Not Losing :(



  • the number on the scale is just a number,,,but, it is a validation for all of your hard efforts. No doubt, if the scale said you lost 4 pounds this week, you would be on cloud 9. the same way that when it says no gain, it is a mental slap in the face. we all need validation for our hard efforts, and the scale is just one place
  • Well you can't aim for 1.5 lbs of weight loss per week.. It's a very aggressive goal. I can bet you are already in a normal range but are aiming to lose 15 lbs of fat (according to your ticket). At most, you want to aim for 1lb per week, but realistically, it's more like 1/2 lb per week. In ten weeks, I have lost 5 lbs and only have 8 more lbs of fat I can lose to maintain my lbm. This would put me at 187 lbs at 6% body fat. The next bigger question is, do you know your body fat? If you don't, you should spend $10 and get some calipers. Knowing your body fat will allow you to understand you true weight goal and here is why. When I first started my weight loss journey, I wanted to be 175 (i started around 205) because that is what I was in high school. Well after researching and finding out I had 167 lbs of lean body mass, I would have to cut 10 lbs of muscle to achieve those results. So I upped my weight goal by 10 lbs. Muscle is key to a healthy body. The more you have, the better your body will function. You will be less prone to injury, have a better immune system, a faster metabolism and better insulin control. Also, muscle is lean... so your body will be tighter (as demonstrated in the two links below).

    Now, that I have my rant out of the way, lets try to look at your caloric requirements. If you want to post your age, weight, height and workout routine, we can estimate your true needs and then get you to slowly increase your calories. If you don't want to publicly post, then send me a private message. Generally, women are around 1700-2000 if they are active.

    This. ^^^ I agree 110%
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I guess I need to acutally take my measurements so that I can track that also. I just don't understand the whole BMR thing and what I should be at. I know here in order to lose 1.5 lbs per week it has me at the 1200 calories/day, but I have myself set at sedentary due to sitting all day at a desk. On my workout days, which is 4 days a week I do cardio & weights, but I do not use all my exercise calories. Are you "suppose" to use all of them? I know on the 1200 calories when I dont work out, I am using all 1200!

    Are your just trying to lose 18 more lbs or is that just an interim goal? If just those few, you shouldn't try to lose them at 1.5 per week. Try .5 to 1 per week instead. The closer you get to your goal, the slower it's going to come off.

    In other words, eat more, even if it's just eating your workout calories back.
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    the number on the scale is just a number,,,but, it is a validation for all of your hard efforts. No doubt, if the scale said you lost 4 pounds this week, you would be on cloud 9. the same way that when it says no gain, it is a mental slap in the face. we all need validation for our hard efforts, and the scale is just one place

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I understand that it's the best of intentions when folks say ignore the scale, but then cheer at a loss, but it's disheartening to see that stupid number stay the same day after day or week after week!