Avalonis Member


  • True, but I can't eat all that red meat and 4000 calories in chicken and fish gets old quick :wink:
  • I cant do a straight Keto diet. Bad genetics for Cholesterol so when I go Keto my HDL goes down and me LDL goes WAYYYYY up. Gotta keep all those delicious veggies in my diet.
  • Jesus, what gyms do you guys go to that you're worried about harassment? Sure, occasionally people hit on other people, and occasionally people might say something rude (Generally in response to bad gym etiquette) but for the most part, gym people are super nice and more friendly than the general population. Overweight…
  • Congrats! I dont have a goal weight... just a goal look :)
  • Chocolate, fruity mixed drinks, and pizza. Obviously thats how you bulk properly. /sarcasm. Seriously though, you don't expect people that have never bulked (Muscle, not fat) in their life to understand a clean bulk and how much food it really takes to get there, do you? Lets put this in perspective. If you want to eat…
  • We all have periods where we revert a bit back to eating like *kitten* . The real key (for me at least) is not getting in a consistent habit of doing so on a daily basis. Look at it this way - if you are eating 500 calories a day under maintenance, and you have a cheat day where you end up eating an extra 3500 calories, at…
  • All this.
  • If you hate working out, you need to find some things you enjoy. I DETEST traditional cardio, but I've discovered I love to do sprints, racquetball, tennis, HIIT Cycling classes, and Volleyball. Life is too short to spend 2 hours a day in the gym being miserable.
  • Speaking from personal experience, its your carb intake. You're almost certainly still eating enough carbs to remain in a non-ketogenic state (Anything more than 50g of carbs a day will almost certainly keep you out of ketosis), but not taking in enough to keep your energy levels up. This is going to cause extreme…
  • Yes, protein helps. However, the absolute best thing to help prevent and recover from post workout muscle soreness is to drink enough water. Being hydrated is more beneficial than anything else. Unless you have a large amount of muscle (IE, Powerlifter, Athlete, bodybuilder), you don't need nearly as much protein as people…
  • I'm gonna eat and drink everything I want. Gotta have cheat days, and if you can't let loose once in awhile, whats the point? Getting healthy isnt about swearing off all the food you love. Its about moderation and making your body healthy and happy. Pigging out on a holiday or getting drunk isnt going to stop your health…
  • Just started watching the first season with my girl.... I must say... its... intriguing. Especially the shower scenes.
  • As a man, I completely agree. Lipo is for people that can't lose it on their own. You're young, attractive and in good shape. No lipo needed, especially since its the riskiest elective surgery out there.
  • Hahhaa, this is awesome! Also, the word you needed there was "consigns" not cosigns.
  • There's no such thing as bad food. Don't try to stick to only salads and protein shakes, you have to do a lifestyle that you can sustain forever. Eat clean 95% of the time, and then if you feel like a slice of cheesecake, have one! I see too many people that diet like crazy, eating a super low number and nothing with fat…
  • Oh what a load of shight. Women say this kind of crap to put down other women... but ya know what? I bet theres a good portion of the "Mature men" population that love chubby girls. And another portion that love fat girls. And another portion that love railthin girls. And another portion that don't care and like all types.…
  • Get a heart rate monitor. For this type of activity, that would be the only way to "mostly" be accurate logging it.
  • House party
  • We're not being hard on him for being new, we're being hard on him for continuing to argue with people about his intake when he's clearly COMPLETELY WRONG. It's very simple: Eat less than you burn, and you WILL lose weight. Some people lose faster than others. But its not more complicated than that. The simple fact of the…
  • Instructions unclear. C*** stuck in toaster.
  • We eat a metric crapton of these things. Lately, we've been trying to only eat them when we are on the go... but thats like always, so yea. We get them for about $23 a box from our local gym though, so thats badass.
  • I have a hard time taking advice from a "Guru" that doesnt know the difference between "effect" and "affect". Also, Insanity has its place in a healthy living change, just like most workouts. Its not going to magically make you a supermodel, bt it can definitely help you lose a lot of fat by pure cardio alone. FYI, at an…
  • Killjoy. I just broke out the popcorn.
  • You. I like you. Well said, and I can't agree more.
  • Scientifically debunked. None of those "cleanses" actually cleanse anything. http://www.livescience.com/34845-detox-cleansing-facts-fallacies.html
  • This: Is causing this: As far as this goes: Its all in your head. As a woman, especially as a very thin woman at a significant caloric deficit, you are NOT going to bulk. Like... ever. Basically you're saying you want to be bird thin with no muscle, because at your deficit its literally impossible for you to bulk. You…
  • Keep in mind you arent getting an unbiased option. Everyone paints themselves in a good light when trying to get people to side with them in a disagreement.