I have terrible portion control...advice?

Hey everyone! So i've been doing pretty well since I joined mfp a month ago! But I still have slip-up days. When I see junk food I seriously cannot control myself. It's sooo hard for me to resist junk food when it's right in front of me.

What can I do to get better portion control? Tips? Advice? Thanks:)


  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Remind yourself that you want something more than the immediate rewards of good tasting food =)

    You want to slim down and that's great, but how fast it happens depends on how dedicated you are, how much you truly want to change yourself. If you have trouble stopping at one bite, then you might want to consider not taking the first one.

    Which sounds like a cruel thing to say, but in my opinion, you really shouldn't have to cut out one food item for any reason. If you want a bit of sweets, figure out how to make it fit into you calorie goals.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Roll your food on the floor...................that usually seems to work. Also try using 9 inch plates to eat off of.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Why is the crappy food right in front of you? Can you not walk away?

    Offer yourself alternatives that are portable. Apple slices, carrot sticks, etc.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    Why is the crappy food right in front of you? Can you not walk away?

    Offer yourself alternatives that are portable. Apple slices, carrot sticks, etc.

    it's not always in front of me, but when i go to my friends' houses their moms usually offer me junk food and leave a plate with me. also my parents (yes i still live with them ugh!) sometimes buy junk food even though they know i'm on a diet and that it's very hard for me to resist temptation
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    My secret: I don't let myself bring it home. Once it's in this house I lose all control.

    Doesn't always work, but it can help.
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    Buy digital scales and measuring cups and LEAVE THEM ON THE BENCH. That way you can quickly weigh all your foods. When you're at your friend's places either don't eat it at all or serve yourself up a small portion and make a rule about no seconds - don't break it.
  • Findingmyathlete
    Findingmyathlete Posts: 57 Member
    I remind myself what I want more (a better body).
    I tell myself "if you can't just eat _____ then you cannot have it"
    I think about how I'll feel the next day. Stuffed, disgusted with myself, frustrated, embarrassed that I have no self control.
    I tell myself that my body deserves me saying no.
    I tell myself you can eat some but not all of it.

    The more you start saying these things to yourself and following through the easier it will get to say no. But you just have to start saying no and following through.
  • Don't eat anything out of a bowl or bag. Have a plate in hand and count out every chip and spoon of dip, for example.
    Eat one chip at a time and chew it - not throw in handfuls mindlessly. Cut one cookie into 4 pieces - I promise by the time you finish the one whole cookie you'll feel like you got to have 4. It's not that hard to drastically cut back and still enjoy all the yummy things....
  • Verizzle
    Verizzle Posts: 12 Member
    Find a food that you really love. I adore peanut/almond/almond and chocolate butters and spreads. So I have a jar at home and whenever I reach for something bad outside I just remember my reward for being good. And then I come home and enjoy.

    In general though it's pretty hard. Just fit it into your daily calories or work around it.
  • Findingmyathlete
    Findingmyathlete Posts: 57 Member
    oh i also sometimes drink water when I'm craving something. I tell myself "If you want it you have to first drink 8 oz of water". Sometimes it kills the craving and I'm not hungry. But if I'm still hungry I'll eat it but with in my calorie budget and no more.
  • this might sound funny but i agree with the guy who said roll your food on the floor....i drive a truck,,,,,and i throw food out the window...otherwise i will eat whatever i have in front of me....and sorry to the car that took the twinkies on the windshield!!!!:smile:
  • SanDiegoCasey
    SanDiegoCasey Posts: 130 Member
    Portion control is eating too many grapes, veggies, chicken, shrimp etc..... or otherwise healthy foods.

    Eating Junk, is eating junk... Don't eat junk! and you'll have no problem with portion sizes! :D
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    This is not portion control. It is choice of foods control. I know you don't want to be rude to your friends' mother, but you must choose either to eat the choice and exercise a lot later or drink water and carry a snack in your purse/tote. At home, there will always be bad choices because other people want to eat their way. You can choose to eat it and then work off the calories or pick up healthy snacks like apples or something under 200 calories. You may want to do the exercise first and then you won't have an excuse not to work it off.

    The idea of always using a plate is a really good idea. Good luck.
  • This is a challenge for me too. The thing that works best for me is to slap a bag of carrot sticks on my desk or on the kitchen counter. Usually when I'm munching uncontrollably I really just want to eat. The taste at this point doesn't mean that much to me. (Holy Revelation when I figured that out!). So, I figure if I'm going to be noshing away mindlessly why not nosh on something really good for me?

    Usually when I do this I will reward myself with a small portion of something truly truly delicious later - once I'm out of the "just shovel it in your face" mood.
  • NorthWoodsLee
    NorthWoodsLee Posts: 92 Member
    I've found that it's a huge help never to let yourself get too hungry. If you eat 5 or 6 small meals - 1 small meal at least every 3 hours - you shouldn't get so hungry that you'll be overwhelmingly tempted. The food choices you make at each meal also can hurt or help you. I find that eating so that I don't get sugar highs and lows - e.g., eating no processed flours and eating protein with my carbs - also helps.