Tuesdays are now officially designated tranny tuesdays. I'll start it out with the most famous tranny of all. Surprise! P.S. NO EXPLICIT CONTENT!
Male Bodybuilders under 15% BF that track daily
I'd like to be friends with some male bodybuilders that are under 12% bodyfat that track regularly. I'm having some trouble lately deciding my caloric intake, I am at about 16-18% BF, and I wear a bodymedia to track calories burned, but wanting to see how my diet stacks up to guys that are fitter than I am. I had a 6 pack…
Preparing for the Zombie Apocolypse
Or really, any major disaster where you would need to survive without typical support networks (Such as when Katrina hit, or the Earthquakes in Japan) Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I have begun prepping a so called "Bug out bag". Basically, its a supply bag full of all the essentials you would need to survive for a…
An added Gym pleasure
Apparently, around 5% of women that exercise heavily, focusing on abs can actually get an orgasm from it! I'm excited, and totally jealous. If men have an orgasm at the gym, people are creeped out. If women do, they are just working out. Such a double standard.... Then again, it could be because a man having an orgasm at…
General Diet Myths
Heres an interesting article about weight loss and working out myths. You can read the full thing here: http://www.komonews.com/news/va?vaid=61ab61cbf04dc5b1118f42abf896f951
Holy crap, this web addon for Firefox is AWESOME! It lets you track which websites are monitoring your personal data and browsing data so you can opt out if you want. So I did a little experiment for the morning to see what websites talk to each other. This is the way all the websites I've ever used share information about…
Breakthrough new diet!
I just learned of a breakthrough new diet! Dare I say it is BETTER than HcG! This is the diet the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about. Its simple. Each morning, take a spoonful of Draino! Much like how it cleans out your toilet, it cleans out your internal pipes as well. This automagically prevents your…
The Excuses
I've been thinking about all the excuses I keep hearing from overweight people. I get irritated when the ones that are extremely overweight make excuses for why they are overweight. "Bad Genes" "My Family doesn't support me" "I don't have time to eat healthy/workout" "I have a food addiction" "I eat my feelings" I've been…
Creepy MFP posts
Sometimes I read posts on MFP, and I think this about the poster. Creepers, Quit posting creepy crap.
Guy Question about workout side effects
*Disclaimer* This seems like a joke thread, but I am being completely serious. If you don't want to talk about grown up stuff, don't read anymore. It can't be worse than all the damn period threads. I've noticed that after a long strenuous workout where I have been doing lots of cardio, when I have sex within a few hours…
Those damn resolutioners
Are still going to MY gym! *kitten*! I was thinking after two weeks it would settle down, but no, if anything its getting MORE full on Mondays and Wednesdays. I am not happy here. Not happy. Do I dare think that some of them ACTUALLY have what it takes to change their lifestyle??? *Gasp* THE HORROR! I may be subjected to a…
How I feel about Bad Gym Etiquette posts
So I have recently been reading a lot of rants about people in the gyms. I'd like to just take this moment for a public service announcement. I am apparently an *kitten* berry. I say this because: Occasionally, I forget my shorts and workout in non-workout clothes. Just because you don't like to see me working out in my…
Low Carb diets - Not as healthy as you might think.
"It may be a speedy way to slim down, but the Atkins diet can also raise your cholesterol and harm your heart just as quickly. When researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine put 18 adults on the Atkins diet, Ornish, or South Beach Diet, those on the Atkins diet increased their LDL (bad) cholesterol…
Tough MUdder - Vancouver 2012
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/2060-tough-mudder-vancouver-2012 Please join the group if you hope to attend.
