I've lost me table!!!!

For the past 20 years or so I've had a built in table when I sat in my recliner....yep it was my belly. Big enough to hold a full plate without wobbling at all. Nothing I was proud of and got so used to having that I never even thought about it. Well I'm 70 pounds less now and my built in table has disappeared...if I try to sit my plate down now it falls to my lap. YIPPEEEEEE what a difference it makes and how much happier it makes me to have to hold my plate. I'm hoping within the next six months having enough room beside me that my dog will be able to sit beside me...take one meal at a time.


  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I am so proud of you. You've accomplished a lot. I've found that I now have a lap to hold my cat on. Losing wt. sure makes a difference in how you look and feel. Keep up the great work. I'll be there to support you along the way. Kimberlee
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Well done mate, how exciting for you, you have lost an awesome amount of weight and you should be very proud of yurself. WELL DONE!!!!
  • wagsie
    wagsie Posts: 14 Member
    You have done really well, and should be really proud of what you have achieved, your weight loss is awesome and a real incentive to the rest of us.

    its a really good feeling to actually notice things that have changed in your body. My first thing I noticed was that in the body toning classes I started to be able to touch my toes for the first time in years, now I can do my shoes up whilst sitting in a chair without struggling,

    Keep up the good work :)
  • kasmusic3PA
    kasmusic3PA Posts: 36 Member
    Major major accomplishment, I felt great just to be able to sit in a booth at a restaurant without my boobs sitting on the table, too.
    (HaHaHa but so true). You have done so well, and you inspire so many with all of your knowledge and wisdom. Jerry, you are truely amazing and awesome. You will reach your next goal and Shadow will be able to sit next to you but you might have to have
    a higher table so Shadow doesn't eat all you meals, LOL. Great inspiration for us all... Thanks for being my friend
  • awesome job my friend.....when i started, i use a tony little gazelle for exercising. my stomach would slap from side to side really annoyingly. now, almost 4 months later and 31 pounds down, my stomach is alot tighter and it doesnt do that anymore...keep up the good work!!!
  • sweetkeys
    sweetkeys Posts: 81 Member
    That's terrific!!!! You have your weight loss victory as well as an amazing NSV - way to go!!!!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks everyone...sure feels good.