EdwardMH2 Member


  • I try to match the code closest to what I eat.
  • My scale calculates some factors.
  • Sometimes my tail gets in the way.
  • I will take the lack of response as a no.
  • I was told by someone on a Keto diet at Pickleball my carbs were way too high.
  • I was but swapped the Protein and carb % today.
  • Now to start weighing and tracking what I eat more accurately.
  • Ok I HOPE I went in the right direction. I updated my Settings in MFP raising my Daily Calories from 1,510 the changes are as follows. Hight 5'10" Weight 212 (Current Weight)up from 210 Gender Still Male :-) Goal weight 180 (Will still be happy with 185) Activity Level Active up from Lightly Active 4 workouts a week…
  • Sadly I chose 2 pounds a week to loose as much as I can faster. On my watch I had only been looking at steps never checked the Samsung health app. Do I leave it at default or are there settings I can/should adjust to personalize it? Yesterday I did very little activity it says I burned 1,894 cal but I was not wearing the…
  • I have a food scale I will try to weigh what I order, for today I will just have one meal as I am supposed to have 1510 but am already over 1700 calories. This time I picked the lowest calories burned entry for walking 60 min which was 2.0 mph instead of the higher walking dog one so it would report less calories burned.…
  • Well, it appears my guessing is way way to low on what I eat then even thought I would choose the second highest or in between options that the search brings up so I will try to get more accurate measurements and for a while order the same thing every day until I KNOW what a particular serving size looks like.
  • I have always tended to eat one or two meals a day and snack on popcorn or something in the evenings. Occasionally I feel very hungry after playing Pickleball and will go for another meal.
  • When I enter my meals in MFP I do a search for one item at a time and pick what seems to be in the middle of all the different numbers I find in that search. For instance I could not find an actual listing for Corned beef and cabbage dinner so I selected each ingredient (minus seasoning) and guessed at how much it was in…
  • Ok please bare with me I learn slower than most. Yesterday I got the most steps ever recorded for a day on my Gear2 watch for you active types it is probably nothing but to me I am STILL tired lol. I have 18,016 steps. Now I played nonstop Pickleball in the morning for about hours and again that evening for several hours.…
  • Oh.... I been using that as a guide not to go over so I try to eat less than the allotted. Often times I only got one meal because it would have took me over.
  • Should I change my activity level setting in MFP to something else?
  • The MFP community is so patient and helpful. Thank you all for putting up with my OCD on this subject. Sadly EVERYTHING in my life is overthought and paralysis by analysis ridden. I always think I have to do things perfect but at the same time no confidence so I loop in and out of doing, not doing everything.
  • I choose 450 calories per hour as my estimation based on MFP listing for Badminton casual at 429 and competitive 667 at a weight of 210 pounds. I am not playing a slow casual game with seniors. I tend to play most of my games with 25-60 year old energetic fast moving hard hitting players. So if you know I am over…
  • I think I chose Lightly active, I do a few Pickleball Tournaments a year and try to play folks better than me to prepare for those tournaments.
  • Male, 53 years old, 212 pounds, 5'10" MY Goal weight is 180 ponds "Ideal Weight" according to internet is 165-172 pounds. I try to play at least 4 times a week for 2-4 each time. Only play Doubles I am a 3.0 player but mostly play against 3.5-4.0 level players. I use Gear2 watch for my steps, and Have made a MFP Exercise…
  • I got my Total Gym a USED FIT and I like it but need more motivation to use it as much as I should.
  • I am still here how can we get this forum more active.
  • Ok lets use today as an example and see if you can help me understand what I am reading. And how to enter info for best results. Goal Calories 1,510 Food 1,378 (Only ate one meal today), Calories Burned Exercise 1,238 (based on 165 min of Pickleball) My Total steps today so far including Pickleball and I have a Service dog…
  • I just realized I have been in and out of diets here since 2012 and still not figuring out best healthy options.
  • I know hot air popped popcorn is healthiest but to me is bland is a oil popped popcorn healthier than a bag of Movie Theater Orville Redenbacher for a late night snack? (My second Favorite next to Jolly Pop Butter)
  • I tend to get some variety of this but I also tend to eat it all in one setting even though it holds 4.5 servings. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Marketside-Chef-Salad-15-5-oz/10450791
  • No it is a local family run place I like. Might go to Walmart and just get a big $3 salad so I at least have something, I tend to toss the salads dressing and use Italian or balsamic I have at home.
  • Well after sitting in the restaurant for over an hour I left after 2 teas and no food as I was afraid of ordering wrong lol, hey I might loose weight this way.
  • One MAJOR setback is that I rarely or don’t cook at home though I am slowly trying to do more breakfasts (learning to cook slowly) I eat out 90% of my meals.
  • Ok.... Next issue then. On calories burned from exercise, walking, biking, hiking, playing with the dog, Pickleball (tennis type game) etc. I know if someone weighs 200 pounds and does the same exercise as someone 180 pounds they will loose weight faster at first as they are moving more weight. But how accurate are the…