SHAKES!!! (drinks)



  • I don't recall saying it had ANYTHING to do with customer care. I am stating that there is a cheaper alternative out there instead of mark-up due to multi-level marketing. Aside from that, shakes are not a magic fix. Most people will be able to lose weight with proper diet & exercise, shakes or not. If you are a trainer and that is one of the tools you choose to use for your own clients, great. I am sure it works well with whatever program you have set up, but that doesn't mean it is the only option out there.
  • tell me more...
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Shakeology.. 150 Calories.. 19 g of protein, 14 g of veggie carbs.. breakfast replacement.. Hit me up for details

    Wow! Great carb shake! :laugh:
  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    1 scoop mrm whey protein and one scoop perfect greens mixed with almond milk. My FAVE for breakfast after an insanity workout.

    Feel free to check my diary :)
  • conkle23
    conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
    My firm beleif is that you get what you pay for with most things. Protein is no exception. I'm not even gonna continue or start an argument, but research what you are actually putting into your body.. The same goes for the advice you get on here.. (It's free and they don't fact-check) Myself included... I am giving free advice in an area that I work in professionally, because it is a noble thing to do, and doesn't hurt me from a marketing aspect. However, I have read some terrible advice on this site from people who probably meant well. I guess what I'm saying is... No matter what your method.. research it, and get advice from credible people... If those people are on line.. ask them follow up questions.. message them, make sure they are not just throwing out BS.. Good luck to everybody. #endthetrend

    He has a very good point! :D read the studies, and research! and listen to people and absorb just don't believe everything. Any and most advice I give is from trainers, or other people it has worked for. Good luck
  • kmb7923
    kmb7923 Posts: 9 Member
    Just starting with a coach, and the way I look at it is, if somone is going to make some money on me, it might as well be someone who is helping me down the road. He;s got a job, it is something he is passionate about...what's wrong with that. Is there something wrong with people who make a living selling Mary Kay, Avon or any other product on a tiered system? It's a career. Don't knock it. People who buy it know that someone is making money. Do you think GNC is selling it for the least profit they can. Heck no! FYI - I don't sell any products nor does anyone in my family.
  • Shakeology.. 150 Calories.. 19 g of protein, 14 g of veggie carbs.. breakfast replacement.. Hit me up for details

    Wow! Great carb shake! :laugh:
    they changed the formula.. make sure you check on that.. Good job promo though.
  • squeena
    squeena Posts: 2
    My goal is too lose weight, not gain :)

    Thank you for the information. I am not against buying a product that has it all, or the cost a it seems many people are. I just really like to use fresh ingredients if I can. I actually looked in to Shakeology in the past' but at the time wasn't truly motivated so I didn't spend the money. I may think about it again in the furture if I get too busy to take the time to make my own.

    Everyone I know that has been involved with anything related to Beachbody has done very well. Whether it be the shakes, the workouts, or the trainers....they have all been successful. There is definitely something that works.

    Thanks again for your advice.
    I make my own fruit smoothies every morning, do you have any suggestions for a good protein powder to add?

    Well.. It's obvious I'm gonna endorse my own product.. lol. But seriously.. whatever you decide.. don't cheap out just because of cost. (Most expensive doesn't ALWAYS mean best though... even though it does most of the time) You want to look for high protein level - atleast 17 g. and since you are already using fruit.... you want to find one under 3 carb grams.... and you want it to have a high vitamin load. By the time you add fresh fruit, protein powder, milk, yogurt... whatever do make a worthwhile breakfast.. its gonna be about $4.50 per day... I've done this math before.. Or you could buy a product that contained all of it for $4 per day.

    Also, what are your goals? if you are trying to gain weight... just use the same protein you use for post workouts.. If you are trying to lose weight, then you shouldn't be taking a postworkout supplement anyway.

    Feel free to shoot me a question anytime.
  • stina0t2
    stina0t2 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been drinking Shakeology every day for a year and a half...even my super picky husband likes it!

    I've heard about Vega--how's the taste? Might add that into the mix! I'm pretty picky about ingredients...will have to look that one up!

    Vega's actually not bad tasting. I use the Chocolate Shake mix and keep the Chocolate Coconut bars (240 cal; 16 g protein) on hand for when I'm on the go.

    Way better than the Isagenix stuff or any of the other 'vegan' protein I've used.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    I have just bought PNI Pure Protein anyone give feed back on it please? it was recommend by a local store?
  • adnol_2
    adnol_2 Posts: 35 Member
    try body by VI