How do you maintain low calorie diet without starving?



  • To each his/her own, I guess. lol. There are plenty of foods in the world. Just gotta find out what works for you.
    As for me....I busted *kitten* today on the trail, so I am rewarding myself with about a pound of chicken, with a side of potatoes and Black beans!
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    eat more calories
  • True that! "You can't have the same things only less." Not all calories are created equal. Some are actually designed to make you eat more than you need. (Hi, Frito-Lay!)
  • To each his/her own, I guess. lol. There are plenty of foods in the world. Just gotta find out what works for you.
    As for me....I busted *kitten* today on the trail, so I am rewarding myself with about a pound of chicken, with a side of potatoes and Black beans!

    sounds good. that's awesome. i urge you to learn to incorporate the foods you love. if that means having a SLICE of bread because you want it then make it fit--it's a lifestyle. I remember reading your first post on the boards and i sincerely wish you the best of luck.
  • mcaffreyg
    mcaffreyg Posts: 69 Member
    I got most hungry during the evening. I try to eat lower cals for breakfast and lunch. So I can really pig out for dinner and before bed. I have dry ceral for breakfast in a baggies cause that makes a long time to eat. yogurt and light cheese stick for lunch. low cal stuff like that. So for dinner I have 700 cals left :) it's sweet!
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I'm at 1146 a day and feel wonderful I eat when I'm hungry and don't when I'm not and drink a ton of water! Sometimes I add wheat germ to my food (yogurt mostly) it's high in fiber and makes me feel fuller
  • maisfree
    maisfree Posts: 12 Member
    I feel hungry a lot also. I'm trying to 'make friends' with that 'hunger pang' feeling, rather than thinking it's dangerous. I tell myself that pang is the feeling of losing weight, and it's good!

    But here are my tricks for avoiding the feeling:
    (1) I make breakfast the biggest meal of the day, and load on the protein. It has "staying power" to get me through to lunchtime.
    (2) When I feel hunger pangs in the afternoon, I drink a giant glass of water.
    (3) Lifting weights seems to kill my hunger pangs, so that's kind of a motivator to get to the gym.

    I have been working out and dieting all summer with very little results, by the way. At the beginning of the summer I set my stats to lose one pound per week and guess what? I lost zero pounds per week. So I reset my stats to drop two pounds per week. I immediately started losing weight, but I also started feeling hunger pangs. Maybe it just comes with the territory.

    I am glad to know I am not the only one with that feeling! =) I just need to find a way to deal with it, I guess. My weight seems to go up and down, up and down and I realize I can't be too excited every time I lose a bit of weight. =( Yes, I am trying that breakfast = biggest meal of the day... and I do feel better when I eat a lot in the morning. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • It's not about low calories.. or starving yourself.... eat atleast 6 times daily, count carb grams and protein grams, limit starches, ignore myfitnesspal recommendations, and work your butt off. It's hard work.. but its not a big mystery. I would love to help anybody with this.
  • I like the heat. Keep raw jalapenos, serranos, or habaneros around. VERY low calorie and keeps the stomach occupied.
  • dodie1964
    dodie1964 Posts: 1 Member
    High protein and fiber helps me alot. If I eat anything moderately to high in carbohydrates, I find I get hungry alot quicker. So I do eat a very low diet of simple carbs and stick with the complex ones to help me through the day. Drink lots of water, that helps as well. Green Tea cold or hot helps.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    It depends on the person. I couldn't survive on 1200 calories. I run therefore I eat. I eat therefore I run. I like food... good thing I like running. I net about 1600-1700 calories/day (so 1600-1700 plus all my exercise calories) and still lose 1 lb/week on average.

    Best advice I can give is to make sure each time you eat there's a bit of protein and the highest fiber carbs you can get. Fiber and protein (and healthy fat) will help keep you satisfied. Don't fill up on low-cal/no-cal/non-foods. Rice cakes and 100-calorie packs of stuff will NOT keep you feeling satisfied at all. A little protein, fat and carbs every time you eat and you should be satisfied all day long (though you may need more calories, so exercise and eat back what you burn).
  • I like the heat. Keep raw jalapenos, serranos, or habaneros around. VERY low calorie and keeps the stomach occupied.

    Yeah, I bet it does! lol
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    well, that is YOUR perspective...that doesn't mean it has no redeeming qualities. you can easily bulk up pasta by adding in broccoli or spinach...topping it with lean protein and tossing it all together with marinara sauce. many ww brands are 180 calories per 1.5 servings is only 270 calories, add in 3-4 oz chicken for 120 calories, and 1/3 cup sauce for another 50 and 2 servings broccoli for 60...that's a rather large portion at a total of 500 calories. If someone LIKES pasta it can fit and shouldn't be completely cut out.

