what a small world. I walk with my friend through oak lawn 3 days a week, when its cold or rainy we walk at the Chicago ridge mall. just keep a positive attitude, nobody looks like the movie stars
spaghetti squash is great. we eat it about once every 2 weeks. i can pile my plate real high, for very low calories recipe 1 spaghetti squash 1 can crushed tomatoes mushrooms zuchinni onion split the spaghetti squash in half longways, put on a cookie sheet, cook for 45 minutes on 375 in the oven saute vegetables, when…
this might sound funny but i agree with the guy who said roll your food on the floor....i drive a truck,,,,,and i throw food out the window...otherwise i will eat whatever i have in front of me....and sorry to the car that took the twinkies on the windshield!!!!:smile:
i used to use instant also...try this......1/2 cup of old fashioned oats, 1 cup water..1 serving raisins. microwave 2 minutes....slice a banana on top....microwave for 40 more have a perfect bowl of oatmeal, no sugar needed! if you use quick oats, microwave only 1 minute 40 secs the first time
chinese shar-pei, we love them. they are great family dogs and good watch dogs, a little stubborn though
i had mine on automatic, and no it didnt adjust it, i adjusted it manually:smile:
awesome job my friend.....when i started, i use a tony little gazelle for exercising. my stomach would slap from side to side really annoyingly. now, almost 4 months later and 31 pounds down, my stomach is alot tighter and it doesnt do that anymore...keep up the good work!!!
hey, my birthday is october 20th, although i think i might be older than you, my son is 23.
it really makes me happy to see such positive threads, i love the fact that you respond to everyone! that makes me happy, instead of reading all of the negativity out here
i take apple cider vinegar every morning.. what i do is, when i make my decaf coffee, i drink some,and while its in my mouth , i take 1 tablespoon vinegar. it sure isnt the best tasting, but, i have come to like it. since i started this, i dont get heartburn anymore, although, my general change in my diet might also be the…
bump. i love chinese food
i just ate a banana, i love em, my dogs love em too
bumping to keep this, looks like awesome recipes
i bought a ring when i was 17 in st. thomas. it hasnt fit in over 20 years, i tried it on last week and it fit, i was so happy. you know what, i think my finger size fluctuates during the day, sometimes its loose , sometimes its tight. thats ok, your fingers are shrinking, i would wait until you get down to your goal…
sure, i was 18 once, so maybe i can help, lol. try buying your own vegetables, and keeping them in the fridge, when everyone else is eating unhealthy, pull out your veggies and other healthy stuff you bought for yourself. and watch as everyone else in your family starts feeling guilty eating unhealthy stuff while you eat…
very nice job, i would be proud posting your progress too, its helpful to the rest of us!! keep up the hard work:smile:
well, i rate this one up there with bigfoot and the loch ness monster, some people have seen them, some think its fake. all i know is, dont mess with the sasquatch, you might get hurt
hey, i hear where you are coming from, if you add me, im only into being positive, no negativity. I think you can do it, and i can give you plenty of tips to help you along--for example,,if you have to have mcdonalds, why not just get a mcchicken and throw out the bun, its only 160 calories, and a large unsweetened tea.…
what kind of beer? sam adams is about 200 calories. i love that stuff, 5 sam adams=1000 calories, i can burn 1000 in 2 exercise sessions, then all is good,,have to have beer while watching college football
the number on the scale is just a number,,,but, it is a validation for all of your hard efforts. No doubt, if the scale said you lost 4 pounds this week, you would be on cloud 9. the same way that when it says no gain, it is a mental slap in the face. we all need validation for our hard efforts, and the scale is just one…
lol, i had the same thing happen, my pants fell down when i got out of my car at work. i refuse to buy pants and shirts until i get to my goal weight, i guess the thinking is,,,,,why should i buy them now, when i will have to replace them in 6 months.
umm, i go to mcdonalds, and they post how calories is in the individual sandwhich, and the whole meal...for example,,,egg mcmuffin, 300 calories...egg mcmuffin meal,,,,460 calories. the lunch menu is based on a medium fry and a medium coke.
very nice, why would you say that about yourself!!!!!
well, i have a very positive attitude,,,no negativity wanted. ive lost 23 pounds so far, have quite a way to go, the friends i have built up on here are so very positive and encouraging, i will use my positive attitude to help motivate you, feel free to add, i post everyday, 60 days in a row so far