Why you should be FIT, not just skinny
Here's an interesting article I just read about being fit, not just skinny. Probably a repost, I didn't search. But still worth reposting. http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/05/health/diet-fitness/men-staying-shape-losing-weight/index.html?iref=obnetwork
Muscle Soreness and tightness - No excercise
So I haven't worked out my legs in over a week, but for the past 2 days I've had very tight and sore calves and thighs. Its more of a generalized burning sensation, it does NOT feel like an exercised soreness. If I bend down and try to touch my toes, I can't reach nearly as far as I used to (like 4 inches shorter) and it…
Seattle/Puget Sound Meet n' Greet 2
Ok all, due to the overwhelming success of the Meet N' Greet that Natalie_Wiley and I planned last time, we will be planning another Seattle/Puget event! It will have to be the first or second weekend in December. The location is NOT set yet, but we are going to aim for a more central location, such as Bellevue or…
Mind your own business!
Haha... this is hilarious :D
TOM and Weight loss - The solution
I keep seeing women on here complain about TOM and how they see the scale fluctuate all the time.... I have the solution. THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE. I'm serious. Weight means LITERALLY NOTHING. If you want to track numbers, track your body composition. Body Fat percentage is the only number that matters. You all are so tied up…
An interesting conversation.
So I got really drunk and hit on this girl in a bar with some obscene pickup line. She was sober, so she turned to me and said "Ew. I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last person alive on the planet." So I leaned in real close and whispered into her ear "..... But who would stop me?" Clarification - This is just a…
Bad news...
If you are on here, reading MFP forums on a Saturday night... then you, like me... are lame :D
People just aren't getting it.
I've already posted this once... but apparently I was too harsh and got my post deleted. So I'll tone it down. I keep reading post after post after post about piss poor dieting and weight loss tips and fads. When are you people going to get it. There is no short cuts. At all. NONE. None of the fad diets are sustainable! If…
Visual Clues your date is a doucher
I'm compiling a list of visual clues your date is a doucher / Wang Monkey / thug Basically, the kind of person its a TERRIBLE idea to actually date. These do not have to all be present at the same time, infact, some of them are mutually exclusive. Feel free to add suggestions, in the following format. Male CluesWears a…
Men of MFP in Mankinis
Flyzippo thinks we need to make a "Men of MFP in Mankinis" calendar. Who all is in? We need 10 more. ;)
Online Dating ruins people.
Online dating ruins people. Think about it: When you are an attractive woman online, you get hit one like 100 times a day, and you have your complete choice of whatever guy you want. Then in real life, if someone hits on you, you are thinking "I haven't read his profile. I don't know what he's like. What if we have nothing…
Hitting on women in the Gym
Assuming you do it in a non-creeper way (No following them home/to the parking lot, no waiting for them, no breathing heavily in their ear as they try to stretch, no leering, ect) How do you ladies feel about being hit on in the gym? Is that a no-no, or would you be flattered? I know a lot of women feel "dirty" or "nasty"…
Recipe for my sick friends
I keep seeing everyone complain about sore throats and coughs. I have a solution. Yes, I actually drink this, and yes, it works. Hot Tottie Fill a large (12+ oz) coffee mud 3/4 of the way up with boiling water Add 2 tablespoons Lemon juice (5 calories) 2 tablespoons honey (~125 calories 3 Oz Bourbon Straight Whiskey (~190…
Running Questions
Hey all, I have a few questions for those of you that are big time runners. I used to run @ 10mph for 1-2 miles, and my heart rate would be in the upper 160s, occasionally it would be in the lower 170s. I stopped tracking if for a few weeks, and then lately I've noticed I can seem to get my heart rate up above 140! I'll…
Sometimes women creep me out...
I was at the gym awhile back when I overheard a girl talking to a personal trainer. I see this girl all the time, shes a regular. She seems normal, works our like 2+ hours a day, has a young kid, dresses in standard gym attire, ya know. Totally normal. Or so I thought. I was working out on a machine next to her and this…
Pickles for protein?
I was told that stiff, firm pickles actually have protein! Not the limp kind though, you need the firm ones. The limp ones have already had all of the protein removed. I hear that you can milk them for a protein shake, but since you burn calories in the extraction, its a net-zero snack. Anyone know the truth to this? I…