    Everyone is giving their advice, so take what wouldn't work for you with a grain of salt. OP can decide whether to try changing it or not.
  • I am not sure what types of foods you are eating but I would guess they may not be the best choices for sustaining you through out the day. I realized the first few days I started tracking again that I was STARVING! I evaluated what I was eating and it turned out my choices while not BAD were definitely higher fat & calorie than I should be choosing for maximizing my food consumption.
  • Truth is, Mais......this forum is a good place to get ideas for just about anything, but dont believe everything that is said. Everybody is going to have 10 different ways to accomplish a goal. Jot down these ideas, and try them out for yourself. Give one idea a week, and then give the other idea a week. Figure out what works best for you. I am gettin ideas for breakfast, and was turned on to oatmeal instead of cereal. It works for me. But someone out there may be on the Hummus and taco diet, and is making it work for him. You just have to try different things.

    Temptations are bad things. You will be tempted left and right with this and that. I know a thing or two about temptations. I quit smoking 16 days ago after 13 years. I quit it cold nicotine substitute. I use exercise. When I am using my lungs, I cannot fill them with smoke. It works. So find a way to fight cravings by countering them. Sunflower seeds are a good sit down and munch food. Takes a while to eat, keeps the hands busy, and gives you good proteins.

    Try just going to the market, and spend like a few hours in there. go down every aisle, and read the nutrition facts on the items. compare brands, types, sizes. You will find something that works for you. Noone says you cant do that.

    P.S.--- if you buy the meat that needs to be sold quickly, you save a few bucks! Just cook it in a couple days, or freeze it.
  • cathy2cc
    cathy2cc Posts: 4 Member
    I would aim for losing 1lb per week to start with and after a couple of weeks change it. I did that and I am almost never hungry now. I drink a couple of small steeped teas from Tim Horton's and I think that helps fill me too. Watermelon is a great filling snack at night as well as strawberries and low cal whipped cream (only 30cal). I also find Papa Jack's popcorn is only 230 calories for two cups. If you like chips try Pop's all natural chips-the whole bag is only 300 or so calories. But we can only find them at the Bargain Shop. If you exercise more you can eat more too. I used to eat tons of chocolate but my cravings are gone since I eat more fruits and vegetables now.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Hey there! I am doing just fine on my 1200 calorie diet, and I am not eating my exercise calories back. THIS WORKS FOR ME. I would suggest, if you work out, to eat back your calories for a while. It will help you get to eat more, too! I am slowly attempting to up my caloric intake, gradually. I'm just trying to feel out my body. My BMR is 1250, so this is what works for me. Now on to my diet!

    I know what it's like to be a student, and what little time you have. When I was in University, I couldn't pre-cook meals and freeze them. Secondly-- I hate leftovers.

    I drink a LOT of water a day. In fact, I ONLY drink water. Tea gives me heartburn. Water it is!! Also helps with water weight. .. Ironically enough.

    Here are some ideas that I do for fast food, if it is necessary:

    Subway's turkey breast 6" on whole wheat, no cheese: 280 calories (I'm lactose intolerant, so I go with this. Lettuce, tomatoes, spinach leaves, pepper nom nom nom)

    Chik Fil A's Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich, no pickles: 280 calories (and only 3 grams of fat! Take the top bun off if you are worried about carbs)

    Lean Cuisine's spaghetti: 300 calories. Ok, very carby-- but I ONLY eat this within twenty minutes of a work out. It's kind of like a special treat to me. I don't suggest it for regular days because of it's sodium.

    Luna Bars: 180 calories, dense with protein. It digests slowly and keeps me full most of the morning.

    Smoothies: Bananas (moderately because of the sugar and tendency to constipate), strawberries, blueberries, unsweetened vanilla almond milk (35 cal per cup) and truvia sugar. Depends on how much you make, but somewhere over 300 calories. Filling and sooooo delicious.

    I mostly eat sandwiches-- I'll add avocado if I'm trying to eat more.

    Almonds to help me up my caloric intake.

    Snacks at night: 100% fruit bars, dreyers--- a little bit of sugar but a healthy alternative to snacks!!

    Let me know what you think. I've lost around 23 pounds since May. Maybe it will work for you, too!

    Cheers! Feel free to add me to see my diary.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Did you post your stats/settings? 1200 may or may not even be the "right" number for you. The lighter you are, the fewer calories you are given, which makes losing weight like 2 lbs a week nearly impossible for some.

    Pasta is definitely a treat food for me too. I don't get enough nutrition and satiety for the calorie count. If I want it, I try to limit it to the weekends when I have more flexibility about meal timing.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Note: Turkey breast is filling and lean! :)
  • I tried the 1200 calorie diet, but it was not enough for me. I lost weight WAY too quickly and ended up messing with my period and didn't have enough calories to exercise.

    I changed it up to 1400 and I'll let myself go up to 1500, but not more than 1400 average for the week.

    Also, PIRATE"S BOOTY. Its like styrofoam with flavor. Fantastic, low calories, etc. And homemade popcorn with olive oil.

    Good luck!

    I'm 5'10 and 160 lbs, trying to get down to 150-ish again.