area that I work in professionally, because it is a noble thing to do, and doesn't hurt me from a marketing aspect. However, I have read some terrible advice on this site from people who probably meant well. I guess what I'm saying is... No matter what your method.. research it, and get advice from credible people... If those people are on line.. ask them follow up questions.. message them, make sure they are not just throwing out BS.. Good luck to everybody. #endthetrend
  • Honestly any shake is gonna be about 150-200 calories, personally I use Muscletech whey protein with a spoonful of peanut butter and a banana during or after most workouts. Its def. filling and as long as your working out hard your gonna need that extra energy anyways.

    This would be for somebody not trying to lose weight... I drink muscletech as well during a post workout.. I am also a 220 lb. man trying to put on more muscle and intake 250 g of protein per day.... Please be mindful of the audience you are carelessly giving adivice to. I am not trying to be disrespectful. In fact, I think it is great that you are lending an offer to help. However, you never know how many struggling weight loss people read this and listened and will gain weight because of it while trying even harder.
  • I make my own fruit smoothies every morning, do you have any suggestions for a good protein powder to add?

    Well.. It's obvious I'm gonna endorse my own product.. lol. But seriously.. whatever you decide.. don't cheap out just because of cost. (Most expensive doesn't ALWAYS mean best though... even though it does most of the time) You want to look for high protein level - atleast 17 g. and since you are already using fruit.... you want to find one under 3 carb grams.... and you want it to have a high vitamin load. By the time you add fresh fruit, protein powder, milk, yogurt... whatever do make a worthwhile breakfast.. its gonna be about $4.50 per day... I've done this math before.. Or you could buy a product that contained all of it for $4 per day.

    Also, what are your goals? if you are trying to gain weight... just use the same protein you use for post workouts.. If you are trying to lose weight, then you shouldn't be taking a postworkout supplement anyway.

    Feel free to shoot me a question anytime.
  • Courage
    Courage Posts: 7 Member
    My favorite smoothies to make myself.

    Red Smoothie serves 2
    • 1/3 lemon  
    • 1 apple  
    • 1 carrot
    • water 200cc

    Tropical Smoothie (like a dessert) serves 2
    • 1 red paprika
    • 150g frozen pineapple
    • 2 frozen bananas
    • water 100cc

    Green Smoothie serves 2
    ratio of fruit 6 to 4 green leaf vegetables (spinach, basil, dark green leafy vegetables)
    • Orange  1 (remove skin)
    • Kiwi with skin (remove stem)
    • Banana  1 (remove skin)
    • Spinach  2 bunches (remove bottom root part)
    • 200cc water

    Green Leafy Vegetable A smoothieーserves 2
    • 1/4 pineapple (peel but use core) 
    • banana peeled
    • lemon squeeze
    • 1/3 of a bunch of green leafy vegetable
    • water 250cc (1 cup)

    Green Leafy Vegetable B Smoothie serves 2
    ★1/2 apple
    ★1 kiwi
    ★ 500gm of watermelon
    ★1 handful of spinach, basil, green vegetable

    Tropical Smoothie (like a dessert) serves 2
    • 1 red paprika
    • 150g frozen fresh pineapple
    • 2 frozen bananas
    • water 100cc
    Beware: some blenders cannot handle frozen ingredients

    Kabocha (butternut squash) smoothie (like a soup) serves 2
    • 200 gm. kabocha about 1/6
    • 200cc soy milk
    • 60g or 2/3 carrot
    • a little lemon juice
    • top with cinnamon or crushed almonds . . .
    How to prepare:
    1. cut Kabocha in one cm slices, microwave the Kabocha for 2 -3 minutes (600w)
    2. cut carrots in bit sizes, blend with lemon juice, soy milk, until smooth
  • Shakeology isn't expensive because it works. It is expensive because it is multi-level marketing. The profits for every tier have to come from somewhere. Same story for Body by Vi, Herbalife, etc. Don't get sucked in to something like that.
  • TR56
    TR56 Posts: 63 Member
    Atkins Strawberry or vanilla shakes with a scoop or vanilla, choc, or oreo whey...yummm
  • Shakeology isn't expensive because it works. It is expensive because it is multi-level marketing. The profits for every tier have to come from somewhere. Same story for Body by Vi, Herbalife, etc. Don't get sucked in to something like that.

    Don't get sucked into it.. I have a %100 success rate "sucking people into it" . Results are what matters..Isn't it weird that NOBODY that already has a beachbody coach is on here asking questions.. just trying to help others by answering them. That's because we teach them what works. My goal is to keep customers for 3 months and then let them do what they want without me because they know how to do it.. what other person/business/anything aims for that?

    I do not mean to convince you.. you are set against it.. and I, quite frankly, have enough people who want to do this and be and stay healthy. I just don't want a misguided view to sway people from learning.. from me or anybody else.

    Best of luck in your goals as well.
  • Shakeology isn't expensive because it works. It is expensive because it is multi-level marketing. The profits for every tier have to come from somewhere. Same story for Body by Vi, Herbalife, etc. Don't get sucked in to something like that.

    Don't get sucked into it.. I have a %100 success rate "sucking people into it" . Results are what matters.. I sincerely hope that others get theirs too. Thanks for the publicity though.

    I am not questioning you on whether it works or not. It may work very well combined with a proper diet and exercise. I am simply stating that it is expensive due to the way it is being sold. If it was not done via multi-level marketing there would definitely be places that they could cut down the price. Where do your think you check and the check of the person that signed you up (and so on, and so on) comes from? The product it's self may be just great, but it is still a pyramid scheme.
  • ^^^^^^^which has nothing to do with customer care. pyramid.. what do you think every business model is? If I work at a gym.. I pay that gym commission on training.. which drives my client's price up. If members refer a freind, they get a discount. If the desk staff sells a suppliment, they get commission. This can be applied to any business.. How is it